What does the ring label say?

Buying new jewelry is a serious matter! How could it be otherwise? You have to shell out a considerable amount! Even high-quality jewelry is not cheap. You spend a long time choosing, and then once again you hear about counterfeits and again you doubt whether you have fallen into the net of an unscrupulous manufacturer. A jeweler I know teaches you to be attentive not only to the jewelry itself, but also to its tag. It turns out that she can become a reliable consultant! You just need to be able to read all her tips! After all, this is a kind of jewelry passport!

what does the ring label say?

What can you learn about a ring from its label?

Let's take a closer look at the label.

general information

First of all, please note that the label contains general information.

  • Item name: ring, earrings, ring, bracelet and so on.
  • Manufacturer's trademark and legal address.
  • Item item number.
  • Ring size.



  • Indication of the precious metal from which the jewelry is made and its fineness.
  • How much does the ring weigh (for all jewelry items this value is indicated in grams).
  • If there is an insert, then its characteristics are indicated: natural or synthetic stone, variation of its cut.

Attention! For some natural species, carat weight is required. Often, such requirements apply to inserts made of precious stones: rubies, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds.


From the tag you can understand how the amount that will have to be paid upon purchase is determined.

  • Price for 1 gram of metal.
  • Product cost.

Additional Information

In addition to all of the above, labels are required on the back The Quality Control Department stamp (technical control department) must be present.

Reference! Some manufacturers also indicate the date of manufacture on the tag. But this information is not mandatory.


Metal details

But what information about the metal can be learned from the label.

Type of precious metal

By carefully reading the tag, you will find out what metal is the ring made of?.

Reference! Today jewelry is made from gold, platinum, silver, and palladium.

ring with label


In addition, the sample is indicated on the label and the item itself (on a special marking). It is indicated for different materials as a three-digit number. It indicates how much the metal itself weighs in the alloy. After all, almost all jewelry is made from alloys based on some precious metal.

  •  Gold jewelry: marked as follows: 999, 958, 750, 585, 583, 375. 585 is especially common.
  • Made of silver - 999, 960, 925 (the most widely used), 830.
  • Palladium — 500, 850.
  • From platinum — 950, 900, 850.

Important! These numbers show how much pure metal is in a thousand units of alloy.At the same time, the mark used to apply samples is the same for each piece of jewelry made from this alloy. The standard is set by the state.

Information about the stone that the label contains

If the ring has a stone insert, then important information about it can also be found on the label. This is especially true for jewelry with diamonds..

The following information can be gleaned from the tag.

  • Shape of the stone and number of faces. For example, if the stone is round and has 45 sides, then the marking will be: KR-45.
  • Color and purity of the stone. This criterion is presented as a ratio, for example, 2/4.

color and purity

Important! The smaller the color, the smaller the first number. The second indicates flaws in the stone (cracks, bubbles, etc.). The more there are, the higher the indicator.

  • Carat weight. If the product contains several different stones, then the weight of each is indicated; for identical stones, their number is written before the total weight.
  • Cut quality. It is expressed in a letter value from A (highest) to G (lowest).

Knowing all the intricacies of labeling, you can easily navigate the product offered and will not allow you to be misled.

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