What jewelry should Orthodox Christians not wear?

Jewelry is an indispensable attribute of a person’s daily life, which is used by a wide variety of categories of people, regardless of age and gender. However, for Orthodox people, products can become not only an aesthetic pleasure, but also sinful actions.

What jewelry should Orthodox Christians not wear?

Not all believers know, but some of the decorations for religion are simply unacceptable. Some jewelry personifies vulgarity, debauchery and pride, which is why their owner unknowingly succumbs to sins.

What jewelry is prohibited for Orthodox Christians?

Since ancient times, various decorations had not only an aesthetic privilege, they also reflected the social status of their owner, emphasizing his position in society. But their purpose did not end there, since the type, shape of the products and the material from which they were made - all this could show society what religion a person adheres to.

In the modern world, absolutely anyone can own jewelry, the only difference is the cost of the product.With their appearance, jewelry can still emphasize a person’s status in society, but it may not always correspond to reality.Decorations

It was the attempt to stand out that led to the creation of jewelry that personifies the lack of morality, thereby emphasizing frivolity. The most common example of this is body piercing. Regardless of where it is, religion discourages it, since creating a piercing is causing pain to oneself. This attitude is regarded as closeness to Satan, which is why situations happen when priests treat piercing lovers with some contempt.

The category of anti-religious jewelry includes any products that, in one way or another, with their entire appearance personify the image of the Devil. You should also not wear jewelry that is too bright, or, on the contrary, dark and gloomy. The first of them reflect the greed and pride of man, the others - his cruelty and denial of God.

The opinion of the priests

To the question: “What kind of jewelry can I wear?” - the priests quote the statements of the Apostle Paul, whose words were displayed in the book. His judgments said that girls should adorn themselves not with gold, pearls, braided hair or other jewelry, but with good deeds. Very often, these reflections are cited as an example by clergy, motivating people to get rid of greed, greed, pride and the love of money.

Important! There are special products that relate to religious themes. As a rule, these are rings, chains, pendants, bracelets, amulets that have a prayer on their surface.The Church approves of the sale of such jewelry; moreover, it encourages people to buy them, as this only enhances a person’s spirituality.


However, this example should not be considered as a direct prohibition, since this is just a recommendation about what priorities a person should have. Orthodox Christianity, like any other religion, is based on spirituality and sincerity, and accordingly the church calls people to this, so that their spiritual values ​​prevail over material ones. These include: love, family, children, faith in God, and material values ​​are money, expensive things and any other luxury items.

You can wear absolutely any jewelry if a person is pure in heart and sincerely values ​​his spirituality. This also applies to changing your appearance - hair coloring, styling, etc. But at the same time, you should not express yourself too clearly: simplicity, calmness and lightness are the most ideal spiritual image.

Reviews and comments
A Anna:

In general, a true believer, especially a priest, will not treat anyone with disdain, no matter how dressed and decorated the person is. For him, everyone is equal. And he won’t attach any importance to superstitions and omens either.

IN Victor:

I know for sure that the Orthodox vest is worn on a cord, and not on a chain, especially a gold one!

N Natalia:

...the church calls on people to let their spiritual values ​​prevail over material ones. These include: love, family, children, faith in God, and material values ​​are money, expensive things and any other luxury items. So with our “fathers” it’s the other way around, maybe let them set an example and take off the pood-sized crosses on gold chains, and switch from expensive foreign cars, but there’s a lot they have to give up!

L Lyudmila:

It’s strange, you can wear earrings, but not piercings. Jewelry is, as a rule, self-expression and there is nothing wrong with that. Still, for the most part, we are not saints or monks. Yes, God did not want to turn everyone into saints and monks. There's just a time and place for everything. After all, bright, demonstrative images can offend the feelings of other people, and causing discomfort to other people is a sin. I think the main thing in Christianity is to express oneself without jostling with elbows, so that there is no self-expression according to the principle: “the sea parts - the city floats”

L Lyudmila:

The wealth of the church is one of the signs of the parishioners’ love for God. It is painful for a true believer to see a poor clergyman. And I am sincerely glad that we, parishioners, can afford to adequately provide for our clergy. And when I see “pood crosses” and expensive foreign cars and other attributes of the well-being of the church and its ministers, I am proud of our people. I also found priests who risked their lives and their families for the sake of faith, and some had to make considerable sacrifices in the name of the Lord and all people.And I know for sure that those who now drive foreign cars and wear “pood crosses” in difficult times will sacrifice everything for us and the Lord. And I pray that these times never come again. And now... let their everyday problems not distract them from serving the Lord to have mercy on us sinners and from spiritually helping people. It was also not enough that the clergyman would not crawl out from under the hood or sacrifice the cross for the sake of the pleasure of envious people..

L Lyudmila:

And if a person glorifies the unclean, unbridledness and various sins with his jewelry - well, they have the right: God gave us free will. But at the same time they lose the right to be called Christians. You can’t put the whole world in your pocket, so you have to choose. I hope you make the right choice. And which one is correct is not for me to judge, just let it be correct.

L Lyudmila:

It is better to wear a pectoral cross on a chain than on a cord. You can't take it off and lose it. The baptismal cross remains with a person for life, so it is better that it is made of material that can last a very long time. Here, gold and other precious metals are rather not a symbol of wealth (especially since it is not customary to show it to anyone, it is very personal), but a symbol of eternity. I read that palladium is good for crosses (this is a relatively inexpensive platinum group metal that looks like iron), but where can you get this palladium?

A Anna:

What a stupid, mediocre article! Complete nonsense! Affftor, well, if you are completely out of the loop, why did you even take up the pen??

IN Vladimir:

Isn’t it better for pastors to start with themselves and cure themselves of greed, greed, pride and the love of money.

M Max:

Such stupidity

IN Vladislav:

Interesting... ordinary people cannot wear jewelry with stones, but priests can, but how do they differ from people? Let’s take Patriarch Kirill: rings, rings with stones. It seems to me that the rule should be for everyone, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a Patriarch or a simple person.

L Liana:

All this is not visible, it is important to do good deeds, to help someone in difficult times, not to turn away even if you were betrayed - you helped them. Then you and your soul shine. When the soul shines, you shine yourself. And from a good mood, you are well decorated with something you like. Sometimes when they hurt us, we don’t want to wear or wear anything. But you get up the next day, do good to others, forgive them, send them away, and God’s hands, for they do not know what they are doing. This is how good comes. I wish only the best for everyone🌺🌹🌈


