How to find a ring at home if you lost it?

Losing something is accompanied by a spoiled mood and time spent searching for it. If an expensive, beloved or memorable thing is lost, the negative impact on the psyche increases significantly. This effect is often observed when, for example, a wedding ring is lost. Yes, and understandable, because it is often a gift from dear and close people, presented to mark a memorable event in life. His search often turns into fruitless walking in circles. What to do?

How to find a lost ring at home?

wedding ringIf the ring is lost at home (in an apartment, house or other limited space that can be left without access by unauthorized persons for a certain time) It’s better to pause the search, relax and resume it “with a fresh mind”. An excited state of mind makes it difficult to concentrate, and in most cases it is not effective. The so-called “blurring” of the eyes occurs.In this state, a person repeatedly examines the same places, missing details. He casually “looks around” the room, territory and things, without identifying the ring, even if it is in a visible place.

Where to start your search?

Having suspended unsuccessful attempts, it is advisable to completely switch to other things. If you do something exciting that absorbs all your attention, your psyche will quickly relax. Switching attention effectively softens the centers of created tension.

The person returns to a calm state, to his normal working capacity and high-quality performance of operations that require concentration.

If, over time, you mentally reproduce the events preceding the moment the loss was discovered, it is found quickly and without much difficulty. It even becomes incomprehensible how it was possible not to notice the thing during previous searches.

What can you use to find it?

two ringsA reliable, although not very fast, way to find a metal ring is using a metal detector. It is not necessary to purchase it for one-time use. You can ask around among your friends, maybe someone has a treasure hunter they know who has such an argument “in their arsenal.” Alternatively, you can search for advertisements to rent for one day.

Involve in the search someone from your family or friends who knows your habits well. In some cases it works.

What conspiracies can help in the search?

silver ringTraditional rituals work well. It is not for nothing that only those things that have been time-tested and brought positive results fall into this category.Superstitions are superstitions, but if this method works, why not use it? Let's talk about some well-known methods used by our ancestors.

These include such rituals in which there is a “conventional ring”. They are associated with tying fabric or thread in a circle, using objects whose edges also form a ring:

  • A chair leg is tied with a thread or scarf. After completing this ritual, repeat the following phrase several times: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!" The phrase does not have to be repeated out loud. You can turn to the brownie silently, but with faith in the power of tradition. There is no scientific confirmation of the mechanism of action of such a phrase, but the effectiveness of the procedure has been confirmed in many cases. A possible explanation for this is the person's faith in the outcome. After completing the ritual, faith gives a person additional strength and prudence in the search process;
  • try to win over the brownie by treating him to something tasty. For this purpose, place a saucer on the table and pour milk into it. Cookies are placed nearby. The brownie will eat the treat, make you feel better and help you find the loss;
  • A wine glass, glass or simple jar is placed on the table. Leave the item overnight. The next day the search continues, but with the help of the brownie.

ring on a stringThe attentive reader noticed that All of the above rituals use time delay. Before continuing the search for the loss, a person needs to perform a certain action and wait some time. During this time, the stress centers of the psyche relax. An additional resource appears due to faith in the help of the brownie. Perhaps that is why further searches are successful.

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