What engravings are done on wedding rings?

Engraving on wedding rings allows you to personalize jewelry and make it unique. After all, engraving is a set of symbols and letters made using a certain technology that allows you to make any product unique.

engraved wedding ring

What are the types of engravings on wedding rings?

When choosing wedding rings, many people want to give them a special look with engraving. It allows you to give even a standard jewelry model a special meaning and personalize the product. Give the decoration a special meaning, understandable only to two loving people.

engraved wedding ring

Engraved letters, symbols and phrases allow you to create an original and unique version of the symbol of love.

wedding ring

By contacting a special workshop, you can see examples of work and consult with a specialist about which option is best to choose. If you decide to prepare a sketch in advance, then a specialist will do the work on your project, clarifying all the technical possibilities.The fact is that each jewelry model has a special width and thickness, so the engraving option depends on these parameters.

You can apply a design or letters to a ring using two techniques:

  • laser;
  • manual method (feather engraving);
  • photo engraving;
  • diamond

With manual technique application is carried out using a special cutter, in some cases, the sharp part of the diamond is used to make the image on the ring especially filigree and shiny.

engraved wedding rings

Laser makes the surface dark, since this method is based on metal burning. This engraving can handle images, symbols, and letters of any complexity.

If you decide to engrave with a laser, then you should know that the ring can subsequently neither be reduced nor increased in size. This is due to the technical features of engraving.

extravagant rings

Photoengraving allows you to get different shades. It is good to use this method if you need to engrave an inscription or symbol with a color transition.

On average, engraving is completed by a master within an hour, but there are special types of orders when you have to wait several days. The execution time depends on the complexity of the order and the professionalism of the specialist.

engraved rings

When contacting a workshop, it is important to listen to the advice of the master regarding the execution of the work. Engraving can be done both on the outside of the product and on the inside and side.

Who engraves wedding rings and why?

wedding rings

They decide to do the engraving newlyweds or spouseswho have already lived for a certain period of time in marriage.Sometimes special phrases or declarations of love are written on the eve of memorable dates, for example, when people celebrate the date of their acquaintance, wedding date, or some special memorable event. In this case, it is best to think in advance about what you would like to engrave. As for the technique and font, it’s worth consulting with a master.

Interesting ideas for engraving a wedding ring


Many different options for love confessions can be found in different languages. Popular English, Latin, French languages.

You can make an engraving in the form of a phrase from a song, poem, favorite book, television series or movie.

Many consider engraving as a special symbol of love. Therefore, to implement it they come up with many unusual options. The date of acquaintance is often found on rings; sometimes they write the name of the place, the city where the future spouses met. Engravings with the initials of the spouses look very beautiful; in this case, you can also add a heart or make an unusual font.

engraving on wedding rings

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