How to make a ring as a talisman

Do you have a favorite ring? Yes, yes, exactly the one with which you are sure that everything will work out successfully today. This will definitely happen if you make your jewelry a talisman. How? We'll tell you!

how to turn a ring into a talisman

Already at the dawn of humanity, people understood the power of talismans. It was believed that magically “charged” objects helped to attract good luck, scare away an enemy, prevent trouble, and ensure the integrity of the energy field. The ring has always been considered the most powerful talisman.

Why are rings ideal for a talisman?

This round decoration is perfect for the role of a magical item for several reasons.

Form of protection

  • The accessory worn on the finger is always with the owner. It is not as easy to lose as an item carried in a pocket, bag or on clothing.
  • The round shape of the ring covers the finger, as if protecting it from all sides from everything bad.
  • The “fence” created in this way helps prevent the “leakage” of energy.
  • The ring shape helps to penetrate to the source of an inexhaustible beginning that has no end.


Examples to prove the possibilities

INTERESTING! Khoma Brut from Gogol's Viy knew what he was doing when he drew a chalk circle on the floor. It is extremely difficult for evil spirits to break through such a fence.

The ancient peoples also knew this, leading ritual round dances, performing rituals with movement in a circle. This is how they protected themselves from evil forces and strengthened the overall energy field.

And Nietzsche, conceiving his theory of the superman and dreaming of the creative revival of the world, devoted many lines to the Ring of Return, with which a new personality will become engaged to Eternity.

Which ring to choose to turn into a talisman

Ideally, it is best to use decoration for this, self-made. If you don’t have the talents of a jeweler in yourself, you can get by with a store-bought one. You don't have to pay a high price for it. A talisman made of modest material will also help protect yourself.

Material and its capabilities

Jewelry made from different metals have different capabilities.


  • A silver ring gives good luck in love affairs.
  • Gold will help attract wealth.
  • A wooden amulet will protect you from diseases (not made from aspen!).

Internal inscription

Whatever the ring is made of, the internal inscription remains important. Previously, it was a secret name given at birth, unknown to outsiders. Knowledgeable people can apply the text of the spell, hidden from prying eyes. Of course, you need to take special care of such a thing.

IMPORTANT! When preparing a purchased product for the role of a talisman, you need to give it time to exchange energies with the owner.

Let it lie in a box with long-used jewelry. Hold it in your palm for a few minutes a day, concentrating on tactile sensations.

How a ring is turned into a talisman

We will tell you how our ancestors made real amulets from rings.

To transform jewelry into a magical object, magical means are used - rituals and spells.



First, the jewelry is cleansed of energetic “dirt” using salt or water.

  • To clean with salt, place the ring in a small container with salt, completely immersing it, and leave it overnight.
  • To clean with water, some limit themselves to rinsing under the tap, while others only use silver-infused water.

Reference! The silver item must lie in it for at least a night.

A whisper will help enhance the effect: “Evil spirits - leave, protection - come!”

The cleaned ring should be worn for a week without removing it. Then you can begin the ritual of creating a magical item.


To turn an accessory into a talisman, a spell read three times over the ring on the palm will help: “Wrap yourself around, sit tightly, if necessary, protect! From now on and forever, fulfill my words! Key and lock. Amen".

When casting a talisman for good luck, they say, swinging a ring on a red thread (woolen or silk): “I will speak a ring for luck, I will attract good luck to myself. Just as the sun can’t float across the sky at night, so I can’t do business without luck! I’ll put the ring on my finger, and there will be a good outcome to any of my business. No sooner said than done".


ADVICE! When preparing the ring, use lunar energy.

Cleaning the ring will be most effective on the waning Moon, when it is good to get rid of everything obsolete and negative. The waxing Moon is a time of spiritual growth and positive acquisitions. And it is better to charm objects in this phase. The time a couple of days before the full moon is especially favorable.

Do you think all this is frivolous? Maybe you are right. Or maybe you have simply never found yourself under the protection of your talisman? Well, if you want to check, now you know how our ancestors did it.

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