The benefits and harms of a magnetic bracelet

With the advent of the Internet and online stores, people continue to be divided into 2 camps - some believe in many promises from the monitor, others are skeptical about most information on the Internet. So with the advent of fashionable, medicinal wrist bracelets, the same number of questions arose related to their effect on the human body.

One of the healing bracelets turned out to be magnetic. Sellers and experts say that the magnetic field of this jewelry has a beneficial effect on the entire human body and helps treat many diseases, including chronic ones.

magnetic bracelet

Magnetic bracelet - helps or harms

The field of medicinal jewelry does not stand still, and there are quite beautiful and elegant magnetic bracelets on sale. Some people buy these as an accessory, unaware of its impact. Others purchase it for the purpose of healing. But is it possible for everyone to wear magnets?

REFERENCE! The useful properties of the magnetic field were discovered by the American chemist Linus Pauling in the 20th century, and for this discovery he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The benefits of a magnet for the human body are that:

  • hemoglobin in the blood contains iron atoms. The magnetic field causes hemoglobin cells to move faster, and this contributes to better saturation of tissues with oxygen.

magnetic bracelet for men

But in bracelets with magnets there is another type of material - hematite. It is known as a healing stone, which has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and normalizes blood pressure.

In what case is it useful, for whom?

The bracelet should be worn correctly on the wrist. It is believed that this zone produces a magnetic field, which benefits the body. Experts recommend the use of medicinal jewelry for people with:

  • vegetative vascular dystonia or VHT;
  • shortness of breath;
  • angina pectoris;
  • coronary heart disease.

For weight loss. A few years ago, a boom in “magnetic” weight loss began on the Internet. Sellers promise slimness without restrictions on food or exercise. There are hundreds of reviews on the forums that the decoration began to give the desired effect immediately, and after several months, women completely lost excess weight. The products are sold in different styles and are disguised as ordinary jewelry so that prying eyes will not guess its purpose.

women's magnetic bracelets

Here's what explains the benefits of a magnetic bracelet for weight loss:

  • the resulting magnetic field sends impulses to the brain. They affect certain areas, and the brain sends an order to speed up the work of all muscles. As a result of increased work of the muscular system, fat is burned.

IMPORTANT! This bracelet can be worn no more than 5 hours a day, and be sure to take it off before going to bed. This will protect against possible harm and allow all the beneficial properties of the magnet to manifest.

When it can cause harm

Harm from treatment may appear after the first use in the form of poor health. Therefore, it is important to follow the rules for wearing a magnetic bracelet:

  • When you put it on for the first time, remove it after 30 minutes;
  • increase the wearing time gradually, reaching 5 hours a day;
  • It is better to put on in several approaches for 2-3 hours;
  • During the first 3 days, pay close attention to how you feel – during this time, symptoms of magnetic sensitivity may appear.

IMPORTANT! If you are a magnetically sensitive person, you may experience dizziness, nausea, and tingling in your fingertips shortly after using the product.

It doesn’t matter which hand you wear the medicinal jewelry on, except for hypertension and hypertensive crises - in this case, wear it on your right hand.

how to wear a magnetic bracelet

In addition to individual sensitivity, these jewelry have contraindications:

  • oncology;
  • lactation period in women;
  • diabetes;
  • renal failure;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • diseases of the circulatory system

IMPORTANT! You should not put a magnetic bracelet on children; it can cause harm to a fragile body.

Irreparable harm to health can be caused by wearing this bracelet and refusing treatment prescribed by a certified physician. It is useful only as a complex therapy.

The most common wearing mistakes

The most common mistake, especially among young people, is to wear a magnetic bracelet all the time, considering it an ordinary piece of jewelry. Therefore, let us repeat the main rule here - 5 hours a day. You cannot sleep with this jewelry, the body must rest at night, and besides, most people sleep more than 5 hours. A mistake is to wear a bracelet with a watch; it will simply stop working.

The beneficial effect of the magnetic field becomes noticeable after 3 weeks of regular wear.In the future, it can be used until your health improves.

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