Is it possible to wear my husband's wedding ring?

Is it possible to wear my husband's wedding ring?Wedding rings are not easy jewelry. This is the oldest symbol of endless love and loyalty of two people towards each other. The exchange of them is a traditional ritual with deep meaning in many cultures, a sign of the consolidation of a new union, the promise of a long life together and the beginning of family happiness.

IMPORTANT! Typically, wedding jewelry is made of gold or silver, occasionally decorated with precious stones or engraving.

Most often, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the right or left hand. Although in some cases they are hung on a chain as a pendant.

It happens that over time, due to changes in the size of the fingers (for example, due to swelling during pregnancy), some women begin to wear their husband’s jewelry. But you shouldn't do this. A practical solution, as it seems at first glance, can play a cruel joke. After all, a ring, especially when it comes to an engagement ring, is a very personal thing.The jewel accumulates the energy of its owner. And it is impossible to say in advance how this will subsequently affect the other person. It is better to go to a jeweler and have the product adjusted to a new size.

What to do with your dead husband's wedding ring

RingsOften after the death of her husband, a widow begins to wear the ring of the deceased as a sign of eternal memory. This is how she expresses her feelings: love, grief, sadness. But is it possible to do this with decoration? Opinions are completely different...

According to various superstitions, this should not be done under any circumstances. When a woman wears the ring of her deceased husband, she thereby binds his soul to herself and attracts the energy of suffering and death. And this cannot have a positive impact on her morale and future life in general.

But on the other hand, a personal item of a deceased loved one is an object that constantly reminds of him. About bright feelings, tenderness, love and the best days spent together. How can such a ring bring trouble?

It’s not for nothing that they say “according to your faith, be it done to you.” The power of belief is quite strong. And if you believe in the positive energy of the deceased spouse’s ring, then it will become a powerful amulet. And vice versa: if the jewelry is associated with the pain of losing a loved one and only causes sadness and negative emotions, then it is better to hide it away.

Folk signs

From time immemorial, people all over the world have exchanged rings when starting their family life. Over the centuries, many signs associated with this custom have accumulated.The ring was damaged

  • For example, it is believed that the loss of jewelry by one of the spouses will lead to a major quarrel. Or that you cannot use the “engagement rings” of your relatives, otherwise the new family will repeat their fate.
  • Many superstitions are associated with the question of whether a wife can wear her husband’s ring. As a rule, no. First, each spouse must wear their own personal wedding jewelry throughout their entire life together. Secondly, any thing is saturated with the energy of its owner, becoming a talisman for him. It is impossible to predict in advance how a borrowed accessory will affect even the closest person.
  • There is a sign according to which you should not even try on other people’s rings, let alone wear them for a long time.
  • Most people agree that you shouldn't wear wedding rings after a divorce. It is believed that the energy of a failed marriage will prevent you from finding new love and creating a strong couple. But if you are not inclined to believe superstitions, then you can safely wear such jewelry, just not on the ring finger.

The exchange of wedding rings is an important attribute of a wedding, filled with a sacred symbol. Even the most convinced skeptics are sensitive to his choice. And not in vain, because these jewelry should go with a married couple throughout their entire life, protecting them from adversity and protecting them from grief.

Reviews and comments
L Lyudmila:

My husband died... It's not even nine days yet. The wedding ring has not been removed from my hand for a long time. It can only be removed by cutting it. The joint is sore and swollen, and the area under the ring is not tight. The ring does not interfere with the finger. What should I do, they say you can’t wear it on your right hand?


