Why people in the USA don’t wear glasses on their heads: etiquette

In the USA, it is considered bad manners to wear dark glasses on your head. Little by little this rule is being adopted in Russia, and rightly so! Today I’ll tell you why you can’t make banal headbands out of fashionable things.

Why don't people wear glasses on their heads in the USA?

US soldiers and dark glass

In photographs, soldiers always wear glasses and not necessarily with black glass, it’s just that recently the activity of the American army has been concentrated in eastern countries with the scorching sun. In fact, these are ballistic glasses, characterized by anti-reflective coating and a high degree of durability. Three options are used: yellow, transparent and black.

Why don't people wear glasses on their heads in the USA?

The lenses are made of polycarbonate, which reliably protects against dust, shrapnel and pistol bullets.

You will never see a soldier with glasses casually placed on his head. During the operation, the absence of glasses in their rightful place is punishable by an inevitable fine, since we are talking about safety. But even in ordinary life, Americans do not walk down the streets with the accessory raised to the top of their heads.

What the rules say

Etiquette strongly recommends removing sunglasses during any conversation and even during a simple greeting. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, we convey half of the non-verbal information, and the interlocutor reads all other signals from the eyes. They honestly talk about the true emotions they are experiencing at the moment. By covering half our face with black glass, we fence ourselves off with an impenetrable wall and show disregard for the feelings of our counterpart. This fact does not fit in with friendly Americans! Even with the standard question “How are you?” your American friend will lift the offending accessory, look you in the eyes and smile. Then it is permissible to return them to their place or remove them, leaving them in your hands.

Why don't people wear glasses on their heads in the USA?

Reference. The most expensive sunglasses cost $408,000 and are made of gold with 60 grams of 24-karat precious metal hidden in the arms! They were created by Chopard in collaboration with the designers of the De Rigo Vision brand. The logo in the shape of the letter “C” is made with diamonds, 51 in total, each 4 carats. You definitely won’t wear this accessory at random!

It’s interesting, but according to the rules of etiquette, when a stranger approaches on the street asking for directions to the address he needs, the accessory is also removed in order to politely answer the question. Exceptions: police officers and military personnel, they are not supposed to open their eyes to a potential criminal, and durable lenses will protect their eyes from a stray bullet or shrapnel from an explosion. In addition, it is logical that a law enforcement officer is obliged to hide true emotions, for example, fear.

Why we should all follow the example of the Americans

Why don't people wear glasses on their heads in the USA?

On the one hand, it seems that it is very convenient to temporarily remove the interfering accessory upstairs with one easy wave of the hand and leave it there in imaginary safety, but there are many more pitfalls! And this is what they are:

  1. This is not a headband or a hairpin; the image looks ridiculous and vulgar.
  2. The glass on the back side gets dirty from grease and hair styling products.
  3. The glasses on the head resemble extra eyes, it is unclear why and where they grew on the top of the head.
  4. A sharp dissonance with cocktail dresses and business suits.
  5. The temples are wearing out, very soon you will have to buy a new copy, and extra expenses are not on the list of must-dos for thrifty people!

Americans approach meetings with business partners very carefully; they will not allow a deal to fall through due to a careless appearance. At the same time, they are all conformists in life, allowing deviations from generally accepted norms in everyday life.

We focus on style icons

Yes, if you search the Internet diligently, you can find stars with glasses on the top of their heads. This list will include Lady Di, Rihanna, Cindy Crawford and other mega-popular personalities, but which of us is not without sin? Through the efforts of the paparazzi, any incriminating evidence is available, but this does not mean at all that oversight is the rule.

Why don't people wear glasses on their heads in the USA?

I recommend paying attention to Sheikha Moza, a businesswoman and political leader with impeccable taste. She is a resident of a hot country and often protects her eyes with black glasses, but she never allows herself bad manners and does not spoil the ideal image with ridiculous movements of details.

Even fashion shows and mannequins in windows always wear glasses in the right place. Stylists observe moderation and maintain a presentable appearance of things.

