Who wears a ring on their thumb

Who wears a ring on their thumbA friend called in alarm: the nephew put the ring on his thumb. He wears it and doesn’t explain what it means. Relatives are worried, what if this is a sign of belonging to some group? I saw this too. And for people of different ages. And I never thought about what it meant. I became interested and found out a lot of interesting and new things for myself.

The thumb ring is a fashion with a solid history.

Ancient amulet

history of the ringOf course, I knew that the fashion for decorating the body with rings came to us from ancient times. Turns out, Even then, similar items were worn on the thumbs of both hands, but only by men.

REFERENCE! Our ancestors believed that this method gave them additional strength and helped them in battles and wars.

In those distant times, it was not necessary to wear expensive jewelry made of precious metals. The simplest iron rim was enough.

It was also believed that it protected against various diseases and adversities. To do this on a metal product special signs and runes were applied that carry a secret meaning and protect their owner.

IMPORTANT! A little later, women began to put the wedding rings of their dead husbands on this finger. The explanation was simple. They were too big in size and only fit this finger.

In addition, they served as a vivid reminder of the deceased spouse.

Engagement symbol

The Renaissance turned history upside down. Now girls put an engagement ring on their thumb after the groom proposed. This was done so that everyone around could see that the girl was busy and would soon become a legal wife.


At certain times, both men and women wore these jewelry. This was considered a sign of belonging to a certain hierarchical circle at the local level. Celtic patterns were usually used as symbols.

Who puts a ring on their thumb these days?

meaningToday such an object can be seen on the thumb both men and women. They belong to different cultures, religions, ages and beliefs.

IMPORTANT! Most often it is just a decoration that does not carry any secret meaning. A person just felt this way and decided to decorate his body in an original way.

But decoration has special meanings. Most often it is worn in the following cases.

  • Protection from diseases and illnesses.
  • Attracting sexuality and attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex
  • Designation of memory for a deceased person.

Each person independently determines the meaning of the ring on his thumb.

REFERENCE! People who are interested in palmistry often purchase rings with various ornaments, Celtic signs and runes in order to reliably protect themselves from adversity.

Male or female jewelry?

male or femaleAt all times, rings on the thumb were worn by both men and women.Today little has changed. Jewelry is still adorned on the hands of both sexes. However, women are increasingly investing in the meaning of such an original product secret meaning. While man just trying emphasize your individuality and perhaps sexuality.

In jewelry stores today you can find a wide variety of models of thumb rings.

  • For women, jewelers offer both ordinary headbands, often with secret signs printed on them, and very original models in the form of animals, birds or complex geometric patterns.
  • For men, regular wide headbands made of silver or a metal alloy, which are decorated with runic symbols or Celtic signs, are more often offered.

Extraordinary and free

who wearsA ring placed on the thumb speaks of the stubbornness, determination and extraordinary fortitude of its owner. This type of decoration is usually chosen by extraordinary people who strive for freedom and new achievements, who are energetic and self-willed.

IMPORTANT! The originality of the decoration will definitely make a person stand out from the crowd and attract everyone's attention. By wearing it this way, a person does not mind being the center of attention.

Some people place it on the Mars finger intentionally. This indicates active work on oneself, on one’s own thoughts and statements. A person tries to be more sociable and less irritable to the mistakes of others.

Having a couple

couple signIn ancient times, women wore a large marital ring on this finger after the death of their husband. Today the ring can also become a symbol of fidelity and a constant reminder of your loved one.

According to some reports, Venus is the patron of this finger, therefore the decoration will be an expression of love and open sexuality for your partner.

And in some nationalities this is how wedding rings are worn, as a symbol of a reminder of the choice made and love for your spouse.


orientationIt is noteworthy that in some countries, a ring on the thumb indicates a girl’s non-traditional sexual orientation. And the attitude towards it depends on which hand the ring is on.

  • On the right hand - an indication that the lady has a partner, and she is absolutely happy in the relationship.
  • On the left hand — the owner of the jewelry is single and open to new relationships.

It is noteworthy that most women, putting on a ring in this way, do not even understand the meaning of these symbols.

IMPORTANT! Experts advise that when going to an unfamiliar country, free your thumbs from any type of jewelry.

Protecting yourself from the evil eye

It is believed that the thumb is the place where the strongest energy is concentrated. That is why a special ring with printed symbols perfectly protects the owner from the evil eye and various adversities.

In general, when putting a ring on your thumb, you should think about the meanings that it can express to others.

Reviews and comments
E Catherine:

How do you live while looking for hidden meaning around you? A thumb ring is just a ring on a thumb, like everyone else.

A Alfred Ilberi:

In the 19th century in the Caucasus, men wore a specially shaped ring on the thumb of their right hand. The reason is the small and very tight trigger of local flintlock guns.

AND Iskander:

The ring on the thumb was indeed worn by men, but in order to cock the pistol the finger did not slip. The ring was hooked onto the trigger

IN Vasyan:

And even earlier for archery

WITH Sasha:

I don’t know where, but in Moscow, gay girls wear a ring on their thumb. On the right is an active, on the left is a passive, on both is a station wagon. But mostly youngsters. Older ladies don't suffer from such nonsense.

A Alexandra:

Iskander and Alfred are perhaps more correct in revealing the history of wearing a ring on the thumb. Let me add, perhaps, even earlier (before pistols), the ring had a small recess so that the arrow could move more directionally through it. Hence the “.. finger of Mars”, as mentioned in the article.

TO Konstantin:

I noticed that girls wearing a ring on their left thumb are much more relaxed and attractive.

E Elena:

About gay girls: which finger is comfortable on, that’s what they wear))) Sometimes on both at once. And sometimes they don’t wear them at all. But yes. From it you can sometimes calculate “your own”. But today it’s more difficult, since straight women wear rings on their thumbs.

F Fevrony Stark:

that is, it can mean anything or nothing :)))

P mockingbird:

Just think - the boy put the ring on his thumb. it doesn't mean anything.
Be afraid when he starts wearing thongs. )))

M Max:

It all depends on what meaning everyone puts into wearing a ring and this is not necessarily the ultimate truth; in principle, it does not play any role for others if you don’t wear a ring at all and this will mean freedom from everything and complete astral and mental independence. A person is born into this world without rings, tattoos and absolutely sinless, but over time he acquires both negativity and positivity, regardless of signs and marks. The advice is not to wear any signs at all and, accordingly, not to depend on them. This is a kind of dependence on symbols with subsequent binding to the biofield of these signs and the establishment of an inextricable connection with the human biofield and correction of one’s destiny and not necessarily for the better. Also, through these signs and symbols they can control the person who applied them to himself and will subsequently obey these forces.

TO Ksenia.:

Everyone has their own opinion, their own meaning. Not so long ago I read that a ring on the thumb is to attract financial wealth. Some zadiac signs are simply recommended to wear a ring on the thumb. So, no matter what finger you wear the ring on, I just want to wish you success and health.

M Margarita:

It doesn’t mean anything :))) it’s either a cult of wearing rings on all fingers to show wealth, or guys buy rings for their girls and determine the approximate size by eye, but it’s too big, so they wear it on their thumbs!

IN Verya Borisovna:

Ooooh)))))))) And I wear it on my thumb in order to prevent injury (normal working moment)..)))))))))))

AND Irina:

Dear author, according to what system is the thumb of the hand the finger of Mars? I know that this is the finger of Venus.


