What is a necklace

A necklace is a special type of jewelry that is worn around the neck. It consists of many decorative elements that are strung on a metal or fabric base in the form of a thread. Natural precious and semi-precious stones and coins are used as components. The necklace is one of the oldest and most popular decorative elements of clothing.


Ancient people created them from scrap materials and minerals: shells, animal teeth, metal, fruits, etc. In particular, in the Bronze and Iron centuries they wore items made from small iron rings. Later, expensive versions began to be made from valuable rare earth metals and expensive precious stones (for example, cut diamonds).

teeth necklace

In Ancient Egypt, they preferred to create gold necklaces in the form of amulets, which depicted the sacred scarab beetle. Also in the Middle Ages, people decorated themselves with necklaces that consisted of individual links in three-dimensional chains.The Romans made necklaces complete with compact relief engravings, and the Gauls made such jewelry using shells and pebbles. During the heyday of the Gothic style, magnificent similar products were created from flowers, and during the Renaissance, pearls were used.

greek necklace

In Ancient Rus', a necklace was a piece of clothing in the form of an elegant collar, which was embroidered with pearls or precious stones, and complemented with ribbons made of materials such as satin, velvet or brocade. The decoration was fastened to a caftan, a fur coat, or other types of outerwear.

In the 18th century Various medallions on ribbon became popular. In the next century, during the Empire era, necklaces appeared consisting of expensive valuable or semi-precious stones.

ATTENTION. For the era of romanticism, the creation of such jewelry was characterized by the use of elements of braided hair or carved bones.

necklace collar

REFERENCE. A necklace was also the name given to an element decorating the collar of fabric and fur clothing for men and women.

Tiaras emphasized the high status of the owners. They were worn exclusively by kings and great princes during the 10th-12th centuries. They were created in the form of a rounded narrow collar, fastened on the back with a button. Clothes were decorated in this way for special events, in particular a man's shirt for various holiday celebrations.

What is it like in the modern world?

Currently, a necklace is an adornment made in the form of a hoop or a short chain, complemented with precious stones. The sizes of the inserts in the necklace are almost identical.

modern necklace

IMPORTANT. There are varieties with an elastic or rigid base.There are also solid and ringed products with various decorative elements in the form of inserts of diamonds and pearls.

A necklace is a neck decoration that is made in the form of a circle or a small chain with decorative elements made of expensive valuable stones or pearls in a setting. Each pebble is placed in a beautiful frame made of fittings made from rare-earth valuable and common metals.

Why is it called that, purpose

The word “necklace” is derived from the Old Slavonic “gerlo”, which denoted the front side of the neck - “throat”. Literally the meaning is translated as what is around the neck. In the traditional way of life and everyday life of the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', this was the customary name for the collar and collar of the chain mail worn by warriors. In households, this word was used to describe the neck of animals, in particular a cow or a bull. And only centuries later this word began to be understood as a variety of jewelry intended to be worn around the neck.

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