How to understand that the glasses are chosen incorrectly?

vision 4In the daily rush, it is sometimes difficult to find time to visit an ophthalmologist. Therefore, many people buy ready-made glasses without a prescription. At the same time, people do not even think that in this way they can cause significant harm to their vision.

But glasses are a medical product, so you should definitely visit a doctor before purchasing. Only a specialist can correctly select the necessary glasses, taking into account all individual characteristics. Incorrectly selected glasses not only cause discomfort, but also affect visual acuity.

Signs that glasses are not suitable

Many people believe that to purchase glasses you only need to know the diopter readings. But this is not true. To understand what glasses are needed, you need an experienced ophthalmologist. During inspection and selection, he takes measurements of the center-to-center distance, calculates the refractive index of the lenses, and selects the most suitable material for manufacturing.

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When purchasing independently, a person focuses on only one parameter - whether it has become better visible or not. But if the optics are chosen incorrectly, over time a person begins to experience discomfort, since the lenses cause curvature - aberrations. The brain tries to correct the situation through accommodation. All this leads to various negative feelings:

  • Increased eye fatigue.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Severe headaches, accompanied by dizziness, become more frequent.
  • Gradual decrease in visual acuity.
  • In some cases, the distance between the pupils may change. This violation is called decentering.


If you choose the wrong glasses

If the purchased glasses cause discomfort when worn, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist. Only a qualified specialist can give the necessary recommendations. The doctor will select the most suitable optics that will not cause discomfort, and will correctly correct vision. The ophthalmologist will also give individual recommendations that take into account the specific needs of a person: his lifestyle, profession, age and others.
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If the optics are chosen correctly, they will not cause any discomfort. But sometimes a situation arises that When wearing glasses, astigmatism begins to develop.

What is astigmatism?

vision 6The lens and cornea are responsible for the perception of visual information. In order for the brain to receive an image without distortion, the cornea and lens must have an absolutely flat surface.

If the surface structure is disturbed, then distortion appears. Objects lose their outlines and become excessively convex or curved.

Important! The most dangerous feature of astigmatism is that in the initial stages of its development it does not cause image distortion. This leads to the disease remaining undetected for a long time.

How to determine astigmatism?

Because astigmatism causes blurred and distorted images, the brain tries to compensate. This leads to frequent headaches. Most often they intensify after watching movies, working at the computer or reading. The only way to get rid of this disease is through surgery.


Myopia has features that make it similar to astigmatism. So, with myopia, objects located at a considerable distance become blurry.

In some cases, myopia is a consequence of incorrectly selected optics. A situation arises that instead of the expected correction, vision becomes significantly worse. This is due to the fact that the eye muscles are in constant tension.

vision myopiaYou can get rid of myopia with the help of laser vision correction or well-chosen optics. For minor deviations, special visual gymnastics can help.


Incorrectly chosen glasses have a negative impact not only on the quality of vision. In this case, the work of the eye muscles is also disrupted. This can lead to the development of strabismus. In addition to the fact that such a defect does not look quite aesthetically pleasing, it causes severe discomfort. If a person closes one eye and looks at an outstretched arm, he will see one picture. If he closes his other eye and also looks at his hand, the image will be different from the original one. With strabismus, the image remains unchanged.

How to fix?

The development of modern medicine makes it possible to get rid of this disease. There are special glasses and lenses for this. As well as adhesives that are glued to one lens of glasses. In this case, a person will have to look for some time with only one eye.

In particularly severe cases, patients are prescribed surgical treatment.

The need for an ophthalmologist

When a person needs to purchase glasses, he must understand that his vision, general health and eye condition will depend only on correctly selected optics. With the help of well-chosen glasses, you can correct your vision in a timely manner.

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Therefore, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct a full examination, after which he will make the correct diagnosis, prescribe treatment, and prescribe glasses with the correct parameters.

Using a special Sitzev table, the ophthalmologist will determine visual acuity.

If it is necessary to obtain the most accurate results, the doctor will conduct a test using the devices. For example, he will perform a refraction diagnosis using a computer.

Computer diagnostics allows you to correctly determine the degree of myopia or astigmatism. It also allows you to calculate the curvature of the cornea. All this is necessary in order to select the optics as accurately as possible.

In addition, only an ophthalmologist during examination can identify the presence of diseases that may occur without obvious symptoms.

Based on a complete examination, the doctor will prescribe glasses, and only after that you should purchase them.

Important! Glasses are a medical product necessary for vision correction. They can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after a full examination, and not by a salesperson in an optical store!

Point goals

The development of optics allows you to select glasses for different purposes. Modern lenses have many advantages and can not only improve the quality of vision of their owner, but also make life more comfortable.

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There are several types of spectacle lenses:

  • Aspherical. Such lenses are mainly used by motorists. Unlike the surface of conventional lenses, the surface of aspherical lenses thickens from the center to the edges. This allows you to get a uniform image both when looking to the side and to the center.
  • Trifocal. The lenses have three zones. The lower one is necessary for working at close range, the central one for medium distances, and the upper one for working at a distance. These glasses are used for office work. They allow you to work with papers and a computer, while communicating with colleagues and clients.
  • Monofocal. These are glasses with positive collective diopters. Used by people with farsightedness for reading.

Lens types

There are several types of spectacle lenses:

  • Pros. These lenses are used to correct farsightedness. According to their optical power, they are divided into three subtypes: weak (+0.1 +3), medium (+3 +6), strong (from + 6 and above). The higher the diopter value, the worse the visual acuity. If it exceeds +10, the patient will be recommended for laser vision correction.
  • Cons. These lenses are prescribed to treat myopia. They are also divided into three types: weak, medium and high diopters. A high myopia value can reach minus 30.

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During the examination, the doctor will not only indicate the diopter value, but also recommend the material from which the lenses should be made. When purchasing optics, this must be clarified.

Lenses can be made of glass or high quality plastic.Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.


The advantages of glass lenses include:

  • With their help, you can achieve the maximum refractive index. Thanks to this, even lenses with large diopters remain thin and elegant.
  • The material is easier to process. This allows you to make the lenses as thin as possible.

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The disadvantages include the fact that the material is very fragile.


High quality plastic is used for their production. Thanks to this, such lenses are not inferior in their characteristics to products made of glass.

Benefits include:

  • Small mass. These glasses are much lighter than optics with glass lenses.
  • Can have any color.
  • Multifocal design - the presence of several optical zones.

The disadvantages include the fact that they can be scratched if worn carelessly.

A person receives most of the information about the world around him through his eyes. Therefore, you need to be careful about your visual acuity. To do this, you need to visit an ophthalmologist and follow all his recommendations. It is important to start vision correction on time. It is worth remembering that only a specialist can prescribe the correct treatment and prescribe glasses with the recommended parameters. Otherwise, vision will not only not improve, but will also become significantly worse.

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