Decoration pendant

There are several dozen types of jewelry in the arsenal of the fair sex. Some are similar to others, only the names are different - this is the problem of a modern girl who is starting to study fashion. It would seem that what could be simpler than a neck decoration, for example, some kind of pendant. But in this area there are pendants, necklaces and necklaces, which are also divided into subtypes.


With the first three, everything is more or less clear, but what kind of decoration is a pendant? And why are several different models called by the same word? Let's figure this out.

What kind of decoration, description

Pendants appeared at the dawn of mankind, when primitive man began to wear claws and fangs around his neck as a battle trophy. Later, people learned to make jewelry from metals and decorate them with precious stones. Then it was a sign of wealth and high social status of the owner. And even later they were endowed with magical properties and used for amulets and talismans.


There is an opinion that a pendant and a pendant are one and the same. This is not actually true, but they do have something in common:

  • pendant - neck decoration, looks like a chain or thread with one suspended part;
  • The pendant is the same part that is attached to the chain, forming a pendant decoration. Only the pendant can be worn on the neck, on earrings, on bracelets, brooches, bags, phones and other accessories. Several pendants can be hung on one decoration.

REFERENCE! Today, rings with small pendants are gaining popularity.

So, this is a piece of jewelry with a hole for attaching to something. It comes in different shapes, from different materials and for different purposes. Several pieces can be used on one item at once.

Purpose, features

Judging by the history of this decoration, the meaning and purpose of the pendant are different. And pendants in the form of amulets or religious movements have survived to this day, but simple decorations also remain.


REFERENCE! The pendant can be present in both men's and women's wardrobes.

There are:

  • letters - made in the form of one letter. This decoration is chosen based on the first letter of the name. There are simply metal ones or decorated with stones;
  • religious symbols - the most common for Christians is the cross. Depending on the religion, there are icons, the Star of David, the hand of Fatima, the Buddhist Drachma wheel, the Islamic crescent and others;
  • words - made from letters connected to each other or poured from a solid shape. They come in the form of a name, but more often they are found in the form of English words, which are the motto for a person - love, lucky, happy and others. Often attached to a neck chain or bracelet;
  • amulet - a pendant with a sacred meaning. Chosen to attract something or protect against negativity. It comes in the form of magic runes, zodiac signs, horseshoes, etc.;
  • monogram is a type of pendant with names or letters.Capital letters of popular sayings, affirmations or initials - last name, first name, patronymic - can be used as a monogram. A monogram in fashion is a symbol of a brand, which today is fashionable to wear on a belt, phone or bag;
  • zodiac sign - a common model, preferably made of metal. A person chooses his sign and wears it as a talisman;
  • medallion - made in the shape of a round or oval book. A photo of a loved one or other small valuable item is placed inside;
  • watches – a famous example is the pocket watch. This is a small watch pendant that is attached to a chain and worn in the pocket, or as the owner wishes;
  • flash drive pendant – available in 2 versions. With a cap that hides a flash drive; retractable – the flash drive is hidden inside and pulled out if necessary;
  • aroma medallion - made in the form of a small vessel with a narrow neck. It is filled with essential oil and used for aromatherapy. Made from glass, porcelain or ceramics.

What are there


Pendants can be made from:

  • wood;
  • bones;
  • metal;
  • stone;
  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • porcelain;
  • plastic.

Often, unlike a pendant, it does not carry much material value. It can be made from scrap materials, such as beads, or bought at a jewelry store. This jewelry option is made from inexpensive metal and decorated with rhinestones or enamel.

But there are exceptions - pendants on neck decorations - pendants. They are made of gold, silver or other expensive metal. Decorated with Swarovski stones, pearls, diamonds, emeralds, rubies. In more budget options, artificial diamonds - cubic zirconia - are attached to expensive metal.

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