Diopside: properties of the stone, who is suitable and use. Detailed description with photo

Diopside - properties of stone

Diopside is a calcium-magnesium silicate belonging to the pyroxene group of minerals. Diopside is an important rock-forming mineral in igneous rocks and is also found in meteorites.

Diopside comes in several varieties, including a chromium-rich gem variety called chrome diopside. Viola is a rare blue variety found in some places in Italy.

There is a green cat's eye variety that contains tiny inclusions, probably rutile.

There is a dark variety in which the rutile needles are arranged in such a way that they form a four-rayed star, hence the name star diopside.

Diopside is found in the USA, Russia, Italy, Austria, Germany, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Myanmar, Madagascar, South Africa and Finland.

It is named after the Greek word meaning “double species” due to its crystalline form.

Stone colors

Diopside is usually white, blue, bright and pale green to yellowish or greenish-brown in color with a glassy luster. The crystals are clear to translucent and occur as short prismatic crystals. This crystal can also be compact, granular, columnar or massive in shape.

Mineral specimens of diopside can be very colorful in appearance and may be of interest to mineral collectors. Some samples are known to fluoresce.

Diopside and physical health

Diopside promotes recovery after operations, injuries and serious illnesses. This stone supports cellular memory, physical weakness, acid-base balance and hormonal balance. It is useful for inflammation, muscle pain and spasms, stress, kidneys and heart.

Black diopside is useful for support during incurable illnesses or chronic conditions. This stone helps to improve the health of the circulatory system and remove toxins from the body. It also improves blood circulation throughout the body and can correct and reduce high blood pressure. It reduces the effects of fever and body pain.

Diopside is an excellent stone for general healing. Green stone works for physical healing, especially where regeneration is needed, such as after surgery or when healing from physical injury. It is ideal for use on the heart to aid in healing from a heart attack or other physical heart problems. It may be useful for lung regeneration, especially after damage from smoking or inhaling poisons. May also help with emphysema and asthma.

The black-brown variety of diopside can be used for serious illnesses or terminal conditions that cause weakness in the physical body. They can help you gain more physical energy while healing.

Diopside stone - photo

Diopside and your feelings

  1. Diopside teaches you the value of trust and the ability to forgive. He will help you make peace with anyone or anything that has hurt you in the past, gently encouraging you to take the first step.
  2. If you've always felt like you were missing something but weren't sure what, Diopside will gently help you let go of your needs and embrace your gifts.
  3. If you feel overwhelmed or overwhelmed by life's problems, Diopside will teach you to live with gratitude and joy.
  4. Diopside helps develop and strengthen your ability to sense and be aware of your true thoughts, emotions and feelings. This stone opens the heart and mind to others, promoting compassion for the suffering of others and for oneself. It is useful as a sedative, especially for animals, pets, small children and the elderly.
  5. Diopside is beneficial for those who are unable to express grief, as it shows that there is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings and letting them go.
  6. This stone enhances your sense of compassion by opening your heart to the suffering of others. Diopside helps you understand that you have gifts to share with the world and helps you find them.
  7. Diopside calms the emotions, helping you feel more centered and aligned with the Divine. It is great for relaxation, stress relief and finding your emotional center. It brings emotional renewal and helps you put your problems into perspective.
  8. Diopside is useful for academic studies as it stimulates intellectual abilities.
  9. This stone will help authors who suddenly have writer's block due to external or internal circumstances, as it will open you up to new plans and ideas. It can also help in analyzing situations and feelings, bringing logic and understanding.
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