Consequences of piercing

Once upon a time there was a saying: “If you follow fashion, don’t spoil yourself.” This applies directly to fans of fashionable piercings and connoisseurs of artistic painting in the form of tattoos. What the desire to sacrifice your health for the sake of beauty is fraught with, what impact it has on the human body, read on.

Interesting! The tradition of decorating oneself with earrings was borrowed everywhere from representatives of African tribes - for them, these signs indicate social status, marital status, and special merits. And the first tattoos were discovered on the skin of mummies found in Egypt, although, of course, they were made back in the Stone Age.

What can happen to the puncture site or tattoo?

Skin, designed to protect us from threats from the outside world, remains a very delicate matter. Injuring it during piercing is fraught with the following consequences:

  • piercing operationallergies to metal or tattoo ink components;
  • scar formation;
  • sepsis (blood poisoning).

The first case is usually detected some time after the procedure. When faced with symptoms of long healing, swelling or suppuration, do not neglect the help of specialists!

Scarring is possible if you do not properly care for the puncture site or if the technician is careless: In an effort to cope with the injury, the connective tissue grows excessively, forming a scar.

Blood poisoning cannot be missed; it develops rapidly a few hours after the “surgery.” A visitor to a beauty salon finds it difficult to breathe, experiences fever, tachycardia, and sees things that are not what they usually see? An emergency call must be made immediately! The rest is up to the doctors.

The risk of infection is always relevant, even if the piercing or tattoo was done in the most expensive salon in the city. And not only because of the dishonesty of its employees: walking around with damaged skin, you can catch an infection - HIV or hepatitis is unlikely, but tetanus and tuberculosis - easily!

Important! Is the newly opened salon inviting visitors with mega discounts? Don’t rush to become its first clients: the establishment can disappear as quickly as it opens. But the infection will not go away on its own.

Complications after piercing and tattooing

Anatomically, any “fleshy area” of the body is suitable for a puncture, but there are nuances.


eyebrow piercingThe facial muscles are covered with a dense network of nerves and blood vessels, which increases the risk of complications. There are also specific moments: for example, piercing the nose is not as extreme as an eyebrow or tongue. But - not for those with sinusitis or those prone to nosebleeds! Blowing your nose with a earring in your nose is painful and traumatic.

If you decide to decorate your eyebrow with a barbell, you can inadvertently hit a nerve and lose your vision.And the abundance of blood vessels in the eye area sometimes results in a hematoma for more than one week!

Having pierced your lip, you may encounter problems with diction. And, if the master slightly misses the place for piercing, the teeth may suffer. What about dripping drool? It happens if the hole is excessive!

Finally, there is a high probability of losing the pleasure of food if the catkin causes discomfort when chewing.


In addition to the traditional lobe, they now decorate any area on the sink, including cartilaginous places. However, the ear is the focal point of points associated with a variety of organs. AND, Having pierced the area responsible, for example, for the liver or heart, you should not be surprised at problems with them!

Therefore, if you want to look original, you should first visit a reflexologist - let him mark the “safe” areas.


If in Ancient Egypt ladies pierced their navel to prevent evil spirits from penetrating inside their body, then modern fashionistas only emphasize the beauty of a toned tummy. In addition to the general risks of piercing, there are also specific troubles:

  • belly button piercingthe procedure is very painful;
  • a week after the “operation” - no physical activity at all, six months - significant restrictions in sports;
  • for several weeks you will have to do without the beach and without a solarium;
  • clothes constantly disturb the puncture site - the earring can simply be torn out.

Once pregnancy occurs, the jewelry will have to be removed immediately.

Important! It is not recommended to remove a navel earring yourself, unless it is worn by a surgeon!


This is only permissible for those who are confident that there is no likelihood of ever becoming a nursing mother - the risk of damaging the duct is too great.The puncture is very painful! Piercings can easily be pulled out by clothing or underwear, so it is better to choose an earring with a minimum of catchy elements.

Interesting! It was customary for ancient Roman warriors to pierce their nipples - the more massive the decoration, the more valor it had.

Intimate parts

About 90% of lovers of new sensations encounter complications. A ring on the clitoris or a stud in the head of the penis sometimes causes inflammation that does not go away for a long time even after the jewelry is removed.


The most dangerous and difficult piercing option is that the puncture can be done in a single place. If the master misses, the victim of the unsuccessful procedure will not have to sit for several weeks!

Is it possible to avoid problems after the procedure?

There is always a risk, but you can minimize it by making sure that the specialist has:

  • earrings for piercingcertificate of special education;
  • medical book;
  • license;
  • a certificate certifying that you have attended a lecture course on infections.

Make sure that the tools, jewelry, hands of the master and the puncture site are disinfected. Complications occur due to unsanitary conditions and violations of technology.

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