How to remove anti-reflective coating from glasses lenses?

Anti-reflex (or anti-reflective) coating effectively eliminates glare from glasses, providing visual comfort and improving image clarity. This is indispensable, for example, for driving glasses, sports glasses, and computer glasses. However, such lenses are quite sensitive to mechanical stress and are prone to scratches.

You can remove the anti-reflective coating using improvised meansGOI paste or hydrofluoric acid, or toothpaste, as well as mechanical grinding with a special cloth or tool.

glasses with scratches

Can I remove the anti-reflective coating myself?

If scratches or defects appear, the lenses must be replaced. However, you can “fix” the glass yourself at home. The most effective method for eliminating defects over a wide area is complete removal of the anti-reflective layer.

Important! In this case, all its protective properties are lost.

Experts in the field of ophthalmology do not recommend subjecting glasses with diopters to such manipulations.

Important! The process leads to a major change in the internal optical structure and geometry of the lenses. With further use of such glasses, fatigue, overstrain of the pupils, headaches, and blurred vision occur.

lens polishing

What to delete?

To remove the anti-reflective coating use:

  • Products containing abrasive components (GOI paste, toothpaste), hydrofluoric acid. By the way, the latter cannot be used for glass lenses, because it corrodes them and can completely ruin them.
  • Mechanical methods: polishing using a drill, electric razor, grinder.

For best results combine different methods.

Important! Many of the chemicals used to remove layers are highly toxic, so when working with them you need to be extremely careful and use a protective mask and gloves.


How to delete? Action algorithm

We always start by cleaning the glasses from dirt and dust. GOI paste is excellent for grinding glass lenses. When using toothpaste with abrasive particles, you will need to put in more time and effort, since it is quite gentle.

When using hydrofluoric acid, remove the glass from the frame, as there is a high risk of damage. Apply the product to the surface and place it in a container for a few minutes. After this, rinse thoroughly with water and dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

There are also mechanical methods of influence. The top layer of the lens can be removed using:

  • a grinding apparatus wrapped in foam rubber or felt;
  • an electric razor with a soft cloth instead of a foil (you can attach it, for example, using a thread).

A cleaning composition is applied to the cloth and the lenses are polished with the device until transparent.

how to remove

What do you need to know?

Care and careful handling will help keep your glasses new for a long time. Important:

  • follow manufacturers' recommendations;
  • use the accessory only for its intended purpose;
  • do not expose to shock or extreme temperatures;
  • store in a case;
  • clean regularly.

If defects occur, you can try to get rid of them yourself or seek the help of professionals. But remember that with deep damage and disruption of the structure of the lenses, their functional and useful properties are lost, which directly affects the health of the eyes.

Reviews and comments
A Alexander:

I have +1 glasses, Crizal lenses, after 4 years there has been such a spider web on the right lens that it’s impossible to look at the screen. Before buying new ones, I decided to try to remove the coating by polishing using fiber and baking soda paste. The coating was actually removed, the web of scratches disappeared, now one lens is like regular polycarbonate, the other with a greenish tint, it did not affect visibility in any way. The method works and takes time. Before writing a prescription for new glasses, we checked the old ones, the diopters have not changed in 4 years, both lenses are +1 exactly.

IN Vovan:

I took it off with a WD camera.

D Dima:

flux for soldering aluminum with a cotton swab removed the coating in about 10 minutes

J Johnson:

All bullshit with problems.The real way to remove the anti-reflective coating is to remove the lenses from the frame and place them in a jar of “mole” gel (for cleaning out the ducts). In 1.5 hours almost everything was removed, there was a little left at the edges, I left it for another 1.5 hours, everything should be removed. Shines are visible in the solution. I rinsed it under running water and dried it. It’s better to use tweezers so that your fingers don’t get corroded.

A Alina:

What if the lenses are made of polymer glass????? The mole won't eat them????


