How to clean a gold bracelet at home?

Gold is the noblest metal. Immediately after purchase, products made from it shine and shimmer and have a deep tint. Over time, the severity of these qualities decreases. This indicates that small particles have accumulated on the surface of the jewelry. They must be removed to return the original characteristics of the jewelry.

a gold bracelet

Basic rules for cleaning a gold bracelet at home

Care must be carried out systematically.

Prolonged lack of cleaning leads to the accumulation of dust and secretions from the human body on the surface of the jewelry. The dirt gets compacted and becomes difficult to separate. Its elimination will ultimately require radical measures, which will entail the appearance of defects on the jewelry and the accompanying depreciation.


Lack of care leads to darkening of gold.

The cleaning itself requires care. Do not soak the rings for a long time (follow the instructions carefully), or use brute physical force.Because of it, the integrity of the staples will be compromised, the ears and protruding parts of the pattern will be bent, or simply scratches will appear on the surface.

To avoid such consequences, combine different cleaning methods, but do not rely on mechanical action. If traditional methods of care are ineffective, contact professionals. It's better to trust them than to ruin an expensive item.

What products should not be used to clean gold surfaces?

a gold bracelet

Gold is a very fragile metal. To avoid defects, products made from it cannot be processed or cleaned:

  • hard rags;
  • metal jaws;
  • needles, iron clips, pins (even for cleaning holes in openwork weaving);
  • abrasive substances.

Additional prohibitions apply to jewelry with real stones and white gold. The latter should not come into contact with tooth powder or paste, and the former should not come into contact with acid-containing products (including vinegar).

How to quickly clean a gold bracelet?

a gold bracelet

The list of recommended procedures boils down to soaking and polishing. The first option helps soften and dissolve formations, returning shine and natural shade. The second consolidates the results obtained.

When working, use only soft cloths. For example, microfiber. Ideal option: purchase specialized cleaning wipes.

Store products

Jewelry stores sell special compositions for baths. When purchasing, pay attention to the scope of application of the product. If it is only suitable for silver or platinum, then it should not be used on gold jewelry.

Folk remedies



Dissolve 2 pinches of washing powder in 1 tsp. ammonia. Pour the mixture into a glass of warm water and bring to a boil over low heat. Remove from the burner and let cool, and as soon as the product stops burning, soak the jewelry in it for 2 hours. After the specified period, remove the jewelry, rinse thoroughly with clean water and wipe dry with a very soft cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Dissolve 2 tablespoons of peroxide and 1 fluff of liquid soap in a glass of warm water. Use the resulting product as a base for the bath. The procedure should not last longer than 20-30 minutes. At the end of the event, be sure to rinse and blot with a soft cloth.


Ingredients and Tools:

  • 4 tablespoons salt;
  • a glass of hot water;
  • clean water (for rinsing);
  • rag;
  • not an iron bowl.

Dissolve salt in a glass of boiling water, make sure that all the granules disperse. Soak the decoration in the product for 12 hours. Rinse and dry.



This method is not recommended and is considered a last resort. It comes down to applying powder to the toothbrush and further mechanical cleaning.


Grate the vegetable and separate the liquid from the solid particles. Soak the decoration in onion juice for several hours, remove, rinse and dry.



  • 2 tbsp. l. baking soda;
  • foil;
  • a glass of hot water.


Line the bottom and sides of a bowl with foil, pour water into it and add baking soda. When visible signs of a chemical reaction disappear, place the ring or bracelet in a plate and leave for 10 hours.


Mix soda with hydrogen peroxide in the proportions necessary to obtain a slurry. Apply the paste to a rag and wipe the jewelry with it.


Mix laundry soap flakes (grate the bar) and chalk in equal proportions, add water.Dip a toothbrush into the mixture and polish the jewelry with it.


To prepare a homemade cleaning mass, take an egg white and ½ glass of beer (the type and strength of the drink are not important, but the amount of additives should be minimal). Mix the ingredients, lightly whisk the mixture, and then saturate a clear rag with it. Wipe the decoration with a rag.

Use an ear stick to clean small parts. It should also be soaked in the product.

a gold bracelet

Features of cleaning a gold bracelet with precious stones

a gold bracelet

3 key guidelines:

  • Form. Untreated stones with natural protrusions and holes should not be rubbed with powders. The grains will fall into the holes and will be difficult to get out.
  • Tendency to darken. With this feature, the stone should not be allowed to dry naturally. After a bath or wet cleaning, you need to wipe the gem dry with a very soft, colorless rag.
  • You also need to consider cost. Very expensive minerals should not be soaked. Instead, they are wrapped in wipes soaked in cleaning product.

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