How to wear rings on your hands correctly

The ring is one of the most popular women's jewelry. It emphasizes not only beautiful fingers and hands, but also taste and social status. However not everyone knows how to wear rings correctly, and many do not even think about the meaning of this or that place for decorations.

Are you sure you're wearing your rings correctly?

When there is only one ring: on which finger to wear it?

When purchasing an accessory, the first thing to think about is which finger it is suitable for. Besides, There is jewelry etiquette that establishes certain standards for wearing jewelry..

one ring

Important! Wedding and engagement rings are worn strictly on the right hand and ring finger.

There are no strict regulations for other products. The owner of the ring chooses its location at his own discretion.

Place matters

Psychologists, astrologers and palmists say that the accessory itself and the choice of place for it can tell a lot about a person. So, By placing a ring on a specific finger, you can develop various abilities.

Little finger

Promotes development public speaking abilities, communication skills and stress tolerance. This is the finger of Mercury - the patron diplomats, speakers and public figures.

little finger


Gives an influx creative energy and inspiration. Most often this selection of artists, musicians, actors. This is the finger of Apollo or the Sun. Certainly, Couples in love wear rings on this finger.

on an unnamed


This is the choice for top managers and leaders, as it develops sense of responsibility and innovative ability.

on average

This is the longest finger and the best place to show off your jewelry. Denotes connection with Saturn.

Important! Many experts advise wearing only silver or family jewelry on this finger. Products with red crystals in combination with gold are undesirable, as this combination negatively affects personal life. A large stone will attract attention and hint that the girl is open to communication.


Improves organizational skills and mental performance. The finger is ruled by Jupiter.

on the index

Decoration on the index finger Recommended for shy, modest people. This is exactly how Julius Caesar and Ivan the Terrible wore rings, trying to show their strength and power.


Gives additional energy and develops willpower. From an astrological point of view, the thumb transmits the energy patronized by the Red Planet.

on the big

Wearing jewelry on your thumb activates thinking, logic and willpower.

Important! Products with blue or blue-green stone look optimal. Such stones restore the nervous system and give strength. But if you choose a red stone, your self-confidence will disappear.

Palmistry believes that powerful people with leadership inclinations wear rings this way.

What if you wear several at once?

Many girls want to decorate their hands as much as possible and wear as much jewelry as possible.

Can I wear more than one?

Important! According to standard rules of etiquette, there should be no more than three rings: two on one hand and one on the other. This does not apply to phalanx and dial models, since they have their own specifics.

Fashion critics believe that ignorance of etiquette in no way excuses the fair sex. But if several rings are worn at the same time, then the woman is unfamiliar with the rules or thinks that it is spectacular and appropriate.

several rings

Important! A large number of rings interferes with the creation of a harmonious image, complicating the correct selection of clothes and other accessories.

How to combine rings

Some creative people believe that wearing a large number of rings indicates unconventional thinking, as well as self-confidence and original life activity.

Reference! In ancient times, women constantly wore many rings, and this was considered the norm.

how to wear several

But even original and non-standard women should follow a number of rules.

  • On the ring finger should be worn wedding ring. It shouldn't be too massive.
  • For the little finger will do narrow model with discreet stones or trim.
  • On the index finger better pick thin ring with geometric design or medium-sized crystal.
  • Products with voluminous stones worn on the middle finger.
  • Ring selection for thumb depends on your clothing style and lifestyle. Most often this wide product, without decoration or crystals.
  • You cannot combine cheap jewelry with expensive materials and precious stones..
  • Products of different colors and designs look tasteless.
  • If a product with a massive stone is chosen as the main one, then it should be the only one. Other rings should look complementary and discreet.
  • Rings and clothing should match in style.
  • It is allowed to wear gold and silver together. The main thing is that they have a common style.

The ring is one of the main women's jewelry. It’s worth thinking about how best and most profitable to wear them. After all, which finger the accessory adorns is closely related to a person’s energy and aura and can significantly influence one’s fate.

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