What to do if glasses put pressure on the bridge of your nose? How to fix it?

Red marks on the nose and pressure on the bridge of the nose are quite common when wearing glasses. However, these symptoms cannot be considered normal. Ideally, the accessory should not leave such marks. They - a sign that the glasses are not adjusted or fitted incorrectly.

Why do glasses put pressure on the bridge of my nose?

There may be several explanations for this. Possible reasons:

  • glasses are pressingThe glasses are very massive and the lenses are heavy;
  • one ear is located much lower than the other (in this case, “bedsores” will form only on one side);
  • the arms are bent;
  • the distance between the nose pads is too small;
  • The distance between the nose pads is too large.

Is it possible to solve the problem?

If your glasses have glass lenses, then contact your optician and ask them to replace them with special polymer ones. Well, if the position of the temples or nose pads is incorrect, to solve the problem you will have to carry out frame fitting to suit the features of your face and skull.

Important! If the frame is very expensive, then do not try to handle the adjustment yourself. Better go to an optician.

How to adjust glasses correctly?

Nose pads are adjustable depending on the purpose. If they are spaced too wide, and this causes the glasses to put a lot of pressure on the bridge of your nose, then move the stops towards each other. If, on the contrary, there is too little space between the stops and because of this the glasses sit too high, then move them apart.

The arches are corrected differently. First you should check if they are bent. For this:

  • place the frame on the table and see if the temples touch the surface;
  • if one of them is raised, then most likely the problem with pressure on the bridge of the nose arose due to curvature. It is removed with pliers, after which they put glasses on the nose and look at the result of the efforts.

What to do if glasses put pressure on the bridge of your nose? How to fix itIf the temples are positioned perfectly symmetrically relative to each other, it is worth conducting another test. He reveals a strong difference between the position of the ears. To do this, take the glasses so that they are strictly parallel to the floor (that is, they are located horizontally, without tilting in any direction). Put the frames on without letting go of your hands and check whether the temples touch your ears and whether the glasses are seated.

If, on the one hand, with the glasses in an even position in space, one temple touches the ear, and the second is suspended, then this indicates that one ear is located much lower than the other. For comfortable wearing, you will have to bend the earpiece so that it reaches the auricle located below.

How can you avoid damaging your glasses?

It is necessary to take into account the material from which the temples are made and the type of nose pads. Without preparation, only metal arms can be bent; plastic ones will crack due to such manipulation.They are preheated using hot water (place in warm water for 15-20 minutes) or a hairdryer.

Important! When using a hairdryer, be as careful as possible, as hot air currents can melt the thin plastic of the glasses.

hair dryer templesWith nose pads everything is a little more complicated. If they are not cast, are not connected directly to the frame, but are placed on special protrusions and are movable, then you can adjust the position of the glasses relative to the bridge of the nose almost without any problems. If we are talking about cast fixed stops, then contact your optician and order an adjustment from them. You yourself cannot do anything in this situation, you will only provoke a serious breakdown.

Also worth choose tools responsibly. The best option: purchasing a specialized kit (look for it in the optics departments). If this is not possible, then at least wrap the working tweezers and pliers with tape. It will protect your glasses from scratches, but at the same time it will make your grip worse.

Well don't put too much effort. Firstly, glasses are a fragile item, each element of which can break so that it will be impossible to restore it. Secondly, brute force will not allow you to adjust correctly. You will simply miss the right moment and the glasses will become even more uncomfortable. Thirdly, an unsuccessful adjustment may cause the warranty period to expire early.

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