How to make a bracelet from threads and beads

Do you want to add a new handmade bracelet to your jewelry collection, but don’t like working with beads? Replace it with beads - with them, wicker structures turn out no worse, and even more interesting and attractive. Products in the style are especially popular fenugreek.

shamballa bracelet


Let's start with the simplest one called the “double flat knot”.

The base is always in the center; it must be stretched as much as possible to make working comfortable. Weaving description below:

  1. The cord located to the right of No. o1 is thrown over and taken under No. o4. And No. o4 is taken out under the base, pulled into the loop that was made from No. o1. The same is repeated on the other side. No. o1 is carried out above the base, under No. o4. The same is done by swapping the order of the cords.
  2. The action must be repeated as many times as necessary to cover the length of the product. At the end of the weaving, it is important to remember to carefully tighten it. Ready.
flat knot

The process of weaving the bracelet itself can be clearly studied in the photo diagram:


A metal ring to which the free knot ends can be attached can act as a fastener.They are attached to it with double flat knots, which remain on the other edge of the bracelet. The main thing is not to tighten them too tightly: they should move freely inside the braid.

double shamballa

Many craftswomen in the process of work are faced with the fact that the ends of the cords fluff and unravel. You can avoid this by slightly scorching them with fire from a match or lighter. You can also coat them with colorless varnish.

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