What is the difference between an engagement ring and a wedding ring

Today, not all wedding traditions are strictly followed. Many of them are considered relics and conventions that are not necessary to observe. However, the tradition of exchanging wedding rings, despite its ancient origins, has not lost its relevance. These jewelry symbolize marriage bonds, reciprocity of feelings, they are worn as a sign of fidelity to each other. In addition to the wedding ring, an engagement ring is also considered proof of love. What is the meaning of one and the other decoration and what is the difference between them?

Engagement and wedding ring: history

The emergence of the tradition of using rings in the wedding ceremony is attributed, according to various sources, to the period of the existence of Ancient Greece (late 3rd-2nd millennium - 30 BC) or Ancient Egypt (4 thousand BC - 4th-7th centuries . AD). And the custom of giving engagement jewelry to your chosen one arose much later - in the Middle Ages in Europe, namely in the 15th century.The loving Austrian Duke Maximilian, fearing that his bride, Mary of Burgundy, would forget about him and choose another husband, sent her a diamond ring with his monogram. The decoration was supposed to remind the girl of her groom. The marriage took place, and the lover’s impulse contributed to the emergence of a beautiful tradition.

A ring with a diamond.


Reference. For a long time, such a tradition did not exist in Rus'. The ritual of proposing a “marriage” was called matchmaking, and consent to the wedding was expressed by inviting the groom to the table with the matchmakers. Later, when girls had the opportunity to make their own decisions about marriage, the tradition of giving an engagement ring became relevant in Russia.

What is the difference between wedding and engagement jewelry in terms of the meaning of these symbols? For clarity, we present the features of both in the form of a table.

Differences between an engagement ring and a wedding ring

Engagement Engagement
It symbolizes marriage bonds, acts as a sign of fidelity to each other, and demonstrates the reciprocity of feelings.It serves as proof of love and the seriousness of the groom’s intentions, and in some countries it demonstrates his material well-being. In Europe there is still a rule: the cost of the ring should be no less than two salaries of the groom. In Russia, it is not customary to check your financial situation in this way; it is just a beautiful tradition.
The bride and groom exchange jewelry during the wedding ceremony.Presented to a girl at the time of marriage proposal.
Worn on the ring finger of the left or right hand. In Russia, the last option is considered traditional.Worn on the ring finger and worn until the wedding. Rules for wearing it after a special event vary depending on the country.In Europe, it is customary to leave it in place - that is, wear it together with the wedding band. In Russia, you cannot wear it on one finger together with your wedding finger - otherwise there are no restrictions.

External differences

Traditionally, wedding jewelry is laconic and smooth. Its design does not imply the presence of any additional elements except, perhaps, engraving, and it already belongs to modern fashion trends. An interesting, somewhat symbolic option is bi-alloy gold rings, which are rims of yellow and white metal connected to each other.

Classic engagement ring.


Double metal engraved ring.

@Claddagh Jewelers

Engagement ring design has virtually no restrictions - from classics with one diamond or another, more affordable, stone to bright jewelry with a scattering of stones.

Tiffany ring.


Ring with a scattering of stones.


Ring with sapphire.


Reference. Why are diamond rings considered a classic option? The fact is that in the Middle Ages, magical properties were attributed to this stone. It was believed that it strengthens feelings, symbolizes eternal devotion and demonstrates readiness to overcome any difficulties.

The lack of restrictions in choice gives rise to certain difficulties. The groom must “guess” the design of the ring and take into account the preferences of his chosen one. To do this, it is worth observing what jewelry she prefers in everyday life. Selected not only taking into account the external beauty, but also the taste of the bride, the engagement ring will evoke doubly pleasant emotions.

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