The practicality of Americans is worth taking into account. It is better to purchase a hard case for temporary storage.If you have a simple and short conversation, then it’s enough to hold it in your hands, and not spoil the image and hairstyle with an inappropriate object in your hair.

Reviews and comments
T Toxa:

Oh, our states have become an oasis of culture! And the author advises us to adopt their vile habits. All that’s left to do is put your feet on the table, walk at home in street shoes, and carry your pile of pissing underwear across the street to the laundry.

IN Vovan:

Should we look up to the savages from the States? Or maybe we can do them, for example, take off our street shoes, and not just collapse on the sofa in them....? A? You wrote nonsense.

IN Vovan:


D Dmitriy:

At first you are surprised - in the USA? Have you been interested in their culture for a long time? Where in the USA? Where are fifty states with different traditions and, more importantly, climate and weather? But then at the end you read about “ruining your hair,” and it becomes even funnier. Whatever the child amuses himself with.

A Antokha:

Why are you pissing on your underwear, poor thing?

N Nata:

Americans and etiquette are two mutually exclusive values.
They dress as prescribed by the company’s dress code, or simply in clean, often unironed clothes.They don’t bother with accessories at all; they can easily wear glasses on their hair, like a headband, or plastic baubles for 99 cents. And in all this they feel great and don’t care about the opinions of others.
I have been an American since 1995, working there since 1992, teaching at Yale University. I communicate with intellectuals, businessmen and students. This is not Russia, where people are greeted by their clothes; in the USA they often pay attention to their intellect.
And etiquette is needed only in especially wealthy and conditional groups, of which less than 1% are present in the United States.

A Alexander:

go to the garden, I wore it on my head and will continue to wear it, especially since the princess wore it...


Rave. The author has definitely not been to the USA

E Ermine:

I assumed that the habit of not raising my glasses on my head has purely practical roots and has nothing to do with fashion.
In the 19th century, glasses had a more curved temple, and hanging them on the head with one gesture was physically inconvenient, and the nosepiece in the form of plates on the stem could ruin the hairstyle, prevent the glasses from being put back on, etc.
The same applies to the police and military: their glasses (for a long time - aviators who have the above characteristics) are physically difficult to remove. And ballistic glasses, which have unbent arms, are equipped with a special rope that is tied at the back of the head to prevent them from slipping.

Therefore, the logic of the article is questionable. I would look for official protocol/etiquette requirements on this issue. What is beautiful and what is not is everyone’s personal matter.

A Alexander:

What are we talking about? In Russia, for 90% of women, glasses are also a headband; they can be worn in the morning, afternoon and evening, despite the fact that they will be indoors all the time.In most countries, some men also wear the scoop on the back of their heads! Squalor and the sign of a collective farmer.


Generally nonsense

R Rina:

Illiterate nonsense, even unpleasant to read

G Gosha:

The author is talking complete nonsense. The title of the article has nothing to do with its content. What does the military have to do with it? They have their own rules and even an undone button is a violation. What does this have to do with civic etiquette? Taking off sunglasses when talking is something all normal people do in any country. What does the “etiquette” of wearing on top of the head have to do with it? Then there is general nonsense about hairstyles and wearing glasses. How does this relate to etiquette? Does the author even know the meaning of the word “etiquette”? In short, he's a fucking horse.

F Felix:

The author is a mine agent!

F Felix:

The author is a mine-agent, a past-agent... Ahhh - a foreign agent!!!

IN Vladimir:



They are confused about the glasses on their heads... and about the expensive earrings in the ears of 90% of our Russian women, after all, everyone sleeps in them!!! Not to mention the pool and the street on foot...to the magnet and back.

V VAnakoyxer:

I wear glasses. With diopters.
I have some that are just clear and slightly “tinted” and dark enough to be called “sun protection”.
Now the question is: according to the requirements of US etiquette, should I take them off when greeting someone?

R Novel:

What kind of brad? When and to whom did the Americans teach culture? Why shouldn't you wear your glasses up? The reasons are far-fetched, strainedly pulled out of nowhere.

