DIY glasses stand

There are quite a few types of glasses: for vision, sunglasses, computer glasses, adults, children. And if you add to all this a variety of designs and shapes of frames, then you get an even more impressive list.

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Glasses can be stored in a case, but there are alternative ways to store such accessories. Let's take a closer look, how to make special stands (racks) for glasses with your own hands.

How to make a stand for glasses from different materials?

Stands for glasses can be beautiful and impressive. They are made from different materials. Let's look at the most popular methods of making them.

Made of wood

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Wood is an environmentally friendly and at the same time durable material. It will make very beautiful coasters. But still, not everyone can cut out the part they need from wood. You can make a stand only with special equipment. Of course, woodworking skills are also needed. The resulting product can be supplemented with a design that can be easily applied using paints or by burning.Then the result should be secured with varnish. Decoupage is also used to create unique decor.

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Coasters will look most impressive shaped like a human face. They are made using furniture wooden panels. To make such a blank you will need a jigsaw. The parts can be glued with wood glue or fastened with grooves.

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Another interesting option - mouse-shaped stand for computer. The shape of the product, as well as the holder itself, is cut out of wood. The resulting mouse needs to be sanded and soaked in an oil solution. Once the solution is absorbed, the product is ready for use.

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Using this method, you can cut out any shape as a stand. They will look especially harmonious figurines of animals and birds.

From paper and cardboard

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It is also convenient to make stands from paper and cardboard. As auxiliary materials you can take cardboard, toilet paper and paper towel rolls. You can make a cylinder yourself. And felt is perfect for decoration. This decorated sleeve will fit two pairs of glasses.

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Advice! The structure itself should be reinforced from below using cardboard to make it more stable.

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Clothes hanger

This accessory is in every closet. And if desired, if a certain shade or other parameters are required, you can buy a hanger in a store. A standard hanger can hold up to eight pairs of glasses.

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They can be stored either in a chest of drawers so that they do not get dusty, or in a visible place. It all depends on personal tastes and preferences.

Racks and shelves

Racks and shelves that are easy to make yourself can be an excellent storage solution. They can be made made of plastic, wood or metal.
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Frames and baguettes

Spectacular frames have always added a certain zest to the interior. They can be either formal, gilded, or in high-tech style. Therefore, the frame or baguette can be selected for a specific interior. They are used not only for their intended purpose, but also as a stand for glasses.

You can make a stand out of a frame in the following way: just stretch a fishing line or wire from one side of the frame to the other. It's better to make several rows. It depends on the size of the frame. Thus, the baguette turns into a convenient organizer for glasses.

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Important! A tangible advantage of frames is that it is convenient to repaint them or decorate them at your discretion.


Railings most often find their use in the kitchen. But they are also ideal for storing glasses and other accessories. The most common roof rail colors: gold, nickel and bronze. Such accessories are sold in any specialized store.


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Sunglasses will look great on the stand. Will do an ordinary wooden board with hooks attached to it, which are attached to the wall. You can place such a stand in different parts of the apartment: nail it to the wall, place it on a table or on the floor.

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Attention! You can sew a decorative elastic band onto the stand, which is convenient for hanging any glasses.

Homemade organizers

Organizers are suitable for storing many accessories, including glasses. You can also make them yourself from fabric. The organizer is usually designed with several compartments, the number of which depends on the number of accessories. For convenience, such an organizer Can be hung on the wall next to the mirror.

Reference! The organizer is decorated with embroidery with beads, sequins or rhinestones.

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To ensure that glasses are always in a visible place at hand, you can make convenient stands or organizers. This will not take much time, and the options presented in this article can be made independently. We hope that the article will be useful and help you choose the appropriate way to store your glasses.

Reviews and comments
P Peter:

Glasses are not socks. And they count not in “pairs”, but in pieces.


