DIY shamballa bracelet

Shambhala bracelets have unusual properties and many consider them to be a source of magical power of incredible scale and effectiveness.

What is the peculiarity and power of the Shambhala bracelet?

The history of this bracelet goes far into the past, and it received its name from an ancient country, mentions of which are found in the tales and legends of Asia and Altai. Residents of the Altai region, like Tibetan monks, used special knots to weave beads into cords, and after weaving came to India, precious stones began to be woven into bracelets, which were supposed to have a special influence on the fate of their owner. People believed that such an amulet would protect them from the evil eye and bad thoughts, and would also give them strength. In the past, bracelets looked completely different, but modern versions can also have magical properties, especially if such an amulet is made by hand.

DIY shamballa bracelet

The main components for creating a Shambhala amulet

Weaving does not require complex and expensive materials; it is enough to purchase the following items:

  • A strong rope or lace, leather, waxed or synthetic, as well as paracord threads are suitable;
  • Wooden beads or stones in the desired color or colors. Materials of natural origin carry a much stronger energy charge, so you should give preference to stones and wood.

IMPORTANT. It is worth giving preference to beads with a large hole in the middle in order to make it easier to set on the main cord. If you plan to weave small beads with a narrow hole into the bracelet, it is worth preparing an additional, thinner cord or thread.

Also, don’t forget about the tools: scissors, ruler, tape, glue or lighter.

The color of the cord and beads is of great importance, because not only materials, but also colors carry different energies, which means they can serve different purposes.

How to weave a bracelet step by step

For the bracelet you will need three cords about 50 cm long, which must be tied together in a knot. For convenience, you can secure the ends of the threads with tape on a horizontal surface.


IMPORTANT. In order to better understand and remember the algorithm for weaving knots, you can practice and knit a test bracelet from threads of different colors. When weaving with one color, you should carefully monitor the position of the threads, and also strive for a uniform density of all knots.

The algorithm for weaving knots is quite simple and consists of two steps that alternate with each other. In this case, the middle thread remains practically motionless. The beads will be placed on it in the future.

First step. We place the left cord on the middle one, creating a loop on the left. We shift the right cord so that it is on the free part of the left one, but under the middle one. Next, from the bottom up, carefully pull the right one into the loop formed between the middle and left cords.Now we tighten the resulting knot, in the middle of which there should be a middle fixed thread.

Second step. It is necessary to perform the same actions, but change the position of the threads: the left cord will go under the middle one, and the right one will go under the left one, but above the middle one. We pull the right cord into the loop again, but now from top to bottom. Tighten the knot. A knot formed after both steps will be considered a complete knot.

We alternate steps until approximately a quarter of the entire bracelet is ready. Now let's get back to the beads. We put the first bead on the middle cord, place it as closely as possible to the already completed knots, and then repeat step one again, braiding the bead with threads. Next, we weave several knots (depending on the size of the selected beads) and add the next one.

weaving pattern

After the required number of beads are woven into the cords, you can return to repeating the first and second steps. In order to create neat ends, repeat step one, tighten the knot tightly, coat it with glue and, after complete drying, cut off the left and right threads. We do the same with the beginning of weaving, having previously untied the initial knot.

Schemes and tips

On the Internet you can find many weaving patterns that differ only in the algorithm for creating nodes. It is also worth paying attention to the various ways to attach a bracelet to your hand: adjustable clasps, various knots and ready-made fittings for fastening. In addition, you can make the lock yourself using the same knots, if you take a separate cord for this and instead of the middle thread use the ends of the amulet, folded together in opposite directions.

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