How to wear a brooch?

Brooches are again being actively used by designers and fashion designers. However, do not be mistaken and think that absolutely all such accessories are in fashion now. Some of them will neither decorate you nor highlight your knowledge of the fashion industry. The situation is even worse when there is complete inability to use the decoration. In this case, neither the relevance nor the originality of the brooch concept will save you from failure.

The nuances of matching a brooch to an image

To begin with, it is worth dividing the variety of brooches into 5 large groups:

  • how to wear a broochproducts of famous or niche designers currently on sale (current design combined with uniqueness);
  • accessories inherited and made from real stones and precious metals (luxury, justifiable flashiness);
  • brooches-badges from the category of jewelry (they look cute or funny);
  • costume jewelry or cheap jewelry from the mass market that successfully imitate the classic style of precious brooches;
  • costume jewelry or cheap jewelry from the mass market, which try to imitate the classic style of precious jewelry, but have an outdated concept and look downright bad due to the cost of individual elements.

Products of the latter category should be discarded immediately, they will turn, at best, into a Soviet woman (this does not mean an ordinary honest girl from the USSR, but a collective image that embodies bourgeois sentiments and the desire to look expensive and rich, without having the slightest idea of ​​taste). The penultimate column in the list is accessed when the range of images is limited. For example, such a thing will look interesting as the top button of a student’s tightly buttoned blouse (provided the brooch is of the correct shape).

Badge brooches are an ideal solution for everyday outfits, simple hats and unpretentious, non-glamorous accessories.. They draw attention to themselves, but do not pretend to be a luxury item. On the contrary, they rather amuse and enhance the general mood of ease.

examples of broochesReal retro jewelry should be put off until a significant event. In other words, such an accessory can look good not only on an evening dress, but also in conjunction with a blouse, but provided that this blouse is worn, for example, to defend a diploma.

In terms of products from famous and niche designers, you should draw a line and distinguish between brooches that cost a fabulous amount and things that are more affordable. The latter category is represented by the works of not famous, but talented and often young specialists. And just their products, due to the absence of outdated forms and the presence of originality of the concept, should form the basis of a collection of jewelry belonging to a modern woman. It is from their category that you need to select solutions for dresses, shirts, coats and hats - both for everyday wear and for evening or office wear. Well, leave the brooches from the luminaries of the fashion industry for outfits in the heavy luxury category.

Important! You cannot wear several brooches at the same time or combine brooches with a large number of other jewelry - this is a myth. Actually, it is possible. It’s just quite difficult for an ordinary person who does not have a diploma in fashion design or does not have ideal taste to create a harmonious union from several jewelry or accessories. To avoid confusion or vulgarity, it makes sense to limit yourself to only 1 brooch.

Where to place it?

where to place the broochThe appropriateness of the decoration and its function depend on the location.. A brooch is not always an exclusively decorative element that focuses attention on a certain area of ​​the body or plays up a print on clothing. Sometimes it is used to drape the folds of an outfit and hide parts of underwear. It can act as a button. For example, the top one in a row or placed on a pocket. It is used as a cufflink and tie fixer, and also as a talisman against negative energy.

Deserves special attention themed brooches, whose shape or design helps identify a person as a member of a certain social group. Typically, such jewelry is placed on the chest, scarf or beret.

On the collar

Any part of this cut element is suitable for a brooch. It is pinned to the inner border, right under the collar or a few centimeters above the sharp edge.

Important! Double or paired corner brooches were invented especially for clothes with such a detail. They are fastened to the left and right lower edges of the collar. There is usually a thin chain between them.She may or may not be present.

On the chest

on the chestThe most traditional way of placement. According to classical norms, the decoration is fastened approximately 10 cm below the left shoulder. Today this rule is invariably followed only by conservative individuals and a limited circle of world politicians. Others prefer to combine the canon with innovation and periodically attach a brooch to where it performs certain functions. Examples of such placement:

  • at the lowest point of the neckline or in the middle of the bodice (draws attention to the valley between the breasts);
  • instead of the top button (fixes clothes, focuses on the neck and face or on the décolleté area - depends on the item of clothing being worn);
  • on the closed part of a blouse or dress with one shoulder (helps to emphasize the unusual style of clothing).

