Is losing a ring a good or bad omen?

Most often, jewelry such as rings are given to loved ones and dear to the heart and passed on by inheritance. Accidentally losing a gift is hard not only from the moral side, it can also have a certain meaning, folk signs and superstitions will help you understand.

lost ring

Signs and beliefs about the lost ring

All known signs and beliefs originate from ancient times, when it was much easier for people to explain this or that unpleasant event by the influence of forces invisible to the human eye. Whether they actually exist or not, everyone has their own point of view on this matter.

lost ring

The loss of rings has always been treated with great caution, since it is believed that along with the jewelry, a person can lose his wisdom and fortitude. Particular attention was paid to wedding rings, as they are the main symbol of marital happiness and fidelity. The signs about them say:

  • that if the loss was discovered immediately after the wedding, then most likely one of the spouses may be caught in treason;
  • that if the ring is lost after many years of marriage, it will be difficult to avoid discord and problems in the family.

The wedding couple can be replaced with new ones, having first consecrated them in the church. The purchase of ordinary engagement rings can be turned into a celebration and even another comic wedding.

Losing a ring in a dream - what does it mean?

ring at the bottom

People who believe in omens and various superstitions pay a lot of attention to dreams. What they see at night carries over into real life. Attempts to interpret this or that dream do not always end in success, and sometimes dreams remain just dreams, but sometimes it happens that what is seen at night comes true in the light of day.

Rings seen in a dream and actions performed with them are considered from the perspective of the gender and status of the sleeping person. The main criterion becomes the dreamer's marital status and social status.

There are several types of dream books, each of which claims that the loss of gold jewelry in a dream promises the onset of a difficult period in life. Troubles can manifest themselves in quarrels and separations with loved ones, problems at work.

If you dreamed that a piece of jewelry that actually doesn’t exist disappeared from your finger, most likely the dreamer in real life is tormented by unfulfilled desires.

ring in the grass

The unexpected loss of the ring and its subsequent discovery suggests that the person was on the verge of major troubles, but events would turn in such a way that he would be able to avoid them. Moreover, if found in a dream, it guarantees the dreamer receiving good news.

If the lost ring is returned...

When a previously lost ring is suddenly found, it is always a joy. For a person, such a find promises the return of good luck and prosperity. Finding an engagement ring can reconcile quarreling spouses and return former love and mutual understanding to the family.

You need to be more wary of finding other people's rings. It is imperative to get rid of jewelry that is found on the threshold of your own home. It should not be taken with bare hands or placed on a finger.


Experts in the field of parapsychology and esotericism do not advise lifting any objects from intersections and roads. Jewelry or other personal items located in such places may be left there for the purpose of carrying out certain rituals, which are not always programmed for good.

Good things to expect from this find:

  • for unmarried guys, this promises them a quick wedding;
  • married men who will soon be lucky financially;
  • married women who can hope for a quick addition.

discovery of the ring

Not all losses or finds should be treated with caution and prejudice. Any event needs to be analyzed and the most convenient and truthful explanations found for it.

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