DIY amber beads

Amber beads for an adult womanNatural stone attracts many people with its rich shade and unusual pattern. Natural stone beads are very beautiful. If desired, such decoration can be made independently at home. The main thing is to prepare the appropriate tools and materials, and trust your taste. The technology for making such decoration is quite simple.

Sun stone - amber

Large amber beadsAmber stone is the petrified resin of ancient coniferous trees. Since ancient times, it has been used to make a variety of jewelry and household items. This stone is also often called “tears of the sea” and “gift of the sun.”

Reference! Amber has officially confirmed healing properties (this is especially true for raw amber). Amber beads can help cope with asthma attacks, help improve the functioning of the thyroid gland, prevent the onset of a cold, and also get rid of headaches and depression (provided that the stones are in direct contact with the skin).

Exists There are many different shades of this stone, from light yellow to almost black. The most popular is amber, which has a waxy color, transparent and red with a yellowish tint. The rarest and most expensive is blue amber from the Dominican Republic.
blue amber beads

Tools and materials for work

Beads craft tools 1To make amber beads with your own hands, required to prepare:

  • epoxy resin (preferably imported);
  • organic glass about 1.5 - 2 mm thick to create a shape;
  • hardener;
  • glycerol;
  • fine sandpaper;
  • GOI paste.

Reference! Epoxy resin can be purchased at a hardware store or construction market.

To make the desired shape, you need to select a metal object of a suitable shape, press it into the plexiglass and wait until the shape hardens. Then the mold must be lubricated from the inside with glycerin so that the epoxy resin does not stick to it later.

Amber beads beads with pendant

The resin must be thoroughly mixed with the hardener in a ratio of 9:1. Then you should pour the mixture into the mold, add 2-3 drops of water into it and mix with a thin stick, performing circular movements. This will provide the visual effect of amber.

The product must be allowed to harden, then holes must be drilled in the resulting beads. Now you can make jewelry from them to your liking.

How to make beads from amber with your own hands?

Amber is considered a universal stone for making beads and other jewelry of this kind, since it suits almost everyone. But the design of beads made from such a stone should be carefully considered.

For young representatives of the fair sex A silver thread with round amber beads located at a fairly large distance from each other is perfect.

Amber beads for a young girl

A good option for adult ladies will become a two-level decoration with medium-sized stones. Older women in most cases, a string of large amber is chosen.
Amber beads for women

Model 1 – flower shaped

Beads made of amber stonesTo make a flower-shaped decoration, you need to prepare:

  • tapes of different thicknesses;
  • amber beads of different sizes;
  • 2 rings;
  • 6 clamps;
  • threads;
  • cable;
  • cabochon.


  • It is necessary to attach a decorative ring to a small piece of cable using a clamp.
  • Next, beads should be strung on the cable until a necklace of the required length is formed and the edge should be secured on the second ring using another clamp.
  • It is necessary to make the remaining rows in a similar way, trying to make each subsequent row a little shorter so that the tiers can be arranged beautifully.
  • From two ribbons that have a larger width, you need to cut strips (from the largest - 7, from the thinner - 6). The length of the stripes is determined in accordance with the desired splendor of the flower (the longer the stripes, the more magnificent the product will be).

DIY amber beads necklace

  • Using a needle and thread, you need to alternately string the ribbons folded in two equal parts. You need to start with the largest and end with the smallest.
  • The thread should be tightened so that the petals are pressed against one another. Then the workpiece needs to be rolled into the shape of a flower, secured with stitches, decorated with a cabochon in the center and sewed the resulting flower to a decorative ring.
  • From a thin ribbon you need to cut 2 strips of equal length to decorate the ties. Then they should be passed through the rings, then folded in half and tied around the neck.

Model 2 – amber necklace

Amber beads necklaceFor an amber necklace should be prepared:

  • amber beads (pp – 8, 10 mm);
  • bronze chain (70 cm);
  • two bronze locks in the shape of leaves;
  • bead huggers (16 pcs, 8 mm and 10 mm);
  • bronze rings (6 pcs, 0.5 mm);
  • bronze wire (17-20 cm with a diameter of 0.6 mm);
  • bronze pins (4 cm, the number must correspond to the number of beads);
  • round nose pliers, wire cutters.


  1. You should put a bead on the pin and wind it in the form of a spiral using pliers, as shown in the photo.
  2. The same thing needs to be repeated with the addition of a hugger (first put a hugger on the pin, then a bead and screw the pin onto the pliers in the form of a spiral).
  3. Similar steps must be repeated with all beads.
  4. Now you should unwind 15 cm of wire, adding 3-4 spare cm and break it off with wire cutters. Use pliers to make a loop (pin).
  5. You need to string beads onto the wire (first smaller ones, then large ones, then small ones again).
  6. Remove excess wire with wire cutters and use round pliers to form a loop identical to the one on the opposite side.
  7. Attach the ring to the wire loop using pliers.
  8. Attach one of the leaves using a ring to another ring on a wire. Similar steps must be performed on the opposite side.
  9. The chain must be divided in half (35 cm each), take a ring, string the chains and the second part of the togla (branch) onto it and close the ring using pliers.

Amber beads set on stones

We fix amber beads on a wire

A spectacular necklace made of sunny amber is ready.

Amber beads of different colors

Jewelry made from natural stone is always in fashion. Beads and other jewelry made of amber have a spectacular and stylish look. It is believed that amber can bring great luck to its owner, giving him vigor, vitality and energy.

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