Which finger should a man wear a ring on?

Which finger should a man wear a ring on?A ring as a piece of jewelry is a common picture when it comes to the fair half of humanity. Men wear rings much less often, if at all. Often courageous knights do not even wear a wedding ring. However, the reason is often objective. If a man is engaged in hard and “dirty” physical labor, and his hands are in contact with mechanisms, reagents, oils, gasoline, etc., you should not be offended by him for not having a wedding ring on his finger.

Meanwhile, the ring is like a closed circle, a symbol of eternity and continuity of life, historically a male decoration. In ancient times, women were prohibited from wearing them, and objects that could be seen on men's fingers had a practical purpose.

Thus, leather rings were a necessary attribute for archery, and the signet rings that came into fashion in Ancient Rome actually fulfilled their intended purpose and were used as the personal seal of eminent patricians.

A ring on a man's finger could tell a lot about its owner.The established traditions of wearing this jewelry carried information about his marital status, financial viability, membership in a certain social class, secret community or professional community.

Today there are no strict requirements for the rules of wearing men's rings, perhaps with the exception of wedding rings. But certain stereotypes still exist. You don’t have to adhere to them, but knowledge of generally accepted rules will be useful.

Three types can be distinguished:

  • Engagement. As a rule, it is a rather laconic decoration in the form of a metal strip, most often gold. Recently, the design of wedding rings, including men's, has changed significantly. Engraving and scattering of small precious stones became popular.


  • Signets. Initially, they had on their flat surface a mirror image of the family coat of arms or initials of the owner. The imprint of such a ring on paper or wax looked like a correct image, which made it possible to seal important documents. Today, signets are usually decorated with floral or abstract designs.


  • Rings with precious and semi-precious stones. Although stylists urge restraint when choosing the color and size of stones for men's jewelry, today you can find a wide variety of artistic designs for men's rings.

Rings with precious and semi-precious stones

It is determined by the man himself, based on his sense of taste and style, as well as the shape and size of the ring. However, there are no taboos. A man's ring can be worn on any finger!

Which hand should a man wear a ring on?

There is no clear answer to this question. The only thing worth taking into account is the difference between the right and left hand from a psychological point of view.It is generally accepted that the right hand reflects the physical state of a person, while the left is a mirror of character, worldview and relationships with others. However, all of the above applies to right-handers.

Meaning and meaning.

Let's take a closer look at each finger of a man's hand:

  • Thumb. Today, not everyone is capable of such a bold decision. Meanwhile, in North America this tradition was very common among strong and self-confident men. For many cultures, a massive ring on the thumb is a symbol of wealth and power. According to psychologists, in order to choose this solution, a man must have a desire for self-affirmation and sexual activity.

Rings on fingers

  • Forefinger. Until a certain time, the right to wear a ring on this finger belonged only to men who had reached a certain position in society. That is why signets are most often worn on this finger. A characteristic tradition for many clubs, societies and fraternities, making it easy to recognize their members. A ring on the index finger of a man’s hand is a symbol of power and leadership or the desire for such. Designers note that the index finger, and therefore the ring on it, is the center of attention of others. At the same time, do not forget that this location of the jewelry makes it vulnerable when it comes into contact with various objects.
  • Middle finger. It would seem that the ideal position for a man’s ring is simply because it looks like a center of balance and is visually perceived very harmoniously. However, representatives of the male half of humanity wear rings least often on this finger. Perhaps one of the reasons is in the proximity of the index finger, already decorated with a massive signet.According to psychologists, a ring on the middle finger can be seen on calm, balanced men who are capable of fulfilling the role of a reliable business partner and a good family man. All of the above is automatically canceled if, in addition to the middle one, all other fingers attract attention with numerous decorations.
  • Ring finger. Many men are intimidated by jewelry on this finger, because traditionally this is the place of the wedding finger. And for all countries and peoples. The only difference is that in the traditions of Orthodoxy, as well as in countries such as Denmark, Norway, Russia, Poland, the symbol of eternal love and devotion is worn on the right hand, while a married American, Englishman or German has a ring on his left hand. When divorcing, they move to the finger of the same name on the opposite hand. In the case of widowhood, a man has the right to leave the wedding ring in place as a symbol of lost love, or simply refuse to wear it, since both from a legal point of view and according to all church canons, the marriage is considered over. Stylists consider the only permitted option, from the point of view of the strict rules of good taste, to simultaneously wear a ring on the middle finger only with a wedding ring. If a man who is not connected by family ties wears jewelry on his ring finger, psychologists recognize his love for luxury and sophistication.
  • Little finger. In the 70s of the last century, a ring on the little finger of the right hand emphasized the owner’s non-traditional sexual orientation. Then, for quite a long time, the ringed little finger served as a sign of a representative of an organized criminal group. This idea was formed largely thanks to the efforts of Hollywood heroes.Psychologists attribute to the owner of such jewelry insight and intelligence, and the ability to make creative decisions.

Rules for wearing rings for men

When choosing and wearing jewelry, you should pay attention to the following recommendations:Pinky ring

  1. “Less is better, but better.” It is advisable to limit the number of them worn at the same time. If there are more than three of them, thoughts arise about the imperfection of the owner’s sense of style and taste.
  2. Unity of color scheme. No matter what modern stylists say about the possibility of wearing different metals at the same time, it is preferable for a man that the metal of his rings be in harmony with his wristwatch.
  3. Balanced placement of jewelry. If a man wears more than two rings, the optimal solution would be to distribute them on two hands and still not cross the line of three jewelry. The wristwatch can be balanced by a bracelet on the wrist of the other hand.

Attention! Great A.S. It is no coincidence that Pushkin said: “You can be a efficient person and think about the beauty of your nails.” Wearing rings places increased demands on the condition of men's hands!

Reviews and comments
WITH Sergey:

Rings and chains are a sign of not very great intelligence in principle. )) And the thicker the chain or the more massive the ring, the more incurable the cognitive dysfunction.

S Same po sebe:

... and “diamonds are trash”
...and “the grapes are green”

G Hans:

Whatever the “commentators” can come up with, including cognitive dysfunction, is just to justify their depressing financial situation and inability to buy even a modest piece of jewelry.


