Types of piercing

ear piercing 3Piercing is a type of body modification by performing a puncture in one or more places for the purpose of inserting and wearing one or more jewelry. People get piercings for a variety of reasons. Sometimes this is a need for self-expression, a way to demonstrate one’s involvement in a certain culture or a protest against it. Let's look at what types of piercings there are.

Types of piercings and names

There are many different types of piercings. The most popular places for punctures are listed below (photo).


ear piercing 2Ear piercing is performed several different ways:

  1. Industrial - consists of 2 holes connected horizontally or vertically by one decoration. In most cases, the upper part of the ear is pierced in a similar way and a straight or slightly curved decoration (stud earring) is inserted into both holes. The healing process lasts from 3 months to 1 year.
  2. Tragus (tragus piercing) - performed at the level of the auditory canal. Rings or studs are inserted into the hole.
  3. Helix piercing - performed in the upper helix of the auricle. It is carried out with a small hollow needle. Mostly small rings with a ball or studs are inserted into the holes. The healing period ranges from several weeks to several months.
  4. earlobe piercing - the least painful option, which is also done for small children.
  5. Tunnels - the largest jewelry that can be used for ear piercing. Tunnels are used to pierce the earlobe. Creating a tunnel can be done in several ways: with expanders, using Teflon tape, or surgically.

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Quite an extravagant way to attract attention. Common decorations - vertical rods made of titanium or surgical steelIn addition to them, rings, staples and nails are also used. The decoration is completely hidden in the oral cavity. Healing is quite slow.
tongue piercing


This place is very popular among the fair sex. The upper part of the skin of the navel is punctured with a special “conical” needle. The procedure takes on average 5-10 seconds. After the piercing, you should choose the right earring and carefully care for it to prevent infection.


A rare, complex and very painful type of piercing. Performed horizontally in a strictly designated place. It is very important to have this type of piercing performed by a professional. Healing takes quite a long time. It is impossible to sit for about 2 months after such a piercing.


Quite an unsafe type of piercing. Can be performed vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Sometimes multi-piercing is performed, in which several holes are pierced in one nipple.

Important! Nipple piercings should not affect the mammary glands.Women should not choose this type of piercing.


A very common option. Performed on natural or artificial nails of medium lengthto emphasize the beauty of the manicure. Nails are decorated with various earrings.
nail piercing


Piercing of this kind involves making punctures in several rows at a certain distance, after which the rings are threaded and the tape is retracted. This piercing option is used infrequently. Performed on the back, arms, legs and hips. In appearance it resembles the lacing of a corset.

Reference! Almost any type of piercing is quite painful. This is explained by the inevitability of damage to the skin during such a procedure.

Classification of facial piercings and names

This type of piercing involves puncture of the tissues of the facial area and the subsequent installation of decorative elements. Such manipulations can only be performed in certain places. This is associated with the risk of touching nerves and muscles, which can cause numbness or distortion of a certain area.


In these areas of the face, through punctures into the oral cavity are most often performed. The most common option for placing jewelry is symmetrical on both sides, which creates an imitation of dimples on the cheeks. For this purpose labrets are used — decorations consisting of a barbell (a non-screwing cap) and a ball.


Eyebrow piercings can be done in different ways:

  • vertical - not very popular due to the earrings being too protruding;
  • horizontal - the most difficult option;
  • diagonal - popular and safest;
  • under the eye in the area above the cheekbones — straight “barbells” are used as decoration; the upper part of the decorative element is located near the ear.

eyebrow piercing

Important! After such a piercing, a swelling sometimes forms under the eye, which disappears after healing.


In this place the piercing can performed in various ways:

  • Bridge (horizontal or vertical) - performed at eye level and between the eyebrows, done in the bridge of the nose;
  • Septril - on the underside of the tip of the nose;
  • Septum — decoration of the central cartilaginous septum of the nose (performed above the lip);
  • Austin bar — horizontally the tip of the nose.

nose piercing
Popular piercing below:


Lip piercings can be done in a variety of ways. The most common ones include the following:

  • Monroe. It is made in the form of a small round mole on the left above the upper lip.
  • Madonna. An option similar to the previous one, only done from the opposite side.
  • Jellyfish. A puncture under the nasal septum in the middle of the dimple under the nose.
  • Dahlia. Two symmetrical punctures in the corners of the mouth.
  • Estrum. Horizontal placement of decoration on both sides of the mouth.
  • Labret. Single puncture under the lower lip. The hole is formed vertically or horizontally.
  • Ashley. The puncture is performed in the center of the lower lip. One of the most problematic and painful options.

lip piercing 5

Extreme piercing

This variety involves piercing the most unexpected parts of the body and decorating them with often very strange objects.


Performed on any flat areas of the body (neck, chest, back, arms, legs). Can be decorated in the form of paintings or individual ornaments.


This body modification option is only recommended for short periods of time. This type of piercing looks quite unusual and extravagant.

piercing types

Main types of piercings

Intimate piercing

Quite a popular option lately. This type of piercing brings rich notes into the intimate sphere of life of modern people.


There are various options for this type of puncture:

  • "Prince Albert". One of the most popular options. The puncture is performed through the urethra. A ring with a ball is used as decoration.
  • Ampallang. Transverse puncture of the head. It is not performed very deep to avoid getting into the urethra.
  • Apadravya. Vertical. The decoration (dumbbell) crosses the head from top to bottom without crossing the urethra.
  • Dydoes. Double-sided glans puncture. Small rods made of surgical steel are used as decorations.
  • Frenum. A puncture at the base of the head through which the ring is threaded.

pirisng types of jewelry names


The most popular types of such piercings include the following:

  • Surface (decoration of the pubic area).
  • Inner labia - the simplest option, performed on the labia majora and minora.
  • Clitoris - modification of the center or base of the clitoris.
  • Hood - puncture of a thin fold of skin above the clitoris. Quite a painful procedure.
  • Nefertiti — the decoration is located deep under the clitoral nerve.
  • Christina - puncture of the skin fold in the area of ​​​​the junction of the labia majora. It heals quite long (6-9 months).

Who is not recommended?

Despite the fact that modern methods of piercing different parts of the body are now used, there are a number of serious limitations for carrying out such a procedure.

lip piercing 3

These include:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies to the metal used or to painkillers;
  • weak immunity;
  • increased body temperature;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • hepatitis, HIV, diabetes;
  • skin rashes;
  • problems with blood clotting.

Important! To carry out such a procedure, minors must have written permission from their parents.

Advice! It is better to do piercing in the cool season. This procedure should not be performed on an empty stomach.

The puncture should be performed by an experienced technician using disposable instruments. It is recommended to use light earrings as jewelry.

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