Can I wear my mom's wedding ring?

At all times, a wedding ring has been a bright symbol of marriage. It symbolizes fidelity and love for a partner, and is also considered a constant reminder of vows. Often, girls getting ready to get married receive an engagement ring from their mother as a gift. Is it possible to accept such a gift and how will it affect the family life of a young wife? Let’s look into this article.

Is it allowed to wear my mother's wedding ring?

bride kisses groomFor many centuries, many signs and superstitions have been associated with rings. In ancient times, people believed that it protected its owner from unkind eyes and words. That's why It was believed that the owner could not part with the jewelry, because this would weaken the protection.

An engagement ring is one of the most valuable things for every woman. If family life is happy, then the decoration reminds of the joyful days of marriage. In some families it is considered a real heirloom and is passed down from generation to generation.

Important! One of the reasons why jewelry is considered such a treasured piece of jewelry for a family is the material from which it is made. Today, jewelry is made mostly from low-grade gold, which is many times different from the metal of old.

It is believed that wearing a mother's ring as an engagement ring is acceptable if the girl does not believe in various signs and superstitions. If the young bride is still quite suspicious and is afraid that the jewelry will affect her marital life, it is recommended to clean it first.

What does the church say?

ringsAt the wedding Father always draws the attention of newlyweds to the fact that the rings cannot be passed into the wrong hands to anyone, not even their own children.. According to church canons, they are a symbol of the purity and fidelity of spouses towards each other. Jewelry should always be together and you cannot “break this union”.

Should I wear my mother's ring or not? the girl must decide for herself. To a greater extent, the choice is influenced by the attitude of the young bride to religion and superstitions. In any case, the gift can be made for the wedding day, and the girl herself will decide whether to take it or not, and how to wear it in the future.

Are there any signs, and what are they?

wedding ringsOver hundreds of years, people have come up with a huge number of signs associated with wearing and owning wedding jewelry. They have not been scientifically proven, but people believe in them unquestioningly and try to avoid dangerous situations that could lead to adverse consequences in life.

The most common superstitions are:

  • the ring for the newlyweds should be even, smooth and shiny, then their life will be happy;
  • you cannot use melted rings of older relatives at a wedding (in this case, there is the exact opposite superstition, which involves melting down the rings of grandmothers and mothers who lived happily in marriage);
  • a girl should not walk down the aisle with the ring of her mother who lost her husband;
  • Divorced people's jewelry is not displayed or worn and is not suitable for reuse at a wedding.

Important! Some signs are quite controversial. In any case, each person makes his own choice - to wear or not to wear the jewelry given by his mother.

How to remove energy from a ring?

Any jewelry always takes on a person’s energy, is saturated with it, and when it passes to another owner can significantly influence his life. To avoid this, experts recommend using two methods to help clean the ring:

  • hands with ringsmelting down (a radical but effective method; using this method you can get a “clean” piece of jewelry and choose the design you like);
  • pawnshop (it is recommended to take the jewelry to a pawnshop, having previously agreed that it will not be put up for sale. And after a day you need to buy it back, this will help “cleanse” the product of foreign energy).

The girl must decide for herself whether to wear the ring given by her mother and whether to use it as an engagement accessory at her own wedding. Provided that signs and superstitions do not have power over a woman, everything will turn out as it should. But, if the bride is burdened by signs, it is better to abandon such an idea, since fears will forever settle in the subconscious of the young wife.

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