N Natalia:

Lenses get dirty from powder and foundation, from sweat, not from hair. The arms can be compressed by tightening the bolts. The glasses look very good on the head. And they don’t spoil the look of the dresses

P Pofigist:

“The logo in the shape of the letter “C” is made with diamonds, 51 pieces in total, each 4 carats”
Problem. One carat is like the diameter of a cigarette. 51x4=204 carats, equivalent to one carton of cigarettes. Question: What size is the logo and glasses?

G Galina:

What nonsense?

N Nikolay:

But, of course, these are well-known personalities, some of whom. even from the royal family, of course, cannot serve as an example - the main thing is that the American who goes for an interview does not make a mistake... The author has clearly never been to the USA, otherwise he would have seen such diversity that his hair would stand on end...

A Anatoly:

How will glasses protect against bullets?

N Nikolay:

I feel sorry for the woman who has no idea what a 4 (FOUR!) carat diamond is or the cost of such a stone. And 51 four-carat ones... And I’m familiar with amers firsthand.

WITH Svetlana:

What nonsense!

IN Vlad:

Everything is correct. Glasses on the forehead look as ugly as a crimson jacket or a person chewing gum at business negotiations. Bullish habit.

M Mila:

The article is complete nonsense! All five reasons given are utter nonsense!
1. For some, not a headband, and for some, a headband, or even a brooch - they forgot, damn it, to ask your permission.
2. I’ll get it dirty myself, and I’ll wipe it myself. None of your business!
3.Bullshit! Don’t the eyes depicted on clothes bother you? And not just the eyes.
4. No one forces you to wear them with business suits.
5. My spending doesn’t concern anyone.

A Anton:

Well, yes - a strange article, I don’t understand what it’s about... Such nonsense is not worth the letters spent on writing it...

L Ligovsky:

AFFTOR, do you want 500 reasons why you can’t format text the way you do?
Firstly, this is bad manners
Secondly, the US military doesn't do that.
Thirdly, go to the corner and there think about the rest 498

A Andrey:

And among the Papuans it is customary to insert a stick into the nose)))) Should I urgently run and poke a hole in my nose))) I wore glasses on my forehead and will continue to wear them) Of course I need to take them indoors, I sometimes forget)

A Art:

Author, kill yourself against the wall. In America they can only pay attention to your appearance if you smell like a homeless person.

TO Konstantin:

If hit by a pistol bullet, these glasses will fit into the skull to the middle of the brain. Has the author ever held a gun in his hands?

C Cherry:

It’s interesting, but according to the rules of etiquette, when a stranger approaches on the street asking for directions to the address he needs, the accessory is also removed in order to politely answer the question.
They painted the Americans in such a way that they are literally aristocrats of aristocrats! Do they take off their glasses to show the way?!? Polite, you say, etiquette, you see... Why don’t they take off their sunglasses at our monuments of glory? Don’t attribute to them something that is not in them. And they should take an example from us, and not vice versa. I, for example, poke my nose in I won’t eat food to decide whether I should eat it or not. But Americans almost always do this, as if they were putting crap on their plate.

M Marat:

You should wear glasses on your head, if only because Americans do NOT do that!

IN Victor:

A woman is created to excite a man. A woman with a tattoo and glasses on her head is not a woman.

P Pofigist:

It depends on what kind of tattoo and where. Look, movies, at least from the 80s, attractive girls with glasses on their heads. Personally, I don't look at the glasses on the head, there are eyes, lips, if you are only interested in the head, look below.
What about women in torn jeans? Is this the standard of attractiveness?

A Alex:

There's a Pofigist above about carats and cigarettes... Made my day! A carat is the thickness of a cigarette... Well, don't do that, it's cruel. Can Google help...

P Pofigist:

Sometimes I made a mistake. Cigarette 9.. mm, carat 6.4 mm.
4 carats 10.4 mm
“The logo in the shape of the letter “C” is made with diamonds, 51 in total, each 4 carats.”
Make yourself a day, do the math. Calculator to help.