If the brooch is a decorated pin, then mystical properties are additionally attributed to it. First of all, protective and preserving qualities.

A woman who believes that a pin protects against negative energy should try to improve the amulet and turn it into a brooch. To do this they buy:

  • a pin with 5 or 7 hooks;
  • fishing line;
  • beads on which typical protective images are applied;
  • beads made of stones with protective properties;
  • small pendants in the shape of Fatima’s palm;
  • red thread;
  • feathers.

The decorative elements presented above form the concept of the pattern. To make it harmonious and interesting, first arrange the decorating elements on paper. Then insert the fishing line into the hooks of the pin and decorate the brooch in accordance with the drawing. This type of jewelry is worn on the chest, as it is believed that it should catch the eye of envious people and other people who wish harm.

On the back

A bow-type brooch looks wonderful on the lower back and waist and allows you not to bother with ribbons. Well, elongated jewelry helps hide the straps of a bra worn under the bottom of a dress with an open back.

On sleeves and cuffs

The shoulder area, which goes into the collarbone, is an ideal place to place miniature brooches-badges. They are used to lay out patterns and create complex compositions. Brooches-bows are used as an addition to the sleeves, and small decorations are used instead of cufflinks on the cuffs.

Important! The brooch can imitate shoulder straps or other elements of military uniform. They are worn on the arms or shoulder along with military-style outfits, as well as with regular jackets and coats.

On the head

on the headWhen choosing a headdress as a location, you need to exercise maximum caution. So, An outdated and completely unfashionable combination is the classic shape and content of a brooch pinned to the side of a knitted hat.. The set turns out to be even more disastrous if one of the items included in it or both at once looks cheap, but they try not to seem dull and in this they are helped by the abundance of obviously inexpensive, but catchy elements.

In order not to turn into a typical Soviet woman, add jewelry only to fashionable knitted hats and at the same time choose brooches of non-classical and timeless shapes. You can find a successful accessory in stores that sell products from young Russian designers. Their products have a current and unusual design, not even remotely reminiscent of retro accessories. Well, save the brooch of a classic shape and content for a turban.

With berets the situation is more complicated. For a little flirty tablet, you should try to look for a large, eye-catching decoration.Perhaps even with feathers or mesh. If the final look turns out to be too pretentious, then take a different route and look for a neat niche accessory. Well, for a preppy look, a beret simply requires you to pin on a brooch like a badge. For example, an option with a recognizable logo of some famous European or American university.

How to wear a brooch on clothes?

When determining the mounting location, take into account the general concept of the image. So, if the jacket is part of a work suit, then the brooch should be pinned to the collar or to the side at the end of the round neckline. Well, a jacket that serves as part of a seductive or even erotic outfit simply needs to be complemented with an accessory that lies just above the widest point of the chest or on the inner edge of the collar (closer to the neckline and appetizing shapes).

On the dress

Decorating tips:

  • on the dressa fitted dress - both with a regular and with a high or low waistline - is worth trying to decorate around the waist (it is not necessary to place the brooch in the center, you can also place it on the side);
  • good location of the accessory on a wrap dress - the beginning, end or transition of the wrap;
  • You can place a small composition of 2-3 brooches on your chest;
  • if the model has a high neckline, then the brooch is placed on it;
  • if there are straps, then the accessory is attached to the place where they connect with the bodice;
  • if there is a cut, then you can pin it to the place where it begins - to the highest point;
  • the jumper on the back of the dress with a generally open back just begs for an accessory;
  • a large elongated bow brooch can cover the bra strap on the back;
  • try placing it on the bottom point of a deep neckline;
  • You can also decorate the beginning of the folds on the skirt;
  • Low-waisted dresses are decorated with brooches at the neckline and at the waistline.

Also pay attention to the print. It’s good when the brooch matches the color of one of the elements of the pattern. For example, white peas require white decoration, and rowan bushes require red (to match the berries) or green (to match the foliage). If the ornament of the outfit consists of several shades, then first take the one that is presented in a smaller volume.

