Should wedding rings be the same?

Wedding rings are an important item in the wedding budget, causing double attention and controversy among newlyweds. After all, the dress, hairstyle, suit and menu will only be important on the wedding day. Rings are an attribute for life, ideally. Therefore, their choice is carefully considered, they do not skimp on them, and some couples also observe traditions.

For several centuries, our ancestors observed the connection between things and events. This knowledge has been passed on for generations. And ready-made signs, beliefs and traditions have reached us.

Should wedding bands be the same?

There is no clear answer. Each couple decides for themselves whether to buy the same symbols of eternal love or to wear different ones. Some honor traditions and buy identical, smooth ones. Others do not pay attention to signs and choose different models so as not to argue as soon as they become a family. Still others seem to want to keep the tradition, but the tastes of the bride and groom differ. In this case, the couple finds a compromise - they select models with similar themes.

matching wedding rings

ADVICE! The main thing is that the rings are harmoniously combined with the person’s style and fit well. Ancestors believed that if a ring dangles on a finger, then family harmony and love flows through this gap.

What do signs and superstitions say?

It is unknown what events our ancestors associated the model of wedding rings with. But they still know about signs today, and some people believe in them so much that they blindly honor them, neglecting their own individuality.

REFERENCE! There is a version that the Soviet Union simply wanted to equalize the people with classic gold wedding rings. So that everyone is equal and no one stands out.

So, according to signs and beliefs, wedding rings should be:

  • identical - a sign of the unity of husband and wife;
  • smooth - then family life will be smooth;
  • identical in thickness and width - there will be equality in the family;
  • made of gold - a symbol of love and wealth. Gold protects marriage from negative energy.

REFERENCE! In Rus', the husband wore a wedding ring made of gold, and the wife wore silver. Gold is a symbol of wealth, which means the man had the responsibility to provide for his family. Silver protects from evil spirits, which means the wife must protect and protect the spirituality and unity of the family.

Significance in the modern world

In our age, wedding rings often serve more of a decorative role and a sign of employment. Young people love to post photos on social media. networks with identical rings. Brides show off their engagement ring to their bridesmaids. And in general, many approach the choice of wedding rings as an accessory, which is combined with a person’s overall style.

identical wedding ring style

With the same design of rings from an unfamiliar company, it is easier to understand that you are husband and wife, and not just 2 people in a marriage. Having nevertheless accepted the symbolic side and interpreted it in a modern way means that the couple was able to find something in common.That there is no longer “yours” and “mine”, now there is “ours”. Your general decision, your general worldview and your general design of rings.

Many men treat this accessory as a mere formality. They do not need frills, the main thing is that it is clear that he is married. But for girls, design is important, and they approach choosing an engagement ring as if they were buying stylish jewelry.

The optimal combination

identical wedding bands

If you can’t come to a common decision, choose rings that are not identical, but made in the same style. It’s normal that a girl wants something delicate, elegant with notches or pebbles, but a man needs more brutality. Designers come up with different versions of this decoration:

  • same design, but different metal;
  • one metal, one design, but the female one has a stone;
  • different models, but the same engraving on the inside;
  • Same design, but different width.

similar design

If you can’t find a compromise here, buy different models. Today this is normal and many people do just that. And since this is a symbol of the unification of a man and a woman, you can resort to this trick:

  • The rings can be different, but on the inside there is an engraving with one phrase for two - the girl has the beginning, the guy has the continuation, or vice versa. Or identical symbols - an infinity sign or a heart.

REFERENCE! Combined wedding rings, woven from different metals, have a sacred meaning. The tricolor ring symbolizes the triune force - Faith, Hope, Love. Sintering or rings with intertwining of 2 metals - yellow or white, symbolize the interweaving of the masculine and feminine principles.

identical wedding bands

Therefore, do not get hung up on signs and beliefs. They often lose their individuality and good relationships in the run-up to the wedding, when the bride and groom begin to argue.Everyone has different fingers and a thin ring will not fit on a large male finger. And women's fingers are not always decorated with wide rings.

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