Types of wedding rings

Preparing for a wedding requires a lot of effort, time and attention. It is important to take into account all the little things, because it’s the little things that make up the triumph, and the whole life. When the dress is chosen, the invitations are made and the hairstyle is rehearsed, it's time to buy wedding rings.

wedding rings

To some extent, our mothers and grandmothers were lucky - the choice of rings ended with a smooth convex or flat one. Today, there are dozens of models on the jewelry market - with and without stones, smooth and notched, from the same metal or combined. But on the other hand, we are still lucky - we can choose the ring of our dreams or have it made to order. This is how we show our style and personality.

Therefore, it is important to understand what models of engagement rings exist today.

What types of wedding rings are there?

In the modern jewelry industry, the shapes and decor of wedding rings are amazing. Couples can choose any shape and metal, simple or embellished with stones. Wedding rings are distinguished according to the following indicators:

  • material;
  • form;
  • decor - inlay or engraving.

By type of material, their combinations

The material available varies from steel to platinum. A yellow gold engagement ring is considered a classic. Its other types are also popular among newlyweds - white, pink, red. Moreover, fashionistas are increasingly choosing white gold, believing that it looks more presentable and more expensive.

by type of material

REFERENCE! There are 2 types of white gold. Or rather, 2 types of ligatures - nickel, zinc, silver and gold; platinum, silver and gold. The second type is several times more expensive due to the platinum content.

But not everyone likes the classics, so they choose the metal they like. Gold, platinum or even steel.

by metal type

Often newlyweds choose combined rings made of 2 or 3 metals. Firstly, it is stylish and unusual, and secondly, such rings impart sacred meaning. Combine them like this:

  • yellow metal + white;
  • yellow + white + pink metal.

The double ring symbolizes the masculine and feminine principles, where he is yellow, she is white metal. Probably, this interpretation came from the custom of our ancestors, when after the wedding the husband wore a ring made of gold, and the wife wore a silver one. Gold symbolizes love and wealth, so the husband had to provide for the family. Silver can protect from evil spirits and negative energy, which means the wife must protect and preserve the family hearth.

type of metal

Three-color products, in addition to beauty and originality, are interpreted in 2 ways: three metals symbolize the triune force - Faith, Hope, Love; white gold - friendship, yellow - fidelity, pink love.

IMPORTANT! White gold with nickel can cause an allergic reaction. This happens due to nickel, which is an allergen.

There are also budget options in this niche - a silver ring with gold soldering.A thin plate of 375 gold is soldered onto a ring made of 925 sterling silver - it looks beautiful and is inexpensive.

With and without stones

There are 2 opinions about stones - old and new. In the old way - the wedding ring should be smooth, then family life will be smooth. A new opinion casts aside prejudices and allows you to buy the rings you want. Often this is a smooth ring with one or three stones inlaid. Sometimes the stones are located around the entire circumference of the rim.

with rocks

Such models are often chosen by brides, wanting them to fit into the style and stand out. Men wear wedding rings with stones less often; they prefer laconic models.

IMPORTANT! The peculiarity of an engagement ring with stones is that the stones are glued into the ring. They are not assigned to a caste and do not perform. This makes it convenient, because the engagement ring is worn all the time, and it is important that the protruding stones do not interfere or cling to clothing.

without stones

Transparent white stones - diamond or its artificial analogue - cubic zirconia are common among wedding rings. Again, these are classics, and for those who want to stand out there are rare models with green, red, pink, blue and black stones.



The variety of shapes is both amazing and makes it possible to choose a comfortable and beautiful ring:

  • convex - the model has been known since the Soviet Union;
  • straight - an even flat rim, it is also called “American” because of its origin;

REFERENCE! The American woman has an analogue - a washer ring made of white gold. The difference lies in the volume, the “American” is a flat model, comfortable to wear. The puck may cause discomfort due to the thickness of the rim.
ring shape

  • concave - a convenient and unusual model. Wide rim with a concave middle and raised edges;
  • round - little known, but in demand.Made in the shape of a round bezel, reminiscent of small congo earrings;
  • barrel - often confused with a convex ring. The difference is in width, the barrel is convex and the ring is wide.


with engraving

There are 2 engraving options - inside the ring and outside. The model itself is made in a restrained style, sometimes decorated with one stone. Most often, engraving is made to order.

ADVICE! If you disagree on the design of the ring, engraving is your salvation. The design of the rings may be different, but still the engagement ring is a symbol of the union of 2 destinies. Therefore, when choosing different rings, you can make the same engraving on the inside as a sign of unity.

There are many engraving options:

  • names of spouses;
  • one phrase for two - the wife has the beginning, the husband has the continuation, or vice versa;
  • the same phrase - “I love you”, “together forever” and more;
  • wedding date - this engraving is sometimes done on the front side. And if there is a zero in the date, it can be made in the form of an inlaid stone;
  • a beautiful phrase in Latin - the newlyweds can choose any phrase that fits on the ring. Such engravings are often done on the front side.

engraving inside

The shapes and styles of wedding rings can be different. They become a symbol of marriage, a complement to style and an expression of personality. The main thing is that you like it, because, ideally, you will have to wear it for the rest of your life. And of course, the most beautiful design of engagement rings is the sincere love of the newlyweds.

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