On which hand do men wear a bracelet?

The rules of etiquette relate not only to social norms of human behavior. They also extend to images of people, including decorative elements that people love. By looking at the decoration on a person’s wrist, you can tell a lot about its owner, outlook on life and preferences.On which hand do men wear a bracelet?

On store shelves there is a huge assortment of men's jewelry made from metal, leather, threads and even beads. But what kind of wrist should a man wear it on? This is what we will talk about today.


A gold bracelet is an expensive piece of jewelry that not everyone can buy for themselves. In most cases, it is preferred by respectable people who have devoted most of their lives to work and business.a gold bracelet

According to the rules of etiquette, such jewelry should not be chosen for going to work. But at the same time, this is a great option for a romantic meeting or an evening with friends. The bracelet is worn exclusively on the right hand.If you wear a bracelet and a watch at the same time, you need to take into account the fact that the watch should not be inferior in cost.

Important! Gold jewelry should not be worn even under the most expensive tracksuit that you could find in a boutique.

Steel bracelet

Every year it becomes more and more popular, both among men of respectable age and among young boys. It is believed that such jewelry best emphasizes the willpower and masculinity of its owner. You can wear it on any wrist, at your discretion. Often it is put on the hand that is most visible, that is, on the right, because most people write and do most of the work with their right hand.

Steel bracelet


Decorative elements made from high-quality metals are considered masculine. Bracelets made of silver are considered relevant. This decoration is suitable for the stronger sex of any age category and can be considered universal.

It is perfect for both a social event and office work. In addition, such jewelry made of precious metal is considered one of the most budget-friendly options, which is also important.

SilverThe choice depends on the age of the man. For example, a massive piece of jewelry made according to an individual design is well suited for an adult man. For a young guy, you can buy a bracelet in the form of a chain.

Another advantage of silver is its unique ability to have a beneficial effect on well-being and protect against ill-wishers.

So which hand should you wear it on? According to etiquette, it must be worn on the right hand. But there is still a small exception for married people. According to the rules of etiquette, you should not wear jewelry made of different metals. Therefore, if the wedding ring is made of gold, then you should not wear it at the same time as a silver one on the same hand.


Is it even possible for guys to buy a bracelet with beads or is this only a girl’s option? Many centuries ago, men wore a beaded bracelet as a talisman.

Such a bracelet can also be seen on the hand of a modern man. This is a unique accessory that can not only complement the image, but also bring the inner world into a harmonious state. This bracelet can be worn on the right wrist.


Magnetic is used not only as an accessory, but also as a talisman. It can be made from hematite and copper. It has a good effect on a person’s well-being. The most common are copper. It has been used for many years to treat back pain. You need to wear it on the hand where there are more active points, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s your right wrist or your left.


What does a bracelet tell about its owner?

As has already been written, there are many men’s hand jewelry, which, first of all, differ in the metal they are made of. Psychologists are confident that you can see a lot about a person from an accessory.

  • For example, gold jewelry is chosen by leaders who are active and confident.
  • Silver is preferred by men who adore sharp turns in life and are amazed by their prudence and restraint.
  • Wicker decorative elements are chosen by people who love surprises.
  • If a person chooses a bracelet made simultaneously from several materials, this indicates his desire to experiment.
  • If you choose several decorations at the same time, it is very important that they are in harmony with each other. For example, an example of bad taste is the combination of gold and silver jewelry at the same time.

What rules should you consider when wearing a bracelet?

With the help of a properly selected bracelet, you can complement your look, add interesting elements, and emphasize your sense of taste, strength and masculinity.

The main rule for combining jewelry:

  • Never put gold and silver items on one hand at once. Other metals can be combined, the main thing is to choose them correctly.
  • The combination of gold and silver at the same time is clearly bad taste.
  • Often men wear jewelry on their right hand, just like girls. This is because the right hand is always in sight.
  • A bracelet made of leather and silver looks very stylish, and is suitable for both an office look and an evening look.
  • Pendant bracelets can even protect a man from the evil eye.

The main rule when choosing is to observe moderation and a sense of style, then the jewelry will definitely become a suitable addition to your image.

Now you know exactly which wrist to wear the bracelet on and you won’t get into an awkward situation.

Reviews and comments
A Anatoly:

I am very interested in your comment about the need to maintain a sense of style. Where can I get this gift of nature or how can I learn it?
It seems to me that if a person has this, then all other thoughts are meaningless. The whole question is where to get it or how to learn it.


