Is it possible to show engagement rings before the wedding?

A wedding is a sacramental rite that has its roots in ancient times.. This most important event in the life of every person has long been overgrown with traditions and customs in every national culture and locality.

Every country, every nation has its own wedding customs, unique only to that area and people. The wedding ceremony is full of ancient beliefs, superstitions and mysterious signs.

exchange of rings

In the modern world, many newlyweds do not take into account the centuries-old experience of their ancestors. Some, on the contrary, honor traditions and carefully study old beliefs and beware of bad signs.

Is it possible or not to show engagement rings before the wedding? And why?

Undoubtedly, not a single wedding ceremony is complete without the ritual of putting rings on the ring fingers of the spouses. This is a beautiful tradition accepted all over the world.

wedding rings

But wedding rings are a difficult attribute of married life.Each thing has its own energy, it carries a positive or negative charge. That's why For many newlyweds, it is important that the wedding rings carry only a positive charge during marriage or wedding registration.

wedding rings

Having submitted an application to the registry office for marriage registration, couples in love rush to Is it possible or not to show wedding rings before the wedding? And why?
Undoubtedly, not a single wedding ceremony is complete without the ritual of putting rings on the ring fingers of the spouses. This is a beautiful tradition accepted all over the world. Jewelry store to choose those treasured wedding rings that will seal their marriage with strong bonds. And many lovers, most often happy brides, rush to share their joy and show the purchased wedding rings to their close friends, relatives, and colleagues.

But there is an opinion that many people still hold today: that you should not show wedding rings to anyone before the wedding, much less give them to your hands or allow them to be tried on your finger.

wedding rings

This is explained by the fact that the ring takes on the negative feelings and experiences of the person who picks it up. Even the closest friend, wishing from the bottom of her heart for happiness, can at this moment feel a pang of envy towards the bride, being unmarried herself. And the ring, having absorbed negative emotions, can interfere with marital happiness.

How to avoid trouble if someone has seen wedding rings?

We all know that thoughts are material, and often we ourselves attract bad things to ourselves, pronouncing and passing through ourselves the worst scenario for the development of events.

fight at a wedding

Also in the situation with the ring: if you worry that someone saw or held your wedding ring in their hands, and you and your spouse will certainly get divorced - most likely this will happen.

All bad omens associated with wedding rings, one way or another, foreshadow family discord, separation or divorce. Therefore, the best thing you can do in such a situation is not to concentrate on unnecessary misgivings and not to attract discord into a new unit of society.

wedding ring on finger

Don't get hung up on unpleasant thoughts and expectations. Direct your thoughts and emotions in the right direction, and think more about pleasant things.

Other wedding signs you didn't know about

bride and groom at the altar

At all, There are many beliefs regarding wedding rings:

  1. In ancient times and to this day, rings are presented as a gift by the groom.
  2. The surface of the rings should be smooth, without patterns, stones or engravings.
  3. Rings should not be shown to anyone before the wedding.
  4. If the ring falls during the wedding ceremony, there will be trouble.
  5. Divorce and discord are also foreshadowed by the loss of a ring by one of the spouses.
  6. Do not accept them as a gift under any circumstances. The only exceptions are those family jewels passed down from generation to generation, but provided that they were an attribute of a happy family union.

Is there some more there are a lot of wedding signs that some people believe in, but others may find funny:

  1. The bride's outfit should consist of a one-piece dress, and not a skirt with a top - otherwise the young people will live apart.
  2. The longer the dress, the longer the married life.
  3. The bride should not look in the mirror in full attire before the wedding ceremony.
  4. The glasses of the spouses must be empty. If the glasses are not empty, they are filled with tears.
  5. A torn dress means an evil mother-in-law will get it.
  6. You should not present a wedding dress to avoid unhappiness or a break in the marriage. The dress should be preserved until old age.
  7. Before the wedding, the groom puts money in his shoe under the heel, thereby providing the spouses with a rich life.

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