Rose quartz bracelet for women: properties, jewelry review

Rose quartz

Rose quartz - This is one of the varieties of semi-precious stones. It is also known as hyaline quartz. The stone has a pale pink color, transparency and glassy luster. It also has a hexagonal crystal system and belongs to the quartz mineral class. The healing meaning of rose quartz is love and compassion.

Main characteristics:

  • associated with the heart and throat chakra;
  • enhances all types of self-love and care;
  • shipped from Japan, Madagascar, Brazil and the USA;
  • associated with Aphrodite and Adonis.

The blush shade of rose quartz encased in the bracelet seems to touch everyone's heart. There is something about this soft and feminine crystal that exudes pure love. It is no surprise that the meaning of rose quartz is universal love.

The stone is closely associated with both the heart and throat chakras. But this is not a stone that is simply associated with romance.Rose Quartz gently enhances all types of love, from healing with family to developing deeper connections with spouses and friends.

Origin story

Like all the ancient and highly revered stones of the world, rose quartz was created by the Assyrians as precious jewelry back in 800 BC. Since then, this soft and bright quartz has passed from civilization to civilization; it was considered iconic by the Greeks, prevented signs of aging by the Egyptians, and was used as a symbol of property during the Roman Empire. Everyone believed in the passionate power of rare and regal Rose Quartz.

Like the sun rising after rain, or spring sunlight breaking through winter snow, rose quartz has colors that lend themselves well to romantic art. Some rose quartz crystals can be as pale as a new dawn, while others are almost purple. It can be smoky, cloudy, or clear like water.

Where are rose quartz bracelets popular?

Rose quartz bracelet

Rose quartz is valued in all corners of the globe - from the zen mountains of Japan, to Madagascar, the coast of Brazil and even South Dakota. Rose quartz gets its name from the pale pink hue of its color and from the Greek word Hyalos, meaning glass. This stone is rich in legends and is synonymous with the capricious Gods and Goddesses of history such as Aphrodite and Adonis.

Healing properties of bracelets

The energy of love, abundance, joy - the healing properties of rose quartz manifest themselves quickly, especially in the difficult climate in which the world finds itself these days.

Main qualities:

  1. Helps improve blood circulation.
  2. Strengthens heart health.
  3. Useful during pregnancy.

Along with the wonders of mental healing, rose quartz has wonderful healing properties for the body. According to healers, the bracelet can help prevent thrombosis and heart attacks, improve blood circulation and keep the heart muscles smooth and strong.

Due to its deep feminine energy, rose quartz is believed to help protect the mother and unborn child from problems during pregnancy. For new mothers, rose quartz is a stone to have on hand, as it is said to help create unbreakable bonds and allow love energy to flow like a fountain to the child.

Mental and emotional healing properties:

  • Helps heal emotional wounds;
  • Attracts more compassion and care.

Another name by which rose quartz is known is heart stone. As mentioned, rose quartz is closely associated with the heart chakra, and this crystal is often used to help the heart heal from pain or trauma left behind by deep emotional wounds. A rose quartz bracelet is also used as a calling card for those who crave more love in their life.

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