Why you shouldn't wear a ring on your ring finger: superstitions

All my life I’ve worn rings according to the principle “whichever finger looks prettier on, I’ll put it on”! But one day I was told with genuine horror that by putting jewelry on the ring finger, a woman scares away men. Of course, in response to this, I nodded with a serious look, and silently twirled my finger at my temple. But a seed of doubt settled in my soul. And after another unsuccessful date I started thinking... In the end I gave up and went to Google what influences the choice of place for the ring. And I got so carried away that I went all the way to the history of the ancient world. Now I know, if not everything, then a lot about the ring and ring finger! I share interesting finds with you.

Why you shouldn't wear a ring on your ring finger

What kind of ring can be worn on the ring finger?

There is no absolute prohibition on jewelry on the ring finger. What to wear on it without fear of the influence of ancient signs?

Wedding ring

The wedding ring will rightfully take its place here! Why on the nameless one? As it turned out, the sacred act of sealing the bonds of marriage with rings took place back in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians believed that the “artery of love” ran from the ring finger to the heart. (according to the ancient grammarian Apion, this is a nerve).


INTERESTING! The ancient Greeks mentioned the ring finger in connection with Apollo, the sun god. And to this day, astrologers associate it with this star. The Moon is also considered his patron satellite.

Is it possible to have silver items?

There are very different opinions about silver rings.

Proponents of the theory of the connection of the ring finger with lunar energy believe that it goes perfectly with silver. And this is the patron saint of Apollo, the metal of the Moon, symbolizing beauty, creativity and romantic relationships.

However, there are directly opposite opinions that silver, as a cold metal, contributes to coldness in relationships, produces too much calm energy, which nullifies all ardor and passion.

Preference for small size

simple decorations

The size of the ring also matters. The rule works here "less is better". It is believed that a minimalist thin ring indicates a positive, calm and balanced character. And it is more appropriate on the ring finger. A large and flashy decoration, indicating a tendency towards depression and hysterical behavior, is undesirable here.

Everything is clear with wedding rings. What about those who are not yet married? Is the ring finger taboo for them?

Who better not to wear a ring on their ring finger?

While searching for information, I became convinced of the existence of a sign that it is better for an unmarried girl to put the ring on her other finger.

So as not to scare off men

But the reason for “scaring men away” is exclusively of an everyday, practical nature.This simply means that a man who wants to meet her may decide that the girl is already married, and therefore will not be active.

who should not wear it on their ring finger

In order not to interfere with marriage

If you dive into the spiritual layers again, you can “unearth” many more interesting things in this regard. For example, what the only purpose of any (not just a wedding) ring on the ring finger is to protect marriage and protect it from adversity.

If an unmarried girl wears it, the jewelry will not be able to fulfill its purpose.. And it will even act in exactly the opposite direction. That is, to make sure that the relationship, even if it appears, cannot reach marriage. And if they get there, then some kind of trouble will definitely happen at the ceremony.

how to deal with signs

How to deal with the ban

Of course, these are all beliefs, and the decision whether to follow them or not depends only on how you personally feel about signs. And most importantly, do you believe in their action? Self-hypnosis is a big deal, so if you, like me, even for a split second allowed yourself to connect your failures in your personal life with the position of the ring on your hand, then it’s better not to worry yourself in vain. Put it on some other fingers, fortunately there are eight more in stock!

And if nothing moved in your soul and you thought, why is it on the nameless - it’s impossible?! Put it on calmly, wear it for your health and be happy!

Reviews and comments
Z Zinochka:

“a man who wants to get acquainted may decide that the girl is already married, and therefore will not act actively.” – three ha” to that! If a man wants, then even three rings on the nameless one will not stop him! ?

A Alyona:

They summed up the article very well: “if nothing moved in your soul and you thought, why is it on the nameless - it’s impossible?! Put it on calmly, wear it for your health and be happy!” Thank you 😊

T Tatiana:

If a man wants it, he doesn’t care about rings! I was with my husband, the marriage was on the brink, my parents introduced me to a guy. He didn't care, he was very active. In the end, I got divorced, now we live together.🥰 I don’t regret getting divorced one bit.


