DIY fabric beads

Fabric beads can make your look incredibly stylish. It’s worth trying to do them yourself, because it’s not difficult. Read on to find out how to do this.

What is the name of this technique and beads?

Jeans beadsThe technique of making beads from random pieces of fabric is called freeform. Translated from English it means free technique, free form. This is explained by the fact that in each specific case the shape of the bead, and, consequently, the entire product will be so different that a wide variety of styles are formed. This technique is otherwise called “squinting” - this term is used when fabric beads have to be “crumpled” during the work process.

We create multi-tiered beads from fabric

ethno-bohoMost often, African techniques are used to form multi-tiered beads. This product is obtained in an ethno-style or boho style. To make such a decoration, you need to prepare the necessary materials and follow a sequence of actions.

What do you need for work?

In order to make such a decoration, you need to prepare:

  • bright suitable fabric;
  • nylon cord of various thicknesses;
  • thread and needle;
  • round nose pliers;
  • fastener fittings.

Manufacturing process

Making such beads is very easy, just follow the following steps:

  1. cut the thick nylon cord to the desired length;
  2. sew a fabric pipe so that its diameter matches the diameter of the nylon cord;
  3. sew a seam on the fabric;
  4. unscrew the resulting pipe and then pull it onto the cord;
  5. can be decorated with metal rings in the center;
  6. Attach a fastener to the ends of the resulting cord.

Important! If you use sheathed cords of different diameters, you will get a bright multi-tiered decoration.

Making an accessory from “crumpled” beads

crumpled beadsCrumpled beads are very impressive; they are usually used interspersed with glass, wood or pearl elements. If you make them from different fabrics, you can make the image incredibly bright and eye-catching. In addition, the process of their manufacture is quite simple.

Materials and tools

For “crumpled” beads you will need:

  • a piece of fabric, you can use small scraps of different colors;
  • filler - you can use synthetic winterizer, holofiber or cotton wool;
  • thread with needle;
  • fishing line or thread on which everything will be strung;
  • clasp.

How to do

The manufacturing process will require some patience. Here is the sequence of actions that must be followed:

  1. cut out small circles from the fabric, the size of the beads you will need later;
  2. put a small piece of filler inside the fabric;
  3. gather the edges of the fabric and stitch them with thread so that they gather in one center;
  4. try to bring the edges as much as possible inside the central point and inject there with a needle, bringing it out from the back side of the bead;
  5. pull out the thread, make another puncture next to it and bring it out in the assembled center;
  6. this sequence of actions is repeated several times;
  7. The thread must be gradually tightened in order to form a gathered shape.

After the required number of elements is obtained, they are strung on a fishing line, thread or ribbon to form the decoration.

Reference! In order to make an interesting decoration in “dégrade” shades, you can take several types of fabric of the same color, but differing in tone. After making the beads, string them in the sequence of changing color intensity.

DIY denim beads

denimIf you have scraps of old jeans at home or denim items that will no longer be worn, you can use them to make stylish casual jewelry. The technique is so basic that even a child can handle it, and the final result will please even the most demanding fashionistas.

Required Parts

In order to make such beads, you will need:

  • cuts of denim;
  • thin wooden stick;
  • the thread on which the components will be put on;
  • clasp;
  • glue;
  • additional decorative elements.

Step-by-step algorithm

The shape of such beads will differ from the standard one. It consists of cylinders that can vary in height. Then:

  1. cut strips of fabric to the required width, they will correspond to the height of the beads;
  2. wrap the strips on a wooden stick and make sure that the column is even;
  3. glue the end of the fabric, thereby fixing the strip;
  4. carefully pull out the stick;
  5. You can optionally decorate the resulting cylinder with decorative elements;
  6. then, from such unique barrels, form the finished product as it was intended at the initial stage.

How to make baby sling beads?

baby sling beadsSling beads are a decoration that uses ready-made beads, but they are covered with fabric for decoration. And only then the finished product is formed.

What is needed for production?

Before you begin, you should prepare:

  • suitable fabric;
  • wooden or plastic beads;
  • thread and needle or sewing machine;
  • lock if needed.

Work process

  1. It is necessary to sew a pipe from fabric and turn it inside out.
  2. After this, begin to insert wooden parts into the resulting hole.
  3. Having placed one, it is worth wrapping the fabric on top, thereby fixing one element inside. Then insert the second one and secure it again.
  4. Repeat this number of times to get the desired length of beads.
  5. At the end, either sew everything into one closed circle (if the diameter of the beads allows you to put them over your head), or attach a clasp (if the diameter of the final product is not large).

Any type of such authentic jewelry can be used in a variety of looks, but most of all they are suitable for looks in casual, boho, and ethnic styles.

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