Who and why should not wear gold?

The decoration should be gold - not only women, but also men are sure. A ring, chain, watch, pendant or cross, any piece of jewelry is perceived in a special way if it is made of noble metal. Almost everyone loves and wears such jewelry. But not everyone knows that not only we choose a precious metal, but also gold chooses or does not choose us. And most importantly, it’s not suitable for everyone! And it might even harm some of us!

Who and why should not wear gold?

Make sure you can wear accessories made of this metal before you wear such jewelry.

When gold jewelry becomes a problem

Since ancient times, gold has been considered a valuable metal that has been used for various purposes. People appreciated not only his attractive appearance, but also endowed him with secret skills. For example, Previously, it was believed that by holding a precious piece in the mouth, one could achieve a pleasant smell and cure diseases of the nasopharynx.

Today it has been proven that this noble metal not only benefits humans, but also harms some people’s health and well-being. This happens to those who have an individual intolerance to this metal. When the skin comes into contact with it, a rash or redness occurs at the site of contact.

who can't have gold

  • Important! Particular attention should be paid to the wearing of such jewelry by children. If an allergic reaction occurs, all gold items from the child should be removed.

Gold is a very active metal, which powerfully saturates a person with energy. His Not recommended for people with an overly active lifestyle. The fact is that the energy provided by metal will be unnecessary for them and will bring additional problems.

Thus, There are several categories of people who are not recommended to wear gold jewelry.

  • Overly active men and women living in megacities, under conditions of constant stress.
  • Children.
  • People with individual metal intolerance.

Gold jewelry is most suitable for citizens who live in small towns and villages and lead a measured and calm lifestyle. And also to everyone (regardless of their place of residence) who needs additional energy replenishment.

Important! Hands and fingers are special places in the body that have a huge number of special points that control our health and mood.

Constant exposure of these sensitive points to rings and bracelets can cause harm to the body.. This is why rings, even wedding rings, need to be removed periodically, at least for a night’s sleep.

Why gold should not be worn by a person wearing silver jewelry

Many jewelry lovers make one gross and dangerous mistake - they combine gold and silver items.Experts believe that doing this is strictly prohibited.

Why can't you wear gold and silver together?

They explain this by the fact that metals affect the body differently.

  • Gold contains powerful energy that excites aspirations and desires, gives a huge charge of strength and power.
  • Silver envelops a person in an aura of calm and leads to harmony With myself.

IMPORTANT! Combining decorations will lead to acute dissonance. The energies will affect various points in the human body and lead to negative consequences.

Psychics and Feng Shui experts believe that the combination of metals leads to deep depression and health problems.

You need to choose jewelry with special responsibility. Only correctly selected products will bring additional energy, emotions and joy of life to life.

Reviews and comments
K kitsu:

The conflict between gold and silver, then? Is it okay that the gold alloy contains a fairly large percentage of silver? In 585 gold, for example, there is only 58.5% gold + other metals and a good proportion of silver :). Poor 585 gold is probably in conflict with itself, how uncomfortable it is :)

WITH Svetlana:

Putting it on yourself, and dressing someone else, are the rules of the Russian language!

WITH Svetlana:

What to do when a man does not give gold jewelry? Just get smart about how gold is harmful))))))))))))))))

WITH Sergey:

I have a very strong allergy to gold, where the finger and the ring come into contact, the skin peels off and begins to bleed, and this is only to gold. There is no such reaction to silver. That's why I can't even wear a wedding ring.

ABOUT Olga Ivanovna:

Jewelry is put on, not dressed!!!

ABOUT Dandelion:

People, you are simply amazing - for once a person wrote an article on a case, and you almost killed him. Dearest Kitsu! Before showing your metallurgical literacy, read what conflict the author is talking about. No, it’s cool, of course, that you know what a ligature is, and everyone else doesn’t. But Elena wrote about the simultaneous conflicting effect of two metals on a person if you wear jewelry made from them on yourself at the same time. She did not say that these metals have a bad effect on each other. Chemistry and physiology are, excuse me, not the same thing. If you want, wear it together, who will stop you? And Ms. Svetlana - well, you are very angry, and this name is absolutely not yours - you carry someone else’s name throughout your life. They probably stole it out of envy. The wrapper is light - the soul is black. If you look closely at the author's photo, it becomes clear that gold will not suit her. And she will always earn money for jewelry made from any material herself and choose what she wants. But what you will sing when a man runs to the left and starts giving gold, fur coats and rags to another woman of the same kind - life will tell...

E Eugene:

I agree with the ligature. I myself worked as a goldsmith for many years. In Russia they lower the standard of gold with silver and copper, and at the same time I can’t wear gold items for everyone, even though I make them myself, I lower the standard with silver and copper, that is, I add a ligature to the highest standard gold from the calculations of 10% silver, the rest copper by weight of pure metal in terms of calculation, but as soon as I put the product on, the structure immediately falls under the ring on the finger, the skin begins to peel off, and if there is a cross or a pendant of some kind, it presses so hard in the chest. I can’t understand anything about silver; it just turns black. And I really love gold. So you don’t have to wear it for long.

E Eugene:

Sorry for the grammar. For those who are especially sensitive.


