Macrame patterns for weaving bracelets

macrame 55This type of needlework, like macrame, appeared quite a long time ago. This is one of the most popular techniques for creating jewelry. Using this knot weaving technique, you can create almost any type of jewelry, from the simplest rings to luxurious necklaces. Bracelets are among the most popular jewelry of this kind.

Materials and tools for macrame

macrame pillowTo create jewelry using this technique, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • threads, cords, ropes - the main material;
  • the basis for weaving is a hard pad, a piece of polystyrene foam or a stationery tablet with a clip;
  • pins for fastening individual elements;
  • decorative elements: beads, balls, buttons, buckles;
  • scissors;
  • pliers.

In addition, bracelets may also require: a crochet hook (for pulling threads through complex knots) and a knitting needle (may be required for tying knots).

macrame tools

Reference! The knot weaving technique was used in Ancient Greece, Assyria, Iran, and Peru.In the 17th century, this type of needlework became widespread in Northern Europe and North America.

Macrame for beginners bracelet weaving patterns

Many patterns for weaving jewelry of this kind are quite suitable for beginners who want to try their hand at such an activity. You can use one of the options proposed below, below is a step-by-step diagram with a photo.

Basic knots for beginners

Before starting work It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main components, used in this technique.

To do "herculean knot", you need to take 2 threads and secure with a pin. The right thread is braided under the left, then the thread on the left is braided from bottom to top, forming a loop. The process should be continued until the desired length is reached, after which you need to tie a knot at the end.

macrame knot

To do "straight knot“2 threads will be required, which must be fixed with indirect fastening so as to form 4 “tails”. The middle threads will serve as the main threads, and the outer ones will act as workers. You need to take the working thread on the right and bring it behind the warp and the working thread on the left. Then you should take the working thread on the left and bring it under the main one. The same thread must be inserted from below into a loop located between the working thread and the main thread.

macrame straight knot

Other knots using the macrame technique:

macrame basic knots

Light blue single knot bracelet “Josephine”

Beginners are recommended to start mastering macrame with this model.

macrame bracelet 1

Weaving stages:

Simple bracelet with vertical bracelets

When making such jewelry using the macrame technique, the “vertical brids».

macrame brids

This is done as follows:

  1. As a base, you need to take a long thread and attach 2 threads to it.
  2. Then vertically you should perform “rep knots": for each thread from the left side to the right.
  3. When will it be completed first brida, the working thread must be turned over and weaving patterns continue in the opposite direction.

The 2-color bracelet is ready!

Bracelet with beads

To weave a similar decoration, reminiscent of the now popular shamballa bracelet, you will need 2 laces of similar shades and several large beads.

macrame 30Technique:

  • Folded in half main lace must be placed in front of you with the ends down. Under this cord you need to place a worker of a darker shade horizontally.

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  • Dark cord must be tied in a knot around the main one (as shown in the photo). 5-7 cm of the base cord should be left free; they will be useful when working on the clasp. After this, you should make another knot according to the instructions.
  • Required about 8 braids and put the bead on both ends of the base cord. Then you need to wrap the working cord around it, after which you can continue working.
  • In the process it is recommended Always check the length of the bracelet with your wrist size. An odd number of beads looks better than an even number in such a decoration.
  • When the decoration reaches the desired length, The dark lace must be tied with a strong knot and the ends trimmed.
  • To form a fastener The bracelet must be rolled into a circle and the edges of the working cord placed on top of each other. Using a dark cord you need to weave about 8 knots on them, tie the ends tightly and trim off the excess. The bracelet is ready.

Advice! The loose ends can be decorated with two knots with small beads placed between them.

Stylish amulet bracelet “Shambhala”

macrame 40To make this popular decoration you will need to prepare:

  • cord of the desired shade - 3 m (it is better not to use fleecy threads for this purpose);
  • beads with large holes through which you can pass 2 cords;
  • sharp scissors;
  • paper clips or pins;
  • pliers.


  1. Need to prepare 2 pieces of lace 60 cm each and one piece 1.8 m. 20 cm should be left as an allowance. You need to attach 2 threads to a soft working surface with clamps or pins. The long thread will be working. It must be placed under the base threads (they are blue in the photo).
  2. You can start weaving from any side, for example, from the right. You need to tighten the cords tightly to form half a square knot. To form the second half, the same steps must be repeated on the other side. The resulting square knot must be tightened well. The number of knots between beads depends on personal preference, but an odd number looks more attractive.
  3. Loose lace tails can be removed with a needle. To do this, you need to pull it in through the final square knot. It will be easier to do this with pliers. Excess threads need to be trimmed.
  4. The bracelet should be closed in a circle and fixed small pieces of thread. You need to cut off a part of the cord about 30 cm long from the skein and fold it under the threads of the decoration (of which there are only 4). Square knots need to be tied to form a lock of approximately 1.5 cm. The ends of the threads can be hidden in the middle of the knots. The “tails” should be divided in pairs, and knots should be tied on each pair. You can decorate them with beads - this will help prevent the ends from slipping out of the knot.

macrame 41

You can use a convenient “sliding" knot for adjustment described in detail in the article:

Macrame, like other types of needlework, provides unlimited opportunities for the manifestation of imagination and creativity. Bracelets made using this technique have a spectacular and unusual look. Such jewelry can become a stylish addition to your look.

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