DIY red thread bracelet

DIY red thread braceletA red thread bracelet is so popular today that it is worn by women of different generations, different social statuses and religions. At the same time, some give the bracelet a special magical meaning, while others wear it as an ordinary accessory, a kind of fashion statement. But one way or another, the bracelet is from the red thread is surrounded by an endless number of magical tales, legends and beliefs. The aura of this amulet protects against negative energy and malevolent influences. At the same time, the bracelet is often used as an amulet to attract good luck in all endeavors and attract positive good energy. The main rule by which the talisman works is faith in its strength and positive attitude.. So today we will try to make a red thread bracelet with our own hands and check whether it really works...

Important! Enhances the effect of the zirconium bracelet. This is an incredibly strong stone that gives its owner strength of spirit, love of truth, wisdom and a desire for self-knowledge.

How to weave a talisman from a red thread against the evil eye

from the evil eyeThe evil eye is a powerful negative energy that every person wants to get rid of. That is why these amulets are so common. Let's weave such a talisman from a red woolen thread and a pendant. Regarding pendants, strong ones in this direction are the Kabbalistic Hamsa, depicting a palm, and the “blue eye” - a blue bead with a pattern in the shape of an eye. Of course, such amulets are easy to find in jewelry stores or souvenir departments. But only an amulet made with your own hands, in accordance with the rules, will bring the desired result.

Important! The energy of the red thread bracelet is all-encompassing. It protects against the evil eye, damage, and negative messages. The red thread also attracts good luck, success, and fulfills even the most secret dreams and desires.

Let's prepare a red thread made of natural wool, a blue eye (a blue bead with holes for the thread) and a silver Hamsa.

Completing of the work

First you need to thread the thread through the blue bead and tie 7 knots. We thread a thread into the loop of the Hamsa amulet and also tie it with 7 knots.

Basic rules for tying knots

  • 7 is a divine number, initially endowed with power.
  • When making a bracelet tying knots is best left to a loving and close person. It is very important that such a person has strong strong-willed qualities, so the effect of the amulet will be significantly enhanced.
  • The amulet should be cast and prayers read on it during the waxing Moon, which is considered the most magically powerful.
  • Tying the bracelet should also be sealed with a specific prayer.

Important! A red thread made of wool, tied by a mother to a child, will protect the baby from everything bad that is in this world.

After all, a mother’s prayer, as we know, is the most powerful, and a mother’s prayer, combined with the energy of the red thread, is doubly stronger. Be sure to put the thread on the child’s left hand.

How to weave bracelets with different possibilities

Important! The tradition of wearing the described accessory is revered by representatives of a large number of countries.

For example, the Chinese and Japanese believe that a person is connected to his other half by an invisible red thread. The Jews have a tradition of tying a red thread on the hand of a newborn, so it will protect him from all evil spirits and evil.

Bracelet for making wishes come true

Let's select a red thread along with 7 beads. We begin to weave on a sunny morning, completely alone. All thoughts should be tuned to achieving your desires. At the same time, it is necessary to think about 7 stages on the path to realizing your innermost dream.

fulfillment of desires

Weaving pattern

  • Let's cut three threads equal to three lengths of the wrist.
  • Let's tie them at the edge with a knot, which will become the personification of desire itself.
  • We are braiding, thinking about the very first stage of the 7 planned.
  • After the third part of weaving, we string the bead.
  • We weave, thinking about the second step, and then insert the next bead.
  • After all the beads have been strung and all the steps have been thought through, we fasten the bracelet with a knot, accompanying the ritual with the words: “I strengthen the knot, I make the dream come true. Amen".

Bracelet to attract good luck

Let's prepare a ball of red woolen thread, scissors, and a ruler. Choose one from the suggested accessories:

  • coin attracts comfortable life;
  • little key - guarantor real estate acquisition;
  • heart pendant will provide luck in love affairs.

with a key

Manufacturing procedure

  • Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, we light three candles and, placing them on the table, form a triangle. The fire should be at eye level.
  • In the center of the triangle we place all the required attributes.
  • Cut off three threads outlining the wrist.
  • We connect them with a strong knot.
  • We braid the braid, accompanying the braiding with the words of the spell: “I take good luck and braid it. Bring me happiness, help me in all matters.” We hang the selected pendant in the center of the bracelet.

Anti-damage bracelet

Wool thread is best, but if you don’t have it, you can use floss thread.

We braid it and then wrap it around our hand. It is best when such an amulet is created by the hands of a loved one. At the same time, he must read a prayer. The made amulet will not only protect against damage, but will also get rid of it forever.

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