Did you know that sunglasses were invented for people with syphilis?

Sunglasses became widespread after the world wars, but they appeared long before that. Moreover, their invention has nothing to do with military campaigns and the need to protect the eyes of pilots. A version of the very first optical devices with colored glasses was prescribed to individuals infected with Treponema pallidum.

How did you make such a “discovery”?

Blue-tinted glass was the first to be produced. At first the invention did not interest the public, but then it became clear that with such lenses it is easier to look at very bright and iridescent objects. This property has become the basis for the use of sunscreen accessories as part of the treatment of syphilis.

Why did glasses help with syphilis?

One of the symptoms of the disease is photophobia. Patients find it difficult to go outside in clear summer weather. Their eyes begin to hurt and water. You have to constantly squint. There is only one way out - to wear sun protection.

doctorsWith further development of the disease, photophobia can turn into intolerance to any light, even dim. It starts to give him a severe headache. During the syphilis pandemics of the 18th and 19th centuries, noble people had to choose: either stay in the room all the time or start wearing glasses with tinted lenses.

The optical device not only helped to avoid migraines and pain in the organs of vision, but also hid the manifestations typical of syphilis in the eye area:

  • fallen eyelashes;
  • roseola, papules on the eyelid;
  • practically permanent conjunctivitis.

The aesthetic issue was acute, but there were also more pressing problems. It was much more important to avoid spreading rumors about the presence of the disease. Colored lenses helped the conspiracy. The disguise was successful, since at first blue, green and yellow glasses were considered medicinal. People believed that such lenses had vision-correcting properties. Therefore, ordinary visually impaired people turned to them. This allowed those infected with Treponema to mingle with the crowd.

Features of this “treatment”

blue glassesIn the 18th century, when scientists achieved certain successes in creating colored and tinted glass, people with syphilis were prescribed blue glasses. It was believed that this particular shade was most effective against the disease. At the same time, constantly wearing optical devices with unusual glasses was perhaps the most harmless way to treat syphilis. The list of methods included:

  • consumption and rubbing of mercury (in addition, mercury injections and baths were practiced);
  • fumigation of the premises with arsenic;
  • drinking and rubbing vinegar.

Treponema pallidum did not survive with this approach to therapy, but its carrier went crazy and died along with it.From constant contact with acids, heavy metals and poisons, the central nervous system and internal organs of infected people failed earlier than syphilis could provoke it.

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