Why can't you try on other people's rings? Symbolism, signs

Round-shaped jewelry accumulates the owner’s energy better than others, since the closed circuit does not allow it to be released. Therefore, many signs say that you cannot give and take rings to try on. This is a simple way to share or accept extraneous troubles, especially if you don’t know how to put up spiritual protection. Is it so?


Why can't you try on other people's rings - what do the signs say?

It is believed that trying on someone else's jewelry leads to a bad streak in life. It brings misfortune in all areas of life, because in this way one tries on an outside destiny and takes on the owner’s problems.


Even if you take jewelry from a happy person, it is still not considered a guarantee of protection from harm. You may not even know some aspects of someone else’s fate! What if he has serious problems that are carefully hidden?


All signs and superstitions agree on one thing. Someone else's ring especially if it's an engagement party, transmits the energy of the owner.Essentially, it is energy enclosed in the round shape of a piece of jewelry. If you put it on, you can close it and try on the fate of another person. Therefore, it is also not recommended to give measurements. Everyone must create their own destiny and accumulate their own strength.

What happens if you try on a dead girl's ring?

It is forbidden to try on the belongings of a recently deceased person! The taboo is many hundreds of years old, as it promises misfortune! Jewelry is specified separately, as it has the property of accumulating energy.

rings on hands

It is recommended to consecrate the rings of deceased people in a church, this helps remove the energy. It is also physically cleaned, for example, an ammonia solution. If the ring was not removed until death, then the ritual is repeated 2-3 times.


According to popular beliefs, you should not touch any personal belongings for 40 days, otherwise you can anger the spirit and bring grief to yourself and your loved ones. Even family jewelry! Even after the expiration date, it is recommended to clean and illuminate them to get rid of accumulated negativity. Otherwise, the fate of the deceased will repeat itself.

Are there exceptions: whose rings can you put on your finger?

Every rule has an exception, and in this situation:

1.Those rings that were inherited, are considered the most powerful talismans, because they have absorbed the ancestral power and are able to protect against misfortunes. Therefore, you can safely wear rings from your family jewelry box. Mom's jewelry will not affect the girl's fate in any way.

At the same time, some occult experts advise caution about such things, since a curse could be placed on the family.

2. There is an interesting sign on your sister’s rings. They are believed to help move up the career ladder.Of course, no one canceled diligence and personal merit, but Before the decisive moment and conversation with the boss, you should put it on.

ring on a finger

3. There is also a sign that if you wear someone else’s wedding ring, and it comes up, then the girl will soon find a husband and go down the aisle. But even here you need to think and take it only from close people.

4. If you accidentally find someone else's ring, then it will bring good luck in achieving the goal and generally have a positive effect on fate.

Any signs and superstitions are based on centuries-old observations. Our ancestors did not know physics and the basics of biology, but were able to draw the right conclusions.


As with other signs, there is also a logical explanation here: with a foreign ring there is a risk of introducing fungus onto the skin, if the size is not suitable, it is then very difficult to remove it, and allowing the jewelry to be tried on by strangers entails the risk of loss or deliberate theft. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and wear each person’s own jewelry or take the necessary measures to eliminate negative consequences; this is spiritual and physical cleansing.

Reviews and comments
Z Zinochka:

“Otherwise the fate of the deceased may repeat itself” - oh, how unexpected! ? Otherwise we don’t know that everyone is dying. ?

Z Zinochka:

Well, if they hadn’t dragged in the consecration in the church, then maybe the signs would have worked as “the correct conclusions of the ancestors.” But if the ROC of the brain is woven in, then the whole text is not worth a damn!
Well, when will the authors realize: not all people in the world profess the same religion!