Important! For an evening dress made of delicate fabric, do not choose massive jewelry. It will begin to pull the material of the outfit down.

On the jacket

on the jacketThe decoration on the turn-down collar is a lifesaver for those who love jackets-dresses or wear jackets on the naked body (without a top, bra, blouse - without anything at all). In this case, the brooch works in 2 different directions: it draws attention to the chest, but does not allow you to get hung up on the deep neckline. That is why with these things you need to use either large brooches, or very catchy ones, or of a complex and interesting shape, which you involuntarily have to look at to understand the concept.

In other cases, especially if the jacket does not have a turn-down collar, the accessory is pinned just above the chest, and not on it itself. Suitable location: area between the chest and shoulder.

Important! If you go lower and pin the brooch to the most protruding part of your chest, your office, business or luxury look will be broken.

On the blouse

on the blouseClassical Placement method: 10 cm below shoulder. This option is relevant for office and discreet looks. If the blouse comes with a round collar, and the image encourages experimentation, then take a double brooch (or 2 identical ones) and fasten it (them) on opposite sides of the collar.

The decoration can also be used as a button on a cuff or as the top button of a blouse.

On the shirt

The same rules and recommendations apply to a shirt as to a blouse. Good places to pin:

  • collar;
  • place of the top button;
  • cuff;
  • 10 cm below shoulder.

On a sweater

on a sweaterThis is a simple thing, because with rare exceptions it does not look good with expensive or elaborate jewelry. However, a discreet or funny-shaped option will be in place. Hook it on the collar, or add it to a design on a jacket.

On a stole

The decoration can either fix the position of the stole or decorate it. If the head is covered with a scarf, then the brooch can be pinned on the side or on the forehead.

On the coat

Try placing the brooch in the following areas:

  • on the coaton the fur (at the convergence of the right and left parts of the collar or on one of the sides);
  • on the lapel (try placing 2 or 3 miniature brooches on one part or pinning the same decoration on different sides of the collar);
  • on the collar;
  • instead of the top button;
  • instead of all buttons;
  • on the chest pocket;
  • on the chest;
  • 10 cm below the shoulder;
  • on the belt;
  • on the cuffs.

Important! If your warm coat is plain and you want to pin a brooch to your chest, then you need to opt for a large accessory. The miniature will get lost among the thick fabric, which also has no color transitions or boundaries.

Examples of creating an image with a brooch

Consider a fashionable modern option and a retro one.


modernJeans, a solid sweater and lots of matching small pins. Lay out a pattern from them that begins in the area of ​​the collarbone and gradually moves to the shoulder. If you only have 1 large piece of jewelry on hand, then wear a sweater with a white shirt. The presence of a collar provides many variations in placement.


how to wear an antique broochTake a classic Chanel style dress, complement it with pumps and a turban. Place a large luxurious brooch on the last one. To prevent it from getting lost or seeming like an unnecessary element, give preference to clothes and accessories made from expensive fabrics.

Important! A coat draped over the shoulders will fit perfectly into this look.


how to wear a cameo broochOne of the oldest forms, which is experiencing a rebirth within the framework of neoclassicism. Looks like a print or drawing on a rounded base. A gemstone can be used as a base.

Such a thing will look interesting under the collar of a blouse or shirt, buttoned up with all the buttons. On top, wear a sundress in black or dark blue. Stockings and oxfords will complement the look. It is better to collect your hair in a high bun.


how to wear an igloo broochA similar brooch is similar in design to a safety pin: there is a decoration at one end, a clasp at the other, and a long needle goes between them. The shape of the accessory and the type of clasp make it a good addition to a turn-down collar. Place it on the wool coat so that it runs vertically along the lapel. Complete the look with a white shirt, boyfriend trousers and boots or boots with flat soles (or a small heel).

From beads

how to wear a beaded broochToday wonderful brooches are made from beads. They can be shaped like a seahorse, a flower, a scarab or an Eiffel Tower. Decorate with several of these accessories one side of a casual floor-length robe dress or the neckline on both sides. The look will be completed with high-top boots, sandals or shoes with a rounded toe.

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