Wooden keychain: how to make it yourself from plywood, drawings for beginners

Wooden keychain

Every craftsman has a huge amount of small scraps lying around in his workshop that it’s a pity to throw away. As a rule, this material is suitable for work as it is well dried.

Many connoisseurs of crafts always collect such scraps in a box and, when free time appears, they begin to create. And then various fakes, keychains, and figurines appear. As a rule, many people like such little things, so after making them you can give them to friends and acquaintances.

How to properly process finished products

In order for the keychain to retain its beautiful appearance for many years, it is necessary to properly process the finished workpiece. The polished product must first be soaked in linseed oil. It is the most common, but it can be replaced with a mixture or specialized oil.

Please note: there are transparent oils, and there are some with a tint. The choice is up to you. Any tree can be improved with the help of properly selected tint oil.

Apply a small amount of oil to the product with a brush, leave it for 10-15 minutes and repeat the process after complete drying. After the second time, you need to remove any remaining oil with a dry cloth. Important: small items can be completely immersed in oil. But in this case, the duration of impregnation will increase. The brush can be replaced with a sponge or soft cloth.

This treatment will prevent moisture from entering the pores of the wood, starting the rotting process, and will prevent the spread of fungus.

Final processing:

  • Apply a small amount of special wax to the oil-soaked keychain with a brush.
  • The workpiece should be polished with a soft cloth for about 10 minutes.
  • After a day, use a soft cloth to go over the product again. This way you can achieve a glossy finish.

Which wood is best?

Wooden keychains

The most interesting keychains are made from wood with beautiful patterns of annual rings. So you can safely take birch, apple, rowan, and bird cherry as a base. Some of the above trees have alternating dark and light rings.

However, the color of the material is not so important. After all, it can be tinted with special oils.

Which keychain shape to choose

The shape of the keychain is limited only by your imagination. You can make any shape in which you can make a hole for a key ring.

You can apply a pattern or inscription to the surface of the keychain. Most often, an electric burner is used for this. It leaves a flat and smooth surface. Sometimes paint is used, and then the entire keychain is varnished. We will consider all the methods below.

Ways to decorate keychains

Products can be made in the following ways:

  1. Sculpture cutting. The result is the most expensive keychain, since it is handmade.To complete the product, you need an artist's talent and good endurance, since most likely you will need to draw a large number of small details.
  2. Burning out. This is the simplest and most common method. To begin with, a drawing is applied to the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then it is repeated with a burner.
  3. Drawing on the surface. To do this, use any type of paint. But it is best to use oil. A drawing is applied to the workpiece with a pencil, and then repeated with paints. As soon as the workpiece is dry, varnish is applied to it to secure it.
  4. Automatic processing. This method is most often used in industrial production. The result is a stamped product. Not every specialist will be able to manually repeat the applied pattern.

Don't think you'll get the perfect keychain the first time. First you need to get your hands on simple products and constantly improve your skills.

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