How to make a bead necklace with your own hands?

Today, necklaces created by with his own hand. The technique is easy to master, and it is quite possible to purchase everything you need in specialized stores. Or, if you are comfortable with epoxy resin or polymer clay, you can make the main elements yourself.

bead necklace

Features of creating neck jewelry from beads with your own hands

Contrary to popular belief, making jewelry for the décolleté area is not just a looped version with elements strung on a base in one row. Although such necklaces look very beautiful and original. And what about a classic pearl string, which can also be made from high-quality elements that look like natural pearls!

Selection of materials

Modern jewelry can be made from parts of different composition and appearance. More often they are made from:

  • precious stones;
  • plastic;
  • polymeric materials (like epoxy resin)
  • wood;
  • metal;
  • pearls;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • amber;
  • natural stone.

Advice! To create a very colorful necklace, you can use shells found on the seashore. Felted wool balls also look interesting.

made of wool

These are spherical, sometimes faceted elements; they always have a through hole (in diameter) through which fastening materials are threaded. It can be:

  • fishing line;
  • rope;
  • rubber;
  • wire.

Suitable consumables are selected depending on the effect to be achieved. Also, in this type of creativity you cannot do without scissors and a needle.


Different techniques can be used to achieve unique patterns. In addition to the simplest sequential connection of elements in a line on a fishing line, rope or elastic band, the following options are also used.


This is when beads are collected only on one of the two ends of the base, the other is not involved in the work. Happens:

  • longitudinal - first, the required length is collected from beads in 1 row, and then weaving in width occurs;
  • transverse - the product is woven lengthwise, the width is gained immediately;
  • corner - elements are connected in the form of a corner, contrasting beads are often used to obtain a geometric pattern;
  • circular - the necklace goes down in a circle, different shapes can be obtained.
bead necklace


In this case, two ends of the thread are simultaneously used in the work; several warps can be used to obtain an openwork network.

Interesting! The most common beads are seed beads. So if the ways of working with it are still fresh in your memory, the same applies to larger and more varied beads.


Not everything is so simple with necklaces of this kind. They can be made from several materials and colors, and also in different styles. Most often this is:

  • ethno - echoes images and ideas from the original culture of our distant ancestors, often has large and rough elements;
  • boho - hippie style, made from natural materials and natural colors;
  • classicism - discreet pearl threads or plain products with a minimum of shiny elements.

If desired, beads can be used to assemble jewelry in Art Nouveau, Rococo and Baroque styles. They have a lot of gilded elements and shiny stones. The master can choose art deco, high-tech and avant-garde for his creation. Zoological and Gothic styles can also be used in the process.

The most successful, in my opinion, are the following types:

  • collas - translated as “collar”, a wide and tight-fitting decoration;
  • choker - usually thin, slightly longer than the previous version, also fits tightly around the neck;
  • princess - an elegant decoration made of two threads with discreet noble beads;
  • matine is a multi-layered accessory of medium length that gives free rein to imagination, as assorted stripes look quite good;
  • opera - up to 80 cm, can be made in different styles: from classic to boho;
  • rope is a very long thin necklace, often consisting of several strands made in the same style.

Master classes on creating a necklace from beads

To work on this product, unnecessarily expensive materials are often not needed. It is enough to arm yourself with imagination and inspiration - you will definitely get, if not a masterpiece, then a completely unique thing.

Pearl Collar Necklace

This decoration is suitable for any, even the most modest classic outfit. It will certainly attract attention, because it looks unusual and rich.

pearl collar necklace

We will need:

  • 2 needles;
  • fishing line;
  • beads of three sizes - large (about 4 mm in diameter), medium and small, may differ in shade;
  • lighter or other source of fire.
  1. Both ends of a meter-long fishing line are threaded into needles. In our work we use monastic weaving, also known as a “cross chain”, with beads with a diameter of 4 mm. We string 3 pieces, needles are inserted into the fourth one from different sides - the first cross is ready.

  2. A bead is strung on each needle, then another one is taken and needles are threaded through it on both sides. Continues along the entire length of the necklace.
  3. A strong knot is tied, the fishing line is cut and the edge is sealed with a lighter.

  4. The second row is woven from medium beads using 1.5 m of fishing line. The essence of weaving is the same as that of the first row, except that each right bead is taken from the previous one. The work begins from the second cross in the 1st row. 2 beads are strung on the left line, and the right line is strung on the outer bead from the second cross. The third bead will be located in the middle, both needles will pass through it from both sides.

  5. We string one bead in the middle onto a needle on the left, while the right one passes through the outermost one of the previous row. The next one is threaded with needles on both sides. Repeat until the end of the row with tying knots and cauterization.
  6. The next one, also known as the last row, is similar to the second.


On the finished product, ribbons are tied on both sides, which will then be tied with a bow at the back of the neck.

Attention! You can use absolutely any decorative details, but you need to adhere to the weaving pattern and the relative sizes of the elements. The results may not be so classic, but extremely interesting specimens.

Necklace made of beads and jewelry mesh

Often you want to do something beautiful for yourself, but not complicated and quickly doable. I found a very attractive option, and I'm eager to share it with you. You will need:

  • beads;
  • jewelry mesh;
  • limit switches (2 pcs.);
  • carabiner type lock;
  • glue;
  • connecting rings;
  • pins (2 pcs.);
  • round nose pliers;
  • threads;
  • scissors.
  1. We take the jewelry mesh and stretch its end into a bead with a large hole, moving it approximately a third of the entire length. For more convenient threading, it is better to tightly wrap the edge with thread.
  2. From the other end we fill in all the beads (should be slightly smaller in diameter than the mesh).
  3. We measure the required length, cut it off (taking into account that fasteners will add a couple of centimeters to the total length) and put on a second bead with a large hole.
  4. The edges are sealed with Moment type glue.
  5. Attach the pins to the edges, pull the end switches onto them and pull through.
  6. Make loops from the end of the pin using pliers.
  7. Attach a ring to one of the resulting loops, and a carabiner to it.
  8. Thread a chain of connecting elements onto the second loop of the pin for more comfortable adjustment of the length of the necklace.
mesh necklace

Creating a beautiful decoration with your own hands is not difficult at all. Affordable and incredibly attractive beads will help add individuality and originality to your look. Unique handmade work - what could be better for a creative person?

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