Is it possible to inherit gold?

Gold jewelry has always been a sign of a person’s wealth and wealth. That is why various legends, myths, and questions revolve around them. One of these is: is it possible to wear inherited gold?

Is it possible to inherit gold?

A similar situation is familiar to many: a person dies, and a beautiful piece of jewelry is left behind. Opinions about wearing such jewelry are divided.

Church opinion

The Orthodox Church believes that it is possible to wear gold items after the death of the owner. A person who puts on, for example, the ring of a deceased person does not take on his energy, failures and sins. However, it is not recommended to wear the attributes of paganism. If the deceased had an amulet of Perun made of this expensive metal, then it is better to melt it down and make a new piece of jewelry or donate it to a charitable foundation.

Reference! This is explained by the fact that the pagan faith provides for the transmission of views and judgments through the gift of jewelry.


Psychologists' opinion

Psychologists believe that wearing gold items after the death of their owner has a negative impact on human consciousness. There is an opinion that the new owner takes on the way of thinking and self-perception of the deceased, takes on his failures and losses. This works at the subconscious level. And given that the previous owner is dead, wearing jewelry can lead a person to a moral impasse. He will become depressed and lethargic. There is still a way out of this situation. The gold needs to be melted down and new custom jewelry created. This can be done in a jewelry workshop.


When transferred gold can bring trouble

Transferred gold can bring trouble to the new owner in the following cases:

  1. If the previous owner had a connection with magic and the other world during his lifetime.
  2. If the jewelry was removed from the troupe.
  3. Provided that the person died, suffering or suffered painfully and for a long time before passing away.
  4. It is also not recommended to use the wedding rings of parents or grandparents whose family happiness did not work out at a wedding celebration.


Most experts believe that there is nothing wrong with transferring gold. Wearing jewelry after a deceased person is not something shameful or dangerous, with a number of exceptions listed above. However, to further protect yourself and your energy levels, it is best to melt down the donated jewelry and create a personal and unique piece of jewelry.

Reviews and comments
A Alla:

After my mother’s death, I took her gold jewelry to a pawnshop. After all, my mother bought them for herself, guided by her tastes and preferences. I myself would not buy such jewelry. And I don’t consider selling jewelry disrespectful to my mother’s memory. I was not enriched at all, but they may have brought joy to the person who subsequently acquired them.

B Baba Manya:

All British crown jewels must be melted down urgently!!!!!

WITH Svetlana:

* a That read is a typo.

A Amelia:

In Orthodoxy, it is believed that all things, including jewelry, can be worn, sold, given and passed on by inheritance and they do not carry any bad energy.


