Who should buy engagement rings

Who should buy engagement ringsWith such a bright, long-awaited and certainly expensive event as a wedding, a great many traditions are associated in our country that must be observed. One of the main attributes of the ceremony are wedding rings, and many future brides and grooms are rightly concerned about the question of who exactly should purchase the main symbols of marriage for the wedding.

Choosing an engagement ring - who buys the bride or groom?

If you delve deeper into the study of traditions, you will find out that in our country, at a wedding, the groom usually:

  • I paid for the feast itself.
  • Organized the cultural and entertainment program of the event.
  • Paid the rent of the premises if necessary.
  • I bought engagement rings.

From time immemorial, at the expense of the bride and her family, a dress and dowry, as well as gifts for the groom and his parents, were purchased.

However, modern lifestyle makes its own adjustments to conservative principles, and nowadays rings for newlyweds are often purchased by the parents of one of the parties or even the bride herself. There are known cases of joint purchase, when its cost is equally divided between the bride and groom.

Changes in the centuries-old tradition are due to the fact that in our country, from time immemorial, it was the man who was the breadwinner, and his well-being was most often higher, since male professions were valued and paid highly. Nowadays, a woman can earn no less, or even more, than a man, and the financial aspect of paying for certain wedding expenses is becoming quite controversial.

How to choose the right wedding band size

RingsAs for the nuances of choosing wedding rings, it all depends on the individual preferences of the newlyweds. It is better to choose jewelry that will subsequently be worn throughout the marriage. Trying on the models you like is mandatory so that there is no sudden embarrassment at the wedding ceremony.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the accessory does not easily fit on the finger, and also does not cause the wearer a feeling of discomfort during prolonged wear, partially blocking the blood flow to the phalanx. Naturally, too large sizes are also undesirable, because such a ring can easily and unnoticed by the wearer slip off the finger and get lost.

Attention! If the future spouses have chosen some models, but the size does not suit them, then most jewelry companies in this case offer individual adjustment of rings.You will have to pay extra for such a service, but in cases where the couple cannot find other suitable options, fitting becomes an excellent way out of the situation.

Traditionally, the majority of future newlyweds prefer sleek models made of gold, not too pretentious and not burdened with a large number of stones. Gold may not necessarily be the base metal - again, everything depends on personal preference. It is also worth thinking about how the ring will match with other everyday accessories that the bride wears.

Engraving the name of a lover or beloved on the inside of the product or engraving a few warm words on it is also very popular. Whatever the choice of the newlyweds, the rings must be made in the same style and from the same material.

To summarize, the ideal wedding couple is:

  • Made in the same style and from the same material.
  • Does not cause discomfort when worn.
  • Both the bride and groom like it.

Signs associated with rings

Wedding ringsAs with many other attributes of a wedding ceremony, there are a great many signs associated with rings. The ring itself is a symbol of infinity, family happiness and marital fidelity. If the bride or groom drops the jewelry during the exchange ceremony, this can bring misfortune to the future marriage. To prevent this from happening, witnesses at the celebration must pick up the fallen ring and then pass a white thread through it.

Christian traditions also include buying jewelry at the same time and always in the same store. It is strictly forbidden to use the same jewelry that was already worn by one of the couple in previous marriages, because this can bring the same troubles into a new marriage.The sign, however, does not apply to hereditary rings that were used by relatives of the parties in their happy marriages. It is even believed that such rings give strength to a marriage and make future family life a little happier.

Attention! Losing a ring before the wedding is one of the worst omens, because the absence of the main attribute of the ceremony can even lead to its cancellation. Before the ceremony itself, wearing jewelry is also prohibited, unless we are talking about the first fitting. The rings must wait for their “finest hour” in special boxes until the start of the ceremony.

It is believed that if, while searching for a suitable ring, you put it in your hand and listen to the sensations, you can sometimes feel warmth. Those who “give” in the palm of their hand will bring it into family life, making the marriage long and truly strong.

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