Unusual sunglasses

Glasses are glasses. It's simple. They are supposed to improve vision or protect your eyes from the sun. And it’s really good when they are capable of both at the same time. But it was not there! It turns out that this familiar object can be very unusual.

The most unusual glasses in the world

Sunglasses are a way to express your individuality, a collectible, and only then just glasses. Here we will talk about the most original of them. Many examples of design ideas look so strange that even Sir Elton John, famous (among other things) for the largest collection of sunglasses (the singer has about 20 thousand of them) will be surprised!

With simulated melting

They look very original. It’s as if the frame is dripping, having melted from the hot sun. And some advise wearing such glasses when your eyes are really wet − They hide tear tracks and smeared mascara very well.

With simulated melting


All in one! Apparently, this model was invented for the most thrifty.Indeed, just glasses are boring and irrational. But if you can sharpen a pencil with them, or open a bottle or jar, that’s what you need. Wrap it up!


With slits for eyes

They say that the designers borrowed the idea from the inhabitants of the north. White snow, bright sun - you need to protect your eyes, however. Perhaps they will help with facial wrinkles. In such a frame you won’t have to squint – she does it herself.

With slits for eyes

For animals

Oh yes, it's possible, and it's widely used. Why are animals worse than us? They also need to protect their eyes. But it’s unclear whether our smaller brothers are comfortable in them. They can’t say anything, and they can’t see normally either - the glasses get in the way.

Interesting! Did you know that there are glasses for birds? We are talking about domestic poultry. And these, in fact, are rather special devices that are put on the beak to prevent birds from inflicting wounds on each other.

For animals

Color changing frames

Can't choose frame color? No problem. Color changing frames are just for you. You don’t need to be original and don’t bother. The color can always be replaced with a new one - to match a dress, handbag or lipstick. It is enough to pour ink of the desired color into a special cavity.

Color-changing frames

With monolens

Surprisingly, but true - such frames first appeared in the early 60s of the last century on the pages of Vogue magazine and have now become firmly established. And if not for everyday use, then for sure in the collections of the most fashionable designers in the world.

With monolens

With pyramid design

They look very original. The famous eyewear company Oliver Goldsmith included these in their latest collection. They look futuristic, but they seem too heavy.

Interesting! Nutritionists, as you know, when losing weight, advise eating from cold-colored dishes and surrounding yourself with things in blue, green and other similar shades. This also applies to glasses.Blue lenses help reduce appetite. On the other hand, eating with sunglasses is not so convenient. Maybe that's what it's all about?

Pyramid shaped

Glasses - black rectangle

This, frankly speaking, extraordinary frame seems to have been specially created for the most prudent people. In our age of total control of various cameras striving to film you at every corner, a simple and laconic black rectangle covering your eyes is an excellent choice. Put it on and don’t deny yourself anything: no one will recognize you anymore!

Glasses - black rectangle


Who needs these boring and so ordinary frames with arms? Isn’t it better to just stick a wide strip of tape with dark lenses painted on your eyes - and beauty! Easy and convenient. Just how to shoot: with eyebrows or without?


With imitation nose

They look like clowns. True, there also seemed to be a mustache attached. But if no jokes - very healthy idea. It is the nose that burns in the sun first. Be careful, take care of yourself in advance and buy a pair! Your nose will be safe and sound.

With imitation nose

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