What kind of wedding rings should there be?

Preparing for a wedding takes a lot of time and effort. The newlyweds think over the menu, venue, program. The bride carefully chooses a dress and rehearses her hair and makeup. But all this is important only on the wedding day. But wedding rings will be with you, ideally, for the rest of your life. Therefore, their choice should be taken responsibly.

For superstitious people, there are rules and traditions about what an engagement ring should be.

Wedding rings, what are they?

The tradition of exchanging wedding rings dates back several centuries. The ancestors endowed the vicious circle with magical properties. According to one version, it protects from negative energy, which is sealed once there and does not reach the owner. Another says that, once in a vicious circle, negative energy spins in the opposite direction and loses its power.

what wedding bands should be like

Wedding rings serve as an attribute of the connection between a man and a woman and, according to legend, should be made of gold. This metal symbolizes purity and innocence. It attracts negativity to itself, protecting its owner.

Every couple has their own idea of ​​the perfect ring. Some choose classic paired products. Others experiment and buy rings of different designs to avoid controversy over this issue.

different rings

There are rings with stones and engravings, gold and silver, classic barrels and European models. In general, the eyes run wide. But our ancestors had it easier - 2 identical rings made of gold, with a smooth convex surface. And it was not without reason that they chose this model; they adhered to traditions and believed in omens.

Superstitions about the appearance and shape of rings

It is believed that the engagement ring must be smooth so that family life can be just as smooth. You cannot engrave or insert stones, otherwise the marriage will have flaws and obstacles.

wedding bands

REFERENCE! In Rus', the groom wore a gold ring, and the bride wore a silver one. Since gold is a symbol of love and wealth, a man must provide for his family. The ancestors believed that silver could protect against evil spirits, so the bride had the responsibility to preserve and protect the spiritual connection in the family.

The width and thickness of the products also plays a role - they must be the same. Then there will be equality in the family.

In addition to classic silver and gold, there are wedding attributes made of platinum and woven metals. The tricolor ring symbolizes the triune force - Faith, Hope, Love. Two-tone or sintering are made of gold and silver or platinum. This is a sign of the interweaving of two principles - male and female.


If you decide to get a ring with a stone, take into account the characteristics of different materials:

  • pearls symbolize health;
  • opal brings trust and sincerity;
  • turquoise is a symbol of fidelity;
  • ruby acts as a talisman and symbol of passion;
  • a diamond to a wealthy union.

Be careful with alexandrite, amethyst, hematite and other dark stones - these are unlucky stones for family life.

Ideal ring option

The ideal wedding ring is different for each couple. If you adhere to traditions and beliefs, they should be smooth and the same in width and thickness. You can choose a combined option - tri-color or trinity.


For those who do not believe in omens, love bright, unusual things, and consider the classics boring, the entire range of jewelry is revealed. Flat, convex or rectangular. With or without stones, with engraving or notches. A jewelry workshop can make custom rings for you.

Be careful with the width of the product. Narrow jewelry is suitable for thin, graceful fingers. If your fingers are thicker and shorter, choose wider models, but do not overdo it - an 8-10 mm ring width will only add volume to your finger.


And it is not necessary to buy identical rings, if the newlyweds liked different models, it is better to take different ones and not argue as soon as they start their family life - this is a bad omen for the superstitious and for people who do not believe in omens.

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