DIY leather bracelet

Homemade jewelry is a great way to show off your individuality and style. Making a leather bracelet is not only an exciting activity, but also a way to turn your fantasies into reality. A leather accessory can be worn not only by a woman, but also by a man: it all depends on the style of the product. Read about how to make an original decoration with your own hands in today’s article.

What kind of leather are bracelets made from?

When making a bracelet, the first priority is the choice of material. It is quite obvious that the accessory can be made with great success from both natural and artificial leather. It all depends on the person’s personal preferences and beliefs. If you are going to weave a bracelet, then choose thin and elastic leather. Thick leather is also perfect for a rough wristband. For some models, leather cords are chosen. They are usually very soft and comfortable to work with.

Advice! It is not necessary to make a bracelet from natural-colored leather. Handicraft stores sell colored artificial and natural materials. They are suitable for children's jewelry or accessories for young women. Paired with fun pendants, they look absolutely stunning.

What types of leather bracelets are there?

There are so many varieties of leather bracelets! Because of the neutral material, they are worn by both men, women, and even children. They can be divided into:

  • widewide and narrow. The first are similar in shape to wristbands and can completely cover the wrist;
  • woven from cords, thin strips of leather;
  • using jewelry: pendants, charms, beads. Sometimes the bracelet is woven using threads or strips of other fabric;
  • with punched perforation, completely smooth;
  • with different types of fasteners. Accessories can be worn without a special fastener, may have buttons or buttons, and sometimes even fastened like a trouser belt. Often wicker models are simply tied on the hand using small laces.

In general, there are a huge number of bracelet options! Everyone can choose for themselves what suits their taste, style and convenience. Let's choose and make one of the bracelet options together.

Making a women's leather wristband

A wristband is not only a sports attribute. A stylish wide bracelet is easy to make from leather. Moreover, it will not look rude, but very feminine. Let's make a female version - add a little glamor and aesthetics.

Materials and tools

To make the accessory you will need:

  • natural or artificial leather (must be sufficiently elastic);
  • a piece of cardboard (not too thick - it should bend according to your hand);
  • ballpoint pen;
  • scissors;
  • glue for leather and textiles (you can also use “Moment”);
  • glue brush;
  • needle with thread;
  • thimble;
  • awl;
  • hammer;
  • beads, beads - if necessary, if you want to decorate your wristband with them.

Manufacturing process

Initially, you will need to make a pattern for the future bracelet. Its length depends on the thickness of the place where you plan to wear it. Measure your hand with a measuring tape - this will be the length of the pattern. Determine the width as you wish. Cut out a pattern from cardboard - you should get an oval (see image). Further:

Important! The thicker the wristband you want, the thicker the cardboard you take. You can make several layers and stick them on top of each other.

  • wristband 1transfer the pattern onto the skin in two copies. Cut one straight along the line, and add half a cm everywhere to the other;
  • Take a cardboard template and a large leather pattern. Glue it onto the cardboard, and carefully wrap the protruding parts, forming neat bends. Glue them firmly - this will be the wrong side of the bracelet. Later it will be closed with our second pattern. When gluing, do not stretch the skin, but gently smooth it. Correct all “wrinkles” on the front side immediately, it will be impossible to do this later.
  • wristband 2After drying the base of the bracelet, you can start decorating the front side. Use your imagination and come up with an interesting pattern. At this stage, the bracelet can be stitched through using a thread and a needle. In this way, sew on beads, beads or other decorations. If you like, use braid or lace - it should be carefully glued or also sewn through;
  • After the decoration, there were some ugly moments left on the wrong side. You need to cover all of them with the second piece of the pattern.Lubricate the underside with glue and apply the leather. Smooth out and wait until the finished base dries;
  • wristband 3then proceed to making the fastener. Glue a narrow lace from the remaining leather. If there is no suitable piece, take a ready-made lace;
  • Holes for the cord must be punched on both edges of the bracelet. We recommend doing this using an awl and a hammer. Perform these steps with great care to avoid injury;
  • pass the lace through both holes. With its help you can adjust the girth of the product. All is ready. You can try on your masterpiece!

How to weave a bracelet from leather cords?

You can weave a very feminine bracelet from thin leather laces. There are many ways. Weave a braid, make a tourniquet, hang pendants - everything is in your hands. Today we will look at a fashionable model with beads, which will not be difficult to make. All you need is an evening of free time, a good mood and some materials.

What and how much is needed for this?

For a leather bracelet with a strip of beads you will need:

  • leather cord. The required length can be determined as follows: arm circumference multiplied by two. Take it with a reserve - in case you want to make more turns around the arm or string;
  • thin threads to match the color of the skin;
  • a handful of beads or small beads;
  • thin and sharp needle;
  • scissors;
  • The clasp for the bracelet is a button. You can do without it - then make the diameter larger so that the bracelet can easily fit on your hand.

How to do it - step by step

Prepare everything you need, in particular a workspace, and start creating. Follow the following instructions:

  • from lace 1thread the needle and fold the lace in half;
  • Starting from the place where the cord is folded, using simple stitches, begin to sew its opposite parts together.At the same time, you need to string the beads and place them between the laces. Do not start stitches from the very beginning: leave a small loop, with which you will later fasten the bracelet;
  • string enough beads to wrap your hand at least once. The length can be increased so that it is enough for several turns;
  • from lace 2do not cut the thread. Cut the opposite part of the cord. On the side where the thread remains, sew a button with a diameter that matches the left loop. You can sew the cut end of the second cord to the first one so that nothing sticks out;
  • cut the thread and fasten the bracelet on your hand. All is ready. This bracelet is suitable for boho, hippie, and casual styles. It can even fit into some festive women's looks. If you choose a “cheerful” color of beads, then you can safely give the jewelry to a little fashionista.

How to create a men's leather bracelet?

Men's accessories are distinguished by laconicism and rigor. A men's leather bracelet must meet these criteria.

What will you need?

  • A piece of leather;
  • tape measure;
  • scissors or sharp knife;
  • hammer;
  • buttons;
  • device for installing buttons.

Manufacturing algorithm

  1. male 1Before making a bracelet, measure your wrist to determine the length of the future product;
  2. take a piece of leather and cut out the base. You can do this by eye, or you can draw outlines from the wrong side. The base can be either rectangular or have an intricate shape: one side is narrower than the other (see example in the photo);
  3. wrap the blank around the brush and figure out where the button should be. This model of bracelet should not sit too loosely, but should not put pressure;
  4. male 2Make marks on the reverse side with a pen - parts of the button will be located there.By the way, you can make marks while the workpiece is still on your hand - just insert a pin there so that the puncture remains on both layers. Be careful not to puncture your hand;
  5. the buttons are punched either with a special apparatus (press) or using a set for installing buttons and a hammer. Don't forget that the button has two parts, each of which is attached to two sides of the skin. All in one button 4 parts. If you have doubts and are afraid of ruining the product, the buttons are installed in the studio quickly and professionally;
  6. male 3After these manipulations, you can finish and try on the accessory, or you can install another button for beauty. A stylish and laconic men's bracelet is ready.

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