Is it possible to wear a wedding ring after a divorce?

When we get married, we think it's forever. However, divorce statistics say the opposite. A once beloved man can become the most distant and repulsive person in the world. In this case, the symbol of his love and fidelity - the wedding ring - turns into a mockery. You want to get rid of it, but you don’t always need to do this.

What to do with an engagement ring after a divorce?

Options for handling an already unnecessary symbol of love and fidelity:

  • wedding ring on left handresale;
  • donation;
  • remelting;
  • throwing away;
  • transfer to spouse;
  • transfer to children;
  • pawning (in a pawnshop).

In addition, you can simply leave the item at home or put it on the ring finger of your left hand. Leaving it on the right is not recommended. At a minimum, this will instill false information in the minds of strangers. They will not consider you as a possible object of courtship.

Legal and non-legal regulations

Rings are purchased before marriage, which means they do not fall under the laws on the division of property acquired jointly by spouses. If for some reason the jewelry was purchased not before, but after marriage, then you can refer to Article 36 of the RF IC, according to which things brought as a gift are considered personal, and therefore they are not divided during a divorce.

Important! It may be necessary to prove in court that there was a donation and not an acquisition.

ringsFrom a non-legal point of view an expensive ring is a reason for conflict. We are not talking about a ring from the mass market, but about a luxurious piece of jewelry, which in value can be comparable to a car or even real estate. If you want to avoid problems associated with such an accessory, then It is better to clarify in writing in advance, before marriage, who exactly will receive the jewelry in the event of a family breakup.

It is also worth understanding that a ring passed on by inheritance to a spouse’s family is family heirloom. Family, but you are no longer part of this family. Therefore, you should think twice before keeping it for yourself. At the very least, this will not be a completely plausible act.

What do signs and astrologers say?

Psychics do not insist on immediate relief from the reminder of a broken union. The line of behavior must be chosen based on goals. If a woman no longer wants to get married, then she can leave the ring. If you want to start a new relationship or even get remarried, then it is better to put the ring away.

Important! When choosing a place to hide it, keep in mind that the new boyfriend or spouse should not even accidentally see the ring.

rings save and saveIt is also important to consider how exactly the ring was received. The gift needs to be handled more carefully. It definitely cannot be re-gifted or pawned.The most reasonable option: put the thing somewhere far away. For example, in a safe. With this approach, it will be possible to bypass all the signs that are associated with giving and accepting things from a once close person.

The storage location should not be located on the territory of the former spouse’s residence. Also You shouldn't give him back the engagement ring. It forever imprints moments of happiness, the first minutes of wearing. These moments should stay with you; you cannot erase them from your life. If you give the accessory to the person from whom you received it, you will thereby reset the entire past and contribute to the formation of an energetic void in your own biography. In the future, the unfilled pages of life will demand their toll.

wedding ringsYou should not pass on the ring that sealed an unhappy union by inheritance.. If up to this point the item was a family value, then the tradition needs to be interrupted. The decoration was filled with negative energy due to an unsuccessful marriage. By passing it on to your child or his fiancée, you will doom the recipient to an unenviable personal life.

If the ring was inherited in the family of the ex-husband, then you need to give it back. This is the only justified reason for the return of a ritual wedding attribute. To do otherwise is not only unsightly, but also dangerous. You can incur the wrath of your ancestors. It is especially dangerous to leave jewelry with you if you are the initiator or culprit of the breakup.

With all this it is unacceptable to be rude or disrespectful towards the symbol of lost love. The ring, unless it is an ex's family heirloom, belongs to you. Appreciate and respect it, your property, and then there will be no obstacles either to building a new marriage or to further living as an independent and self-sufficient woman.

Other signs and taboos associated with a wedding ring:

  • takes off the ringcannot be given;
  • cannot be stored in the same place with jewelry (they will be saturated with the energy of the wedding ring);
  • family value can be transferred to a daughter only after rituals of purification and consecration (manipulations should be carried out by an experienced person with the right attitude and state of mind);
  • To prevent the ring from catching the eyes of your new spouse and emitting negative energy, wrap it in a scarf before hiding it;
  • Until the moment of an official divorce, carried out in accordance with the current legislation, under no circumstances should you remove the ring from your finger - you will incur losses of various kinds and aggravate your relationship with your ex to such an extent that you will not be able to have anything to do with the once dear man.

Can I throw it away or sell it?

weddingIf you have a choice between throwing away, pawning, resale and melting down, then you should choose the latter option. Take a tangible reminder of your lost love to a craftsman and let him make a new piece of jewelry – earrings or a ring (but not a wedding ring).

After the metal changes its physical state and undergoes purification by fire, it will no longer carry any sacred meaning. And from a psychological point of view, the new jewelry will be much easier to wear.

Important! Psychics do not recommend selling or pawning an engagement ring.

If life with your spouse was a real nightmare - from beginning to end, and not at the moment of a decisive disagreement - then instead of throwing it away you should bury your wedding ring. Give him a farewell as close to a real funeral as possible. Make or select a coffin, invite friends (neutral or positive towards magic) to the ceremony.At the end of the process, go to the funeral feast. Remember the ring and all the negativity he witnessed.

You can also cleanse yourself and get rid of wedding paraphernalia using water.. Send him swimming on a small raft (you can buy a toy ship). Before this, perform a ritual on the shore. For it you will need a fresh flower and a candle. The bud is torn off and the petals are thrown onto the boat with the decoration. Then they light a candle and send the now unnecessary accessory on its way.

...what if the ring is a wedding ring?

Perfect option: ask advice from the clergyman who performed the ritual. If this is not possible, then you should abandon the idea of ​​selling, melting down or throwing away the ring. Just remove it. This gesture will not help to avoid problems of a certain kind, but at least it will not add new items to the list of punishable offenses.

Important! The clergyman will most likely offer to donate gold jewelry to the church.

Advice for divorced people

divorceeIf you still have feelings for your ex-husband, then at least during meetings with him, put a wedding ring on the ring finger of your left hand. Ideally, it should be worn constantly. This behavior, according to astrologers and psychics, will allow you to maintain an energetic connection with the man who left the family. To return him, all that remains is to strengthen the connecting thread by choosing the right line of behavior.

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