At what age can you get a piercing?

lip piercingDecorating the body with piercings and intricately shaped earrings is an ancient tradition of many nationalities. Nowadays, piercing has become a popular phenomenon that can radically transform a person’s appearance, as well as help to express one’s bright individuality. But there are many questions about how old you can get a piercing.

Features of punctures in different parts of the body

Each part of the body has anatomical features and its own zones, knowledge of which will allow a specialist to perform piercing without complications. In addition, you should approach this procedure as responsibly as possible, realizing that this is not just a painless injection, but a small intervention in the body.
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Having holes pierced in your ears and wearing earrings of various styles is the dream of many. Usually this procedure begins with a standard classic puncture, when a hole is made in the earlobe. Many people decide to go a little further in their wishes and get piercings in different parts of their ears.

ear piercing

There are more than 10 types of ear piercings, these are:

  • classic piercing (holes in the earlobes);
  • double, triple puncture;
  • tunnel;
  • cartilage puncture;
  • ear piercing;
  • puncture tragus;
  • piercing antitragus;
  • orbital piercing;
  • anterior cartilage piercing.

All these types piercing, in addition to the classic piercing of the earlobes, are quite labor-intensive, require special rules of care and caution during healing.

Classic earlobe piercing requires healing within a couple of months, all other types piercing heal in general 9-12 months. Particular attention should be paid to hygiene, disinfection and wound cleaning in the first 6 weeks.

ear piercing

If the cartilage is punctured, then the time for increased care and disinfection increases to 12 weeks. It is necessary to treat the puncture site with saline solution 2-3 times a day and disinfect the wound. It is important to carry out the entire procedure with clean hands, using a sterile piece of cotton wool or a special napkin.

When piercing, it is important to consider the possibility of an allergic reaction to the metal from which the earrings are made. The ideal option is 14 carat gold (yellow), surgical stainless steel, titanium, platinum. Nickel and white gold, which contains it, are poorly tolerated.


A piercing in the eyebrow area looks original and allows you to attract attention with the help of a beautiful earring. But it requires special careful preparation and adherence to the strictest hygiene standards. Therefore, it should only be done in a specialized salon by a specialist whose experience you trust. The healing process takes on average 4-5 weeks.

eyebrow piercing

A barbell earring is inserted into the puncture site. The procedure is often done under local anesthesia.Compliance with hygiene rules, the availability of disposable gloves and disposable tools is mandatory. During the procedure, the experience of the master is important so as not to touch a nerve, which can lead to a sharp deterioration in vision.


Making a hole in the nose to put on an earring is the desire of many young people, girls, teenagers, but before the procedure, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the contraindications.

nose piercing

This procedure is excluded in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding, colds, inflammation, blood clotting problems, and allergic reactions to metals. The nose can be pierced at three points - on the bridge of the nose, between the nostrils and on the wing of the nose.


Decorating your tongue with an earring looks stylish, but you should approach this procedure carefully. After all, the mucous membrane of the tongue and part of the mouth is the presence of moist, always bacterial flora, which does not contribute to the rapid healing of wounds. So that the tongue will heal long after the earring is inserted and will swell. For some time you will have to eat liquid food and give up anything that could irritate the wound.


lip piercingEarrings on the lips look unusual and memorable. The earrings are inserted in the shape of rings. But the healing period after the puncture usually lasts at least 2 months.

To prevent inflammation and speed up healing, the doctor recommends taking a group of B vitamins.

Important! Do not eat spicy, salty or citrus fruits, so as not to irritate the lip after the piercing for 2 months. There is a risk for the teeth with this procedure, since if the earrings are selected incorrectly, they can be injured.


To decorate the navel after piercing Products made of titanium alloy and surgical steel are most often used.But at the same time, there is a general recommendation to practically not touch the jewelry during the healing process, and to treat the wound very carefully.


Piercing such a delicate area requires special skill from the master. It is important to know the anatomy of the human body in order to make a safe piercing. After the procedure, you must wear a bandage for a week.. During the entire healing period, it is forbidden to wear tight, tight clothing in the chest area.

At what age are you allowed to do your own piercing?

According to the Russian Constitution, from the age of 18, citizens can fully exercise their rights. It is from this age that people have the right to visit a salon and get a tattoo without informing their parents.

When only with parental permission?

Parents give consent to piercing and medical procedures that this procedure includes until the child reaches adulthood.

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The salon has no right to give a teenager a piercing without parental permission.

An exception

If minors are married, then many salons will be able to consider the issue of piercing without the participation (consent) of the parents, but also has the right to refuse on the grounds of being a minor.

You should not be afraid to decorate your body, but you should pay great attention to numerous factors that do not always allow the procedure to be carried out piercing. This may be age, contraindications, anatomical features, etc. It is necessary to carefully select a salon and artist, having discussed the procedure and jewelry options in advance.

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