Do guys like girls with glasses?

In childhood, glasses are a real tragedy. Classmates, seeing a child wearing a frame with lenses, will be able to give him a thousand unflattering nicknames in 1 second. However, as we grow older, we stop reacting so strongly to the fact that someone wears a device for vision correction. We even begin to see certain qualities in these people. For example, high intelligence or some eroticism.

Do glasses add sexiness?

girl with glasses laughsThere are many fetishes that are unthinkable at first glance. One of them is glasses. This accessory on a woman has the same effect on some men as a rag on a red bull - it incredibly excites and provokes actions of a certain nature. However, make no mistake about the prevalence of such sexual addiction. Like any fetish, it is held in high esteem by a limited circle of people.

In addition to expressed sexual affection, there are other forms. So, vision aids may appear sexy in role-play. This is because a number of professions are associated with the accessory:

  • teacher at school, lecturer at university;
  • student;
  • scientist;
  • intellectual judge, investigator.

Girl in glassesThe matter is not limited to attribute in role-playing games. A woman “wearing glasses” will be considered desirable and seductive by the man who prefers girls of an intellectual type. However, if you wear “dummy” lenses, that is, you have ordinary glasses inserted into the frame, and you are not able to carry on a conversation, then the recreated atmosphere of eroticism will go to waste. Individuals who like intelligent and versatile women will simply be disappointed and disappear from the horizon without finding certain qualities promised by glasses.

Important! If you are going to win men's hearts with the help of glasses, then be prepared for the fact that they will begin to perceive you as an intellectual and expect you to demonstrate mental abilities.

Another source of sexuality is a variation of the gray stocking myth. According to this legend, women “tightened” to the chin, who prefer the most severe bun to all hairstyles, are in fact incredibly passionate and hot-headed people. For such individuals, emotions that are restrained and carefully hidden behind thick glass and non-transparent fabrics, when they come out, sweep away everything in their path. And this indomitability excites some men insanely. Naturally, this opinion is just a myth and has many refutations. However, he also has confirmation. Which, naturally, plays into the hands of girls with glasses.

How do men feel about girls with glasses?

beauty with glassesIt’s better to ask the question differently: how do men feel about girls who know how to choose frames to suit their faces? Answer: yes, with some exceptions.The exception includes those representatives of the stronger half of humanity who, due to some moments from the past or personal complexes, endow any glasses with negative characteristics.

Well, you shouldn’t expect anything good from a bad or simply unsuccessful frame. Glasses are an accessory that can really disfigure. Therefore, be careful when purchasing it.

Important! Glasses are contraindicated for tired and unkempt women who are still trying to look decent.

So do guys like them or not?

terrible glassesYou won’t be liked by everyone, no matter how much effort you put into self-improvement. All that remains is to try to attract the attention of that part of the male population for whom glasses are a fetish, or at least an ordinary, neutral accessory.

You can achieve what you want by taking a responsible approach to choosing frames. It should match the shape of the face, not get lost on it and, conversely, not overshadow the features. Well, remember about relevance. At the very least, it is extremely difficult to choose the right glasses for an evening dress. Many fashion industry experts insist that with formal and elegant dresses it is better to wear lenses rather than glasses.